Purpose A crisis communication plan coordinates the communication within the organization, as well as between the organization and the media and the public in the event of an emergency or controversial issue.
Objectives To factually assess the situation and determine whether a communications response is warranted. To assemble a Crisis Communication Team that will make recommendations on appropriate responses. To implement immediate action to: Identify constituencies that should be informed of the situation Communicate facts about the crisis Minimize rumors Restore order and/or confidence.
Assessment The individual who encounters the potential crisis should gather accurate information from the appropriate sources. After fact gathering, the appropriate individual should inform senior management and the staff responsible for public relations. The decision to convene a Crisis Communication Team should be made immediately.
The Core Crisis Team Executive management Senior level staff Public relations/marketing personnel After assessing the scope of the situation, the Core Crisis Team will develop a plan of action including:
Plan of Action Designate a spokesperson Draft a fact sheet and key messages Determine strategy of internal communications Identify key constituencies Assign members of the Crisis Team to communicate the facts of the situation and the organization’s response Notify the media Monitor the situation Aftermath component.
Spokesperson The spokesperson should be the person having the most direct knowledge of the crisis. In the case of a significant crisis, the highest ranking official must take the lead in conveying the response, showing control of the situation, calming public concern and setting an example for the entire organization.
Fact Sheet & Key Messages The fact sheet should contain a summary statement of the situation including details to be released to the media. The key messages should tell it all, tell it fast and tell the truth. Do not expand upon the message or it becomes diluted. Deliver the message in layman’s terms. Truthfulness, responsiveness and a “no secrets” policy are keys to success.
Potential Key Messages A tragedy has occurred in this situation. We are genuinely sorry and regret our error. This happened despite systems in place designed to prevent something like this from happening. The blood supply is safer than it has ever been. Procedures and policies are in place to ensure that we screen for the healthiest possible donors. After the donation, more than 14 tests are performed on each unit to try and ensure the highest degree of safety possible.
Potential Key Messages Continued There are many processes already in place that focus on safety. However, the processes have been streamlined and revised. Our immediate action included performing a root cause analysis of the situation to examine appropriate changes to our policies and procedures. We have implemented the necessary changes. Countless lives are saved every day due to the efforts of people who donate blood.
An internal communications plan needs to be developed and focused. It is vital to keep employees accurately informed during the ongoing situation. It is crucial that staff be immediately instructed that no one is to speak with the media except for authorized spokespersons. It is important that employees be advised to direct all media inquiries to a central source. Internal Communications
Identify Key Constituencies Those most directly affected Donors Patients Employees Board members Customers Government Vendors/Strategic Partners Other supporters Community at large
Assignment: Communication Assign members of the Crisis Communications Team to communicate the facts of the situation (the fact sheet) and the organizations response to constituents. Good communication will be critical to the overall outcome. Communication tools may include phone calls, electronic mail, letters, etc., depending on the recipient.
Notify Key Constituencies Keep staff, donors, patients, and key constituencies informed of the appropriate details and actions taken by the organization. Effective communications will help quell rumors, maintain morale, and ensure continued orderly operations.
Notify the Media Determine whether a news conference and or news release is the appropriate way to convey information to the news media and the public. Be prepared to respond swiftly Media inquiries must be directed to a central source A crisis situation is difficult when dealing with the media, therefore, tough questions and rehearsals are necessary to help the spokesperson prepare. It is important to anticipate new questions from the media as the story evolves. Get the horse before the cart! Develop a good relationship with print and electronic media before a crisis occurs. A rapport with a news reporter will help earn a fair and balanced story.
Remember! Get the horse before the cart! Develop a good relationship with print and electronic media before a crisis occurs. A rapport with a news reporter will help earn a fair and balanced story.
MONITOR THE SITUATION Monitor the situation and frequently update staff and appropriate constituents Track media inquiries to help prioritize messaging and communications activities Listen to the media. During a crisis, you may learn a great deal from the media that can be useful in updating your crisis communications plan Be pro-active with new information. If you acquire new information regarding the crisis, reach out to the media.
Aftermath Component Following any crisis, appropriate action must take place to ensure that all constituencies receive needed information and assistance to help bring closure to the crisis A debriefing with executive management, senior level staff, marketing personnel and the Crisis Communication Team will help identify and implement measures necessary to improve the action plan used during the crisis. Public relations should ensure that applicable follow-up information, as well as thank you letters, are forwarded to appropriate persons.
Summary Communicate with the media – talk to them as well as listen to them. Don’t wait until a crisis occurs to start the relationship. Always return media calls. Nothing is “Off the Record”. Expressing the facts with honesty and leadership during a crisis event is your first and last responsibility.