Poetry Quiz Eminem’s Stan
Questions Weight 1 1. Find 4 literary devices and explain them. (Knowledge) 2. What is the overall message / theme of the poem? Why do you think so? (Inquiry) 3. How might Eminem coping with a repressed fear? What might that fear be? Provide detailed evidence. (Application) 4. Give 1 example of the following in the poem from a psychoanalytic point of view: (Application) a) Id b) Ego c) Superego 5. Which poem (The Raven or Stan) did you like better? Why? (Communication)
Answers 1. Probably, Problem, Post office (Alliteration). Fan, Man (Rhyme), Phil Collins Reference (Metaphor), Dark, Suicide (Atmosphere/Mood). 2. The overall message is that Eminem does not want his fans taking his music too seriously and to understand that its just a metaphor for his life and what he has experienced. We know this through the last stanza when we writes, “I say that shit just clownin dogg.” Eminem is tell his fans to relax and not to take him so seriously. 3. Stan represents a side fear of Eminem that his fans will stalk him and harm him or his family. Eminem copes with this by writing this song to explain to his fans that they should not take him too seriously and that he is aware of their needs. His fear is coped with through his writing of the song. 4. Id: Eminem desires for his fans to leave him alone. He wants privacy and this is demonstrated by the first three stanzas as Stan is really Eminem’s Id coming out and explaining this desires. Ego: The final stanza demonstrates Eminem’s ego and its battle against the first 3 stanzas his Id. We see this through his kind treatment of Stan. In reality Eminem would not have time or energy to write to every fan who wrote him in the first place. This is clearly him battling his Id. Superego: Overall this poem represents his superego as Eminem demonstrates the battle that goes on inside his head and how in reality he must pass judgment over weather or not to be in the public eye as a popular musician or to move away from music. He clearly wants to help his fans and those in need so he decides to cope with his situation. 5. Answers will vary, but must have proper grammar, structure, and demonstrate ability to give opinions and explain said opinions.