1 Communication-I Presentation By RTI,Jammu
2 Session Overview Communication -basic function of management It plays a vital role in smooth functioning of an organization All forms of verbal communication and some forms of non-verbal communication will be discussed in this session..
3 Learning objective At the end of the session the learner will understand the need for effective communication skills. He will also know the ways and means to improve his communication skills.
4 Basic concepts Communication derived from Latin term Communicare or communis which means to ‘share’. Communication refers to sharing of ideas, facts, opinions, information and understanding. It is a network of interaction. There are a number of barriers to communication
5 Definition Communication is defined as “ the process of passing information and understanding from one person to another. It is essentially a bridge of meaning between people”. It has also been defined as “ a process of meaningful interaction among human beings. It involves a systematic and continuous process of telling, listening and understanding.” A very simple and concise definition of communication may be that it is a process of transmitting information, thoughts, opinions, messages, facts, ideas or emotions and understanding from one person to another person.
6 Elements of communication It is a process Communication involves transmitting information and Understanding There must be some channel or medium through which information could be transmitted Communication may consist of three interlocking circuits transmitting information
7 Functions of Communication information function command and instructive functions influence and persuasion function integrative function
8 Non- verbal communication Personal appearance Posture Gestures Facial expression Eye contact Space distancing
9 Personal appearance First impact Audience forms first opinion Conventions established with reference to dress etc. for different occasions
10 Posture Important part of body language Good speaker stands tall with feet together Drooping shoulder and a protruding stomach indicate that the speaker is tired and worn-out One should walk in straight line and avoid strides or taking tiny steps.
11 Gestures Play significant role Difficult to speak with out gestures One should practise before a mirror.
12 Facial expression Most expressive Adds meaning being conveyed through verbal means Wooden expression may prejudice the listeners Bright ness in the eyes of speaker may keep the interest of audience sustained.
13 Eye contact Continuous eye contact a must. Automatic process. Good speaker should look at all sections of the audience. Ignored audience will lose interest in the speaker
14 Space distancing Personal territory Social distance Standing-seated position Differs from culture to culture Normal distancing ignored in heightened emotional states of mind
15 Oral Communication Face to Face conversation Telephonic conversation Interviews Instructions Dictation
16 Other forms of Verbal Communication Meeting Seminars and conferences Group discussion