Teaching and Learning Elementary Math November 27, :30 am – 12:30 pm
School Visits: Math Needs Inventory We have Teaching and Learning Meetings once a month to focus on Elementary Math Curriculum. Where would you like for us to focus our time? What concepts would be most beneficial for us to concentrate on in order to improve your role as a leader of math in your building?
School Visits: Math Needs Inventory Feedback from YOU: Quantiles.com – how to use it to change instruction Compare district benchmark data – where do we fall? What areas do we need to improve? Content/Strategies discussions for upcoming units. The role of the Math Coach: Time to meet with other math coaches What to do on building-directed early outs with elementary math Alignment + Curriculum + Instructional Materials Balanced Math Overview – Sample Schedules - The Math Block Time to plan as a math team Key statements – Daily Math Review Small Groups: How to manage and set them up. Unwrapping Common Core Standards – I Can Statements Data Teams: So much data – how to structure the time Be one step ahead of the teachers: District PLC meeting updates Ready to implement strategies How do all the pieces fit together?
Today’s Agenda 1.Scholastic Math Inventory + Quantiles 2.Next Steps – Looking Ahead to Balanced Math Framework An Overview Daily Math Review Update Implementation Study Next Steps… 3. The Role of the Instructional Coach
Virtual Parking Lot TodaysMeet: Questions, Comments, Ideas, etc…
Balanced Math Framework Overview DAILY MATH REVIEW Ask Yourself...… Before Daily Math Review, in what ways were teachers at your school helping students to retain math concepts and skills they have already been taught? Daily Math Review: Number Sense = Success with Computational Skills Key to Effective Practice is Timely + Specific Daily Reflection Increases Responsibility for Learning Student Awareness of Misunderstandings More info? Pgs
Balanced Math Framework Overview MENTAL MATH Ask Yourself...… How are your teachers providing students daily mental practice with number sense? How are teachers providing students opportunities to develop their own strategies for doing math problems in their head? Mental Math: Three-problem computational brain workout (5 min) Mental Practice – Computing math facts + Combining operations. Daily practice to develop + retain number sense and computational skills More info? Pgs
Balanced Math Framework Overview PROBLEM SOLVING Ask Yourself...… How are your teachers providing opportunities for students to apply and explain their mathematical reasoning? How are teachers including writing into the math block? Problem solving: Organize and consolidate mathematical thinking through communication. Analyze and evaluate the mathematical thinking of strategies. Use language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely. More info? Pgs PROBLEM SOLVING with be a Professional Development Focus in the School Year. PROBLEM SOLVING with be a Professional Development Focus in the School Year.
Balanced Math Framework Overview CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING Consider...… If we want students to know what mathematics is, as a subject, they must understand it. When we memorize rules for moving symbols around on a paper we may be learning something, but we are not learning mathematics.
Balanced Math Framework Overview CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING DESIGNING A CONCEPTUAL UNIT: 1.Establish a mathematical focus for the unit. 2.Locate the grade-specific math standards. 3.“Unwrap” those identified standards. 4.Determine the essential mathematical concepts. 5.Decide on the Big Ideas. 6.Write the Essential Questions. 7.Design an end-of-unit post-assessment. 8.Create a rubric or scoring guide. 9.Design a pre-assessment. 10.Plan the instructional lessons. 11.Share the Essential Questions. 12.Administer the pre-assessments. 13.Score the pre-assessments. 14.Begin teaching the unit. 15.Assess student understanding. 16.Share with students. 17.Peer-, Self and Teacher-assess 18.Ask the students to write a self-reflection. More info? Pgs
Balanced Math Framework Overview FACT FLUENCY Ask Yourself...… Do your teachers have an accountability system in place so that students not only learn, but retain their math facts? Mastery of Math Facts: Teach and Practice Math Facts Daily. Title I Schools: Fastt Math Program Non-Title Schools: xtramath.com All Schools: Mastering Basic Math Facts Book – Full of Activities and Lessons More info? Pgs FACT FLUENCY with be a Professional Development Focus in the School Year. FACT FLUENCY with be a Professional Development Focus in the School Year.
Balanced Math Framework Overview FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Ask Yourself...… How frequently are teachers collecting student data from math assessments and how are they using this data to improve student achievement? Common Formative Assessment: Collaboratively designed by grade level team. Use results to evaluate student understanding. Provide feedback needed to differentiate instruction. Assessment truly informs instruction. More info? Pgs
Balanced Math Framework Overview Time Management How do you fit it all in? SAMPLE SCHEDULES PGS Remember – start small – one step at a time! Step 1: Daily Math Review (15 – 20 Minutes) Step 2: Mental Math (2 – 5 Minutes or Transition Time) Step 3: Fact Fluency (10 – 15 Minutes) Step 4: Conceptual Understanding and/or Problem Solving (Remaining class time – Whole group and/or small group)
Balanced Math Framework Overview TodaysMeet: Ideas, concerns and questions about the Balanced Math Framework. Where are the teachers in your school at with the components of the framework? What supports do you need?
Daily Math Review Update Elementary Math District PLC Meeting OCTOBER 31 st NOVEMBER 28 th Common Questions Video Example of DMR Work in School Teams to Complete One Cycle Conversations with teachers from other schools on DMR implementation. Balanced Math Overview Key Statements Work in School Teams to Complete Another Cycle
Daily Math Review Update Key Statement Expectation Teachers will have the students write the key statements at least twice in a cycle. Teachers will reference the key statement daily (posting, circling, reciting, telling a partner, etc…
Daily Math Review Update Key Statements are now available on the Elementary Math Website! Daily Math Review Tab
Daily Math Review Next Steps PHASE ONEPHASE TWO Establishing a routine Daily implementation 1 – 5 questions Teacher – Led “Form” for students to use for DMR DMR Assessment every 2 weeks Partner work Error Analysis Reflection Phase One Plus… Student - Led Bonus Question Partner Talk Sentence Starters Special Education – different “form” Data charts Deeper understanding – reflection
Daily Math Review Update Implementation Study
Daily Math Review Update Next Steps… 1.Implementation Study: Observe all grade 3 – 5 teachers by January 4 th, Assess teacher needs based on the Implementation Study – Plan last PLC meeting (January 9 th ) around teacher needs. 3.Mental Math – January 9 th 4.Kindergarten – 2 nd Grade Daily Math Review
The Role of the Instructional Math Coach
Literacy Coach by Day – Math Coach by Night Showcase: Jamie O’Brien – Madison Elementary
The Role of the Instructional Math Coach Meeting of the Math Minds : You are Invited! First Math Coach Meeting When: Wednesday, January 23 rd from 2:30 – 3:45pm Where: Location TBD Who: All leaders of math are welcome! What: Discussion of strategies for upcoming units, problem solving, fellowship This meeting is optional.
The Role of the Instructional Math Coach Math coach mentors Each math coach will be partnered with another coach in the district to bounce ideas off of and ask questions! Please sign up before leaving today.
The Role of the Instructional Math Coach
Feedback Quantiles.com – how to use it to change instruction Compare district benchmark data – where do we fall? What areas do we need to improve? Content/Strategies discussions for upcoming units. The role of the Math Coach: Time to meet with other math coaches What to do on building-directed early outs with elementary math Alignment + Curriculum + Instructional Materials Balanced Math Overview – Sample Schedules - The Math Block Time to plan as a math team Key statements – Daily Math Review Small Groups: How to manage and set them up. Unwrapping Common Core Standards – I Can Statements Data Teams: So much data – how to structure the time Be one step ahead of the teachers: District PLC meeting updates Ready to implement strategies How do all the pieces fit together?
Let’s Eat!