PROBLEM TREE Students are getting low mathematics grades Students don´t undersand multiplication meaning Poor mathematics teaching at elementry school Teachers don´t know different methods knowledge Teachers don´t have wide curriculum and contents Teachers are not ready to teach with differen methods Teachers don´t know japanese teaching approach Teachers don´t know how to develop multiplication content Effect Cause
Students increase mathematic grades Students undersand multiplication meaning Different mathematics teaching at elementry school Teachers have different methods knowledge Teachers have wide curriculum and contents knowledge Teachers are ready to teach with differen methods Teachers know japanese teaching approach Teachers know how to develop multiplication content Effect Cause OBJECTIVE TREE
LESSON STUDY IN JAPAN Improve see Plan Reflect do Reflect Improve PLAN OPERATION 1.1Lecture what Lesson Study means? at National School of Teachers (BENM) in Mexico City
PLAN OPERATION 2.1 Workshop to review Japanese and Mexican mathematics curriculum and contents. OUTPUT 2 Teachers have wide curriculum and contents knowledge LEARNING FOR/BY THEMSELVES Japanese Educational System Learning for/by themselves The curriculum guides the textbook and teaching methodology Japanese curriculum has been reviewed every 10 years. Professor Isoda´s Lecture
6 Goals in Mathematic Curriculum have changed in time as follows: yeargoal 1950sEduaction in Mathematics problem solving skills to solve social problems. 1960sUnderstanding of mathematics concepts. 1970sCultivation of the ability to think from integrating and developing point of view. 1980sAcquistion of basic mathematics knowledge and skills. 1990sAppreciation of the meaning of mathematics. 2000sGetting enjoyment from mathematics activities. PLAN OPERATION OUTPUT 2 Teachers have wide curriculum and contents knowledge 2.2 Workshop to review Japanese and Mexican mathematics curriculum and contents.
PLAN OPERATION 2.2 Workshop to review Japanese and Mexican mathematics curriculum and contents. OUTPUT 2 Teachers have wide curriculum and contents knowledge CONTENTS Japanese Elementary School Contents in the textbooks: Content 1st.2nd.3rd.4th.5th.6th. Numbers and Calculations * * * * * * Shapes * * * * * * How Large and How to Measure * * How to Change * * * * Size and Measure * Quantity and Measure * * *
MULTIPLICATION. PLAN OPERATION 2.2 Workshop to review Japanese and Mexican mathematics curriculum and contents. OUTPUT 2 Teachers have wide curriculum and contents knowledge
- This approach allows control of the contents to be taught. Problem Seiyama Sensei Proposal various solutions Seiyama Sensei Proposal various ways to solve Seiyama Sensei Proposal - Aim: change students’ and teachers’ minds. PLAN OPERATION 3.1 Open Ended Approach Workshop with Mathematic teachers. OUTPUT 3 Teachers know japanese teaching approach OPEN ENDED APPROACH
glue here Cut here What is the result? Professor Tsubota Lecture PLAN OPERATION 3.2 OUTPUT 3 Teachers know japanese teaching approach
PLAN OPERATION 4.1 Workshop multiplication content OUTPUT 4 Teachers know how to develop multiplication content
2010 Person in Charge IMPLEMENTAprilMayJuneAugSeptOctNovDic OUTPUT 1 Teachers have different methods knowledge Sara A. 1.1Lecture what Lesson Study means? at National School of Teachers (BENM) Sara A. 2.1 Workshop to review Japanese and Mexican mathematics curriculum and contents. Sara A. 2.2 Workshop to review Japanese and Mexican mathematics curriculum and contents Sara A. 3.1 Open Ended Approach Workshop with Mathematic teachers. Sara A. 3.2 Hands on Sara A. 4.1 Workshop multiplication content Sara A. TIME TABLE