Volunteer Leadership and Organization Sustainability
Leading for Success Leadership Now - We must become the change we wish to see in the world. " Mahatma Ghandi.
A vision and an ability to inspire others A passion for what you and your team are doing A person someone wants to follow A person who can adapt, try new things and learn from mistakes A person just like you Great Leadership Begins with -
Leading Isn’t Always Easy
1.Develop a positive climate for change 2.Encourage an interest in improvement 3.Show people how change can help them 4.Help people increase their competence 5.Involve people in change decisions 6.Relate the change to their values 7.Develop a value for teamwork 8.Avoid direct confrontations with people 9.Debates are risky 10.Don’t react emotionally 11.Avoid inadvertent mistakes 12.Concentrate on factors within your control 12 Step Program on Introducing Change
Introducing Change
In a volunteer setting, a leader may wish or need to influence participants to: 1.Increase their commitment toward a goal 2.Influence the outcome of a decision 3.Increase pressure to get something done 4.Gain support for a specific project Influence: The Essence of Leadership
Influence Tactics Outcomes of Influence Attempts 1.Resistance – avoids, ignores or actively resists 2.Compliance – accepts but apathetically or unenthusiastically 3. Commitment – agrees with decision/influence and is enthusiastic – the response is positive not because they have to but they want to
Power Use Model Hard/PushSoft/Pull Less ChoiceThoughtful Strain relationshipMore latitude Quicker resultsGarner support
The Art of Influence & Persuasion Rule #1 Prepare and Plan Pay attention to the smallest details Rule #2 Listen and Watch Think Big Ears…. Big Eyes….. Small Mouth…. Rule #3 Create a sense of reciprocity Do under others…. Rule # 4 Decisions are all about emotions What we won’t do to avoid pain…. Rule #5Persuasiveness is about integrity Deceit is transparent…..
Let’s Practice 1. TACTICS What influence tactic(s) would be the most effective? What influence tactic(s) would be the least effective? What is the objective of the influence? USE HANDOUT ON TACTICS POWER USE MODEL 2. INFLUENCE Remember the 5 rules - which one(s) were most helpful in your delivery/response?
The Art of Persuasion
Create Work Plan What plan(s) do you have in place to keep your program going if a key member leaves? Do you know what plan(s) you should have in place? Identify key areas that could be a land mine Identify what is needed to remove the risk Identify people and or processes required Challenge - Retiring Volunteers & Risk
Creating a Work Plan (con’t) Succession Planning Checklist for Volunteers Do you have written policies and procedures that could be easily followed? Do you share best practices with other volunteer groups? Is your current system working? Do you have a mentorship program to grow younger volunteers as leaders? Do you delegate responsibilities to help reduce level of risk? Do you use technology and/or engage skills based volunteers to help? How will you help make the next person successful?
What is Staff Succession Planning? Staff Succession Planning is an organization’s plan and process: to identify and secure the necessary talent to ensure continuity in key positions; and, to develop and retain that talent for the future. There are two types of Staff Succession Planning: The Board’s chief responsibility is to replace and integrate the new CEO/Executive Director. The CEO/Executive Director’s responsibility is to replace key direct reports and other leaders in the organization.
Why Implement Succession Management? CEO/ED Position It is the Board’s most critical imperative for an organization’s current and future growth. Via a Succession Planning process, Boards align around the description of functional and leadership responsibilities of the CEO/ED, and then develop and/or choose an outside successor for that critical role. Organization Succession Planning allows for the planning of what is needed in key roles, and management of that talent to develop leadership at all levels of an organization meet those challenges. Why Create a Succession Plan?
Where Do the Levels of Succession Planning Exist? CEO COO Warehouse Operations Director CFO Director of Accounting SVP Marketing Communication Director SVP HR HR Director Board of Directors CEO/ED Position Organization
What kind of business environment are we going to be in? What leadership do we need in the future? What leadership capability do we have now? What leadership potential do we have for the future? What action plans will help us realize our leadership potential? What can we do better in the above process? What Questions Does Succession Planning Answer?
Where is Succession Planning Within Talent Management? A Talent Management Process typically includes everyone and everything in terms of people management: defining job descriptions, identifying people for hiring (and firing) (including those who are not in leadership roles), setting annual goals, employee relations, conducting annual performance reviews, giving promotions, assigning titling, and setting compensation and benefits. Succession Planning is the process of totally managing your succession needs for leadership roles within your Talent Management system. The Succession Planning process is the identification and planning for key roles, and also includes the overall development of all talent within your system. TALENT MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEE RELATIONS ANNUAL GOAL SETTING SUCCESSION PLANNING PERFORMANCE REVIEWS TITLES & ORG. DESIGN COMP & BENEFITS HIRING & FIRING JOB DESCRIPTIONS
SUCCESSION PLANNING COMP. & BENEFITS SYSTEM PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PROCESS ORG. DESIGN & JOB DESCRIPTIONS ANNUAL GOALS CURRENT STRATEGY Other Succession Planning Dependencies Succession Planning helps you to choose leaders more effectively in your organization. Therefore, you need to have a defined mission & vision, a strategy, agreed upon annual goals, and an organizational design to support it all before you choose leaders responsible for execution. If these operational elements are not current, you also will find it difficult to define what skills you need to lead your organization, or how you expect people to lead. Succession Planning is dependent upon other functioning operational elements in your organization, including some Talent Management elements. Essential Elements Required Prior to starting Succession Planning MISSION & VISION
CEO COO Warehouse Operations Director CFO Director of Accounting SVP Marketing Communication Director SVP HR HR Director Ready Now: Dir. Of Accounting Ready 1-2 Years: None, Ext. Search Board of Directors CEO/ED Position Organization Ready Now: COO Ready 1-2 Years: SVP Marketing Ready Now: None, Ext. Search Ready 1-2 Years: Warehouse Operations Ready Now: Dir of Purchasing Ready 1-2 Years: Dir of Logistics Ready Now: Communications Director Ready 1-2 Years: Dir of Development Ready Now: Accounts Payable Clerk Ready 1-2 Years: None, Ext. Search Ready Now: None, Ext. Search Ready 1-2 Years: HR Director Ready Now: HR Benefits Manager Ready 1-2 Years: HR Payroll (share with Admin) Ready Now: None, Ext. Search Ready 1-2 Years: Media Relations Mgr. All internal candidates for positions have developmental plans to help them get ready. If there are no internal candidates, the organization is prepared to conduct an external search. People can also be developed for more than one role.
Be Prepared For Unforeseen Circumstances! Build a “Leaderful” Organization Through Succession Planning Two Handouts: Building Leaderful Organizations – Succession Planning for Nonprofits Sample Emergency Succession Plan
Energize Inc. ePhilanthropyFoundation.org e-volunteerism.com Hands On Network Idealist.org: Action Without Borders Independent Sector Volunteer Match.org art-of-influence-and-persuasion/ National Service Resource Center Network for Good Service Leader ServeNet Students in Service to America Guidebook g/guidebook/index.html g/guidebook/index.html Introducing-Meaningful-Change-in-Your- Group-Or-Organization&id= Talent Intelligence. sion-intelligence/ Volunteer Resource Guide