The Field Server (the Sensor Net) Application to Information, Environmental Education, and International Communication with e-Culture Scheme
Concept & Background
National Agriculture Research Center Seishi Ninomiya Masayuki Hirafuji Mie University Takaharu Kameoka: Information and International affairs Atsushi Hashimoto: Faculty of Bioresources Yoshinori Sato: Faculty of Education Kenichi Tanbo: Faculty of Education Elab Experience ltd. Hiroshi Shimamura Wataru Yaguchi Core Member of the project
Culture +Diversity +Maturity +Spirituality +Harmonization e-Culture +Application of internet technology +Symbiosis +Accessibility +Individualization +Respectability Climate Language Nation Race Religion Internet Concept & Background Food
Field server & Metbroker
Sensor function ( 4 ~ 16CH ) – Air temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation (PPFD), soil moisture, leaf wetness, infra-red sensor – Programmable A/D – Web camera (CMOS) Web server Switching hub (wired network connectivity) Wireless LAN access point Mass data transmission through broad band internet connection High intensity LED lighting Easy-to-use web based data monitoring Application for agriculture, forestry, environment science, ecology and field science Possible stand alone operation (solar panel + battery) Water-proof, compact, inexpensive World-wide installation Field Server : MDFS (Massively Distributed Field-monitoring System )
Met Broker Met brokers provide clients consistent access to heterogeneous weather DBs by absorbing the differences in data formats, data items, etc. Once a driver ( just like a printer driver) is provided for a new database, all the clients can access it without any changes, if the clients are programmed to obtain data through the Met broker Meta Data MetBroker Rice Growth Prediction Pesticide Prediction Farm Management A-DB B-DB C-DB D-DB Heterogeneity is absorbed by brokers (mediators)
Field server & Met Broker as a world wide environment monitoring device DB FS Met Broker Application
Field server & Met Broker as a world wide environment monitoring device
Field server application for agricultural field Installation on a soy bean farm in VA U.SA. Wireless broad band connection Installation on a soy bean farm in AK U.S.A. Satellite internet connection Wireless broad band connection access point + router with Linux-based OS Soy bean planting and harvesting at same time
Field server application for environmental sensing (Sensor network application) Ad-hoc multi hop connection status visualize program Stand-alone operation with two extra solar panels Ad-hoc multi hop mesh network connection between several field servers
Field server application for environmental education, International communication
Field server application for environmental education, International communication Objective Creating a “bond” between children around the world crossing cultural, national and regional boundaries with application of intellectual property which has been acquired through our long term research and field experiment.
Collaboration work with a Non Profit Organization “PANGAEA” NPO Pangaea - is a non-profit Research and Development project to create a universal playground for children. Pangaea will realize an environment where children can feel a personal ‘bond’ with each other around the world. Geographical distance, language barriers and the differences in social backgrounds are major factors that limit the opportunities for children to feel this ‘bond’. Pangaea will develop an online environment and tools through which children will spontaneously enjoy getting to know each other, share their experiences and collaborate despite geographical distance. Using the Internet as a catalyst and connector, Pangaea will provide a range of opportunities for children to ‘bond’.
Collaboration work with a Non Profit Organization “PANGAEA”
Backbone network +Secured network +Structured Information (meta-data method XML Web service Interface +Virtual Space sharing technology -Utilization of web cam +Sensing technology -Field server system +Visualization method -Expertise-less visualization software (Squeak etc) Collaboration-facilitated wares +Authoring -Media authoring ware (Squeak etc) -Simplified development kit for Play ware +Information sharing -’Bonding’ facilitation ware (weblog ) -Visualization (Web cam) Infrastructure Tech Element Bonding communication ~High-tech comm that delivers sensitivity & emotions +Verbal communication: Icon & sentence-selection +Non verbal communication media: Visualization media Development Tools for activities Communicator Realization Bonding activities Communicator ‘Integrated basic communication software’ which will provide connectivity for children around the world (utilization of Filed server, Metbroker system and Squeak ) Tools for activities Specialized software & hardware to create bonding activities (utilization of Filed server, Metbroker system and Squeak ) Field server application for environmental education, International communication (R&D topics)
Field server application for environmental education, International communication WiFi Monitoring interface developed by object-oriented programming language such as Squeak Garden in school yard Observation of animals in a cage Video data from Field serve Monitoring Environment data by sensors
Field server (Earth monitoring system) as “Earth stethoscope “ Children can monitor health status of the Earth. Co2,Nox,UV TEMP,Radiation OZONE HOLE Co2,Nox,UV TEMP,Radiation OZONE HOLE Co2,Nox,UV TEMP,Radiation OZONE HOLE Co2,Nox,UV TEMP,Radiation OZONE HOLE Co2,Nox,UV TEMP,Radiation OZONE HOLE Co2,Nox,UV TEMP,Radiation OZONE HOLE
Environment preservation activity by children and accumulation of information service contents 1.View Field server (Earth monitoring system) as “Earth stethoscope 2. Children of the world are going to diagnosis Earth’s health status 3. Children of the world are going to make plans to improve health status of the Earth and take actions 4. Produce information service contents to introduce Earth saving activity by children 5. Sharing results of activities by children of the world 6. Make adults to realize importance of IT through collaboration work of children
Future development
Future Development Environment Preservation Activity Food Culture Study + More Attention Toward Our Culture