Communication in a team Piotr Bogdanowicz s2459 Andrzej Mędrycki s2587
3 Types of communication Target – one way communication (speaker – listener) Ping-Pong – conversation Transactional – asigning different properties to different meanings, and exchanging them with other side
Some of possible communication problems Defensive attitude Emotional reactions Monotony Ignoration Too much information Lack of faith Bad organization
Process of communication Thought Message Transmission Receiving Thought Message...
Territory, zones, distance Territory – zone, in which one feels comfortable Zones: –Private 15-45cm (family, close friends) –Personal cm (party, office... ) –Social cm (strangers, mailman) –Public 361cm (speech in front of an audience)
Palms’ gestures Open palms – being honest Hard / weak handshake – domination / submission Rubbing palms – aproval, satisfaction Gestures with use of the thumb – negative attitude
Hands’ gestures Touching the nose – cheating Scratching the neck – being unsure Touching the collar – cheating Hiding eyes and ears – cheating, doubts
Hands’ and legs’ gestures Crossing hands – closing oneself Partial crossing hands – uncertainty, shyness Putting one leg on the other – defensive, negative stance Crossed feet – holding the negative thoughts
Eyes Big pupils – positive feelings Small pupils – negative reaction, cheating, bad will Look on the side – lack of attention Partially closed eyes – being bored or fear of bad reaction Controlling the sight of the listener - pencil
Forms and strategies of the message Forms: –Written –Spoken –... Strategies: –Informative –Persuasive –Cooperative
Strategy vs. engagement
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How to organize a message Prepare a draft of a message –Main plot –Gather facts, materials, illustrations Back your point up by bringing up –Facts, statisctics –Examples –Quotations Choose the order of transmitting the information –Directly (deduction) – first show the thesis, then prove it –Partially (induction) – first facts, then conclusions
Listening and receiving the message Nature has given to men one tongue, but two ears, that we may hear from others twice as much as we speak Epictetus Listening means: listening understanding jujdging memorizing answering Message = information + feelings
Negotiations Trying to achieve some goals or agreement, working on reciprocal understanding. Are the inseparable element of each planned structural change in organisation.
Negotiation stereotypes Buyer is omnipotent, has all the card in his pocket Buyer knows well what he wants Price is the only important factor of purchase Market is ifinite and one can choose providers freely It’s easier to achieve a goal while bein strict and cathegorical. Your only argument is lowering the price.
Your real advantages in negotiations Involvement Will of takig risk Solidity Knowledge Personal charm TIME
Styles and tactics of negotiation Active-cooperative Passive-cooperative Active-fighting Passive-fighting