A core Course on Modeling Introduction to Modeling 0LAB0 0LBB0 0LCB0 0LDB0 S.15
Flavours of time Transitions happen instantaneous (take no time) Transitions happen instantaneous (take no time) States may last States may last States and Transitions alternate States and Transitions alternate
Flavours of time partial order for some pairs of transitions T 1, T 2, specify or verify earlier( T 1,T 2 ) or later( T 1,T 2 ) application: specification or verification e.g., manufacturing, control, parallel calculations, …
Flavours of time total order for all pairs of transitions T 1, T 2, specify or verify earlier ( T 1,T 2 ) or later( T 1,T 2 ) application: prediction or documentation (logging) – e.g., engineering, time tables, scheduling, games, …
Flavours of time example of partial order: specify coin operated vending machine: earlier(insertCoin,giveProduct) earlier(insertCoin,giveProduct) earlier(makeChoice,giveProduct) earlier(makeChoice,giveProduct) earlier(insertCoin,giveChange) earlier(insertCoin,giveChange) earlier(makeChoice,giveChange) earlier(makeChoice,giveChange) earlier(giveProduct,giveChange) earlier(giveProduct,giveChange) earlier(giveChange,giveProduct) earlier(giveChange,giveProduct)
Flavours of time partial order cooking cooking calculating calculating manufacturing manufacturing
Flavours of time total order + arbitrary intervals reading reading time table problems, time table problems, scheduling, scheduling, games, games, communication protocols, communication protocols, …
Flavours of time total order + equal intervals newspapers newspapers compound interest, compound interest, discrete clocks discrete clocks (pendulum, (pendulum, tuning fork, tuning fork, electronic clocks electronic clocks...),...), sampling, sampling,
total order + infinitesimal intervals continuous physical processes continuous physical processes Flavours of time
total order + infinitesimal intervals continuous physical processes continuous physical processes Flavours of time