OBE Briefing
Washington Accord The Washington Accord, established in 1989, is an international accreditation agreement for professional engineering academic degrees, between the bodies responsible for accreditation in its signatory countries Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, Taiwan, UK and USA
Washington Accord (cont.) The agreement recognizes that there is substantial equivalency of programmes accredited by those signatories Graduates of accredited programmes in any of the signatory countries are recognized by the other signatory countries as having met the academic requirements for entry to the practice of engineering
Engineering Accreditation Council All engineering degrees in Malaysia are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC) EAC consists of five stakeholders Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) Industry employers Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA) Public Service Department (JPA)
Accreditation The objective of accreditation is to ensure that graduates of the accredited engineering programmes satisfy the minimum academic requirements for registration as a graduate engineer with BEM and for admission to graduate membership of IEM One of the requirements for accrediting an engineering programme is the implementation of the outcome-based education
Outcome-based Education (OBE)
Outcome-based Education Outcome-based Education (OBE) is a measurement of the effectiveness of a learning process by evaluating the outcome Focuses on student learning by: Using statements to make explicit what the student is expected to be able to know, understand or do; these statements should be do-able, observable and measurable Providing learning activities which will help the student to reach these outcomes Assessing the extent to which the student meets these outcomes through the use of assessment
OBE Mechanisms Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) PEOs address the graduates’ attainment 5 years after graduation Programme Outcomes (POs) POs describe what students are expected to know and be able to perform or attain by the time of graduation Learning Outcomes (LOs) LOs address the abilities to be attained by students upon completion of a subject
Programme Educational Objectives Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) is a set of specific goals consistent with the faculty’s and university’s mission and vision, and describes the expected achievements of graduates in their career and professional life after graduation All the four undergraduate programmes have a common set of PEOs
PEOs (cont.) The 3 PEOs PEO1: Graduates who hold managerial or senior positions within their organizations PEO2: Graduates who demonstrate professionalism and a commitment to continual professional development PEO3: Graduates who are employed in engineering or related professions, or are enrolled in (or have graduated from) engineering or professional graduate school
Programme Outcomes Programme Outcomes (POs) are statements that describe what students are expected to know and be able to perform or attain by the time of graduation All the four undergraduate programmes have the same POs
Programme Outcomes (cont.) The 13 POs PO1: Acquire and apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals PO2: Acquire technical competence in specialised areas of engineering discipline to solve complex engineering problems PO3: Identify and analyse complex engineering problems, and formulate solutions based on fundamental principles of science and engineering
Programme Outcomes (cont.) The 13 POs (cont.) PO4: Design solutions for complex engineering problems that meet specified needs with relevant considerations of their impacts in society PO5: Conduct investigation and research on complex engineering problems in the chosen field of study PO6: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools to complex engineering activities
Programme Outcomes (cont.) The 13 POs (cont.) PO7: Demonstrate awareness of societal, safety and health, legal, and cultural issues relevant to professional engineering practice PO8: Understand the importance of sustainability and cost-effectiveness in design and development of professional engineering solutions, and their impacts in societal and environmental contexts PO9: Apply and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities of engineering practice
Programme Outcomes (cont.) The 13 POs (cont.) PO10: Communicate effectively in both oral and written contexts PO11: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in a team PO12: Recognise the need for, and acquire the ability to engage in self-improvement through continuous professional development and life-long learning
Programme Outcomes (cont.) The 13 POs (cont.) PO13: Demonstrate management, leadership and entrepreneurial skills, and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments
Course Outcomes Learning Outcomes (LOs) or Course Outcomes (COs) address the abilities to be attained by students upon the completion of a subject A subject usually has several LOs and the LOs are different from one subject to another
Bloom’s Taxonomy Three domains of learning method Cognitive domain Relates to the knowledge and the development of intellectual skills; includes the recall or recognition of specific facts, procedural patterns, and concepts Affective domain Describes the way people react emotionally and their ability to feel another living thing’s pain or joy; typically targets the awareness and growth in attitudes, emotion, and feelings Psychomotor Describes the ability to physically manipulate a tool or instrument; usually focuses on the development of skills
Bloom’s Taxonomy (cont.)
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