ICEE 2005GLIWICE, POLAND JULY 2005 Contents 1 – Resume and Formation of Brazil Production Engineer 2 – Pratical of Learning Colaborative in Virtual Environments 3 – Proposal of the Sumary of Disciplines Laboratory of Work Colaborative 4 - Conclusion
ICEE 2005GLIWICE, POLAND JULY 2005 Resume and Formation of Brazil Production Engineer New curricular directives approved by National Advice Of Education point abilities and competences that will have to be development by the students: apply mathematical, scientific, technological and instrumental knowledge; project and lead experiments and interpret results; identify, formulate and decide engineering problems; communicate itself efficiently in the forms writtem, verbal and graphical; act in multidiscipline team; evaluate the impact of the actives of engineering in the social and ambient context.
ICEE 2005GLIWICE, POLAND JULY 2005 The attributions of the production engineering defined by the American Institute of Industrial Engineering (AIIE) and by Brazilian Association of Production Engineering (ABEPRO) are: ” It competes to the Production Engineering the project, the implantation, the improvement and the maintenance of integrated productive systems, involving men, materials and equipment, to specify, to foresee and to evaluate the gotten results of these systems, appealing the specialized knowledge of the mathematics, social physics, sciences, jointly with the principles and methods of analysis and project of engineering".
ICEE 2005GLIWICE, POLAND JULY 2005 Pratical of Learning Colaborative in Virtual Environments Two concepts support the practical collaborative in virtual environments: CSCW – Computer Supported Collaborative Work CSCL – Computer Supported Collaborative Learning CSCW Cooperative work Communication (face-to-face, electronic means) communication techniques has focus in product of interactions CSCL content of communication support an efficient learning in group
ICEE 2005GLIWICE, POLAND JULY 2005 In this context, the computer is a collaborative learning tool, that assists the student to communicate and collaborate with other students in common activities, and still, is a tool that offers valorous aid in the process of coordination and organization of teaching/learning process or in the tasks of students. This way, the collaborative work in a virtual environment breaches to educational paradigm where the professor would be transmitter and only detainee the knowledge, and the students a mere receiver.
ICEE 2005GLIWICE, POLAND JULY 2005 Evolution of Educational Paradigm ExperienceKnowledge Professor Student Professor Knowledge base Student Figure 1 - Present Educational Paradigm Figure 2 - Future Educational Paradigm
ICEE 2005GLIWICE, POLAND JULY 2005 Proposal of the Sumary of Disciplines Laboratory of Work Colaborative The proposal of discipline’s summary follows the model considered in figure 2 that it guides the collaborative learning in direction of theoretician- pedagogical diversity, integrating different tools for contribution, support and aid in virtual environment of learning. Objectives: General: introduce basic concepts related to Production Engineering and emphasize the development of competences and abilities of verbal communication and writing and work team in areas of processes in environment of technological innovation and techniques of collaborative work.
ICEE 2005GLIWICE, POLAND JULY 2005 Specific: take the students to know concepts of Concurrent Engineering, Computer Supported Collaborative Work, Modeling and Simulation. To the ending of the course, the students will be able to interpret and understand problems related to boarded contents and apply these contents in diverse areas of engineering, and Develop competences and abilities to understand and evaluate the process of creation,, absorption and use of new technologies in formation of production engineer by means of simulation process that allow joint between practical and theory.
ICEE 2005GLIWICE, POLAND JULY 2005 Structure of Laboratory The implantation and implementation of the Laboratory of Collaborative Work had been carried through with partner institutions that work with projects of research in the same field. The implementation occurred at two moments: 1 st – Installation of the Laboratory: this moment was divided in two stages: - determination of physical space; - discrimination and necessary purchase of material and equipment. 2 nd – Construction summary of Collaborative Work disciplines in Projects of Technological Innovation.
ICEE 2005GLIWICE, POLAND JULY 2005 Elaboration of the Summary In the construction of the summary, it was broken of estimated one that the laboratory is the space of contribution and simulation, thus being privileges the practical one of work group of actual and virtual form on the basis of two estimated: the interdisciplinary and contextualizing and takes in consideration, the perception, the cognition, the affective one, i.e, the experimental behavior. In this direction, the objective of the practical one in the environment of the simulation is to offer to the students the possibility to live deeply complex problems of real work, i.e., to offer the students, from the objective representation of study, the possibility to elaborate hypotheses, to test, to develop equations and analyze the results, in order to deepen the concepts apprehended in the theory
ICEE 2005GLIWICE, POLAND JULY 2005 Elaboration of the Summary The simulation offers an advantages in relation to other types of experiments practical, that is possibility students work with the representation of the real, i.e., manipulate objects that are placed in virtual environment as they were concrete, in place to use archetypes, plates and develop equations in the paper. In elaboration of this proposal it is articulated a practical theory and, through the modeling of problem technological innovation divided at three moments, using itself boarding of concurrent engineering and collaborative work:
ICEE 2005GLIWICE, POLAND JULY 2005 Elaboration of the Summary Exploration: at this moment, the objective is construction of knowledge to work in collaboration competing and, by means simulation models of innovation problems that will be used in real context; Research: this moment is the research, whose objective is to place in practical knowledge acquired at the previous moment; Problems solution: this moment is related with competences and abilities developed in the students, whose objective is articulate knowledge and creativity. This is the moment where if gives joint between theory and practical work of competing and collaborative form, through virtual teams.
ICEE 2005GLIWICE, POLAND JULY 2005 Elaboration of the Summary The course is structuralized in two axles, totalizing 10 units with 45 timetable load semester: CONCEPTUAL AXLE Unit 1 – Concurrent Engineering Unit 2 – CSCW Unit 3 – Groupwork Unit 4 – CSCL Unit 5 – Study of groupware tools Unit 6 – Case study in partnership with another Institution – Application AXLE of Practical Activities Unit 7 – Practical lessons Unit 8 – Adaptation with CSCW and groupware tools Unit 9 – Structure of virtual groups ( 5 – 7 students) Unit 10 – Interaction between groups through modeling of case studies
ICEE 2005GLIWICE, POLAND JULY 2005 Conclusion - The summary of laboratory disciplines of collaborative work is a new paradigm that if presents to the challenges of the globalization world. - The base of collaboration and cooperation is basic for establishment of relations in the process teach-learning. - This new environment of learning also favors the reflection and reformulation of practiced methodologies of education in the universities.