After Graduation from Junior High School. 多元入學開放後,同學們是否對國中畢業 後可能的求學管道做過初步了解?如果同 學們能夠事先了解,對於日後的生涯規劃 會大有幫助喔 !


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Presentation transcript:

After Graduation from Junior High School

多元入學開放後,同學們是否對國中畢業 後可能的求學管道做過初步了解?如果同 學們能夠事先了解,對於日後的生涯規劃 會大有幫助喔 !

The Current School System 資料來源:

Get married? 結婚 Take the entrance exam? 參加入學考試 Inherit family property? 繼承家業 Serve in the army? 當兵 Study abroad? 出國唸書 Find a job? 找工作

Nouns you should know preschool education nine-year compulsory education senior secondary education higher education senior high school senior vocational school junior college technical college university & college 幼稚 教育 高級 中等 教育 高級 學校 專科 學校 國民 教育 高等 教育 高級 職業 學校 技術 學院 大學及 獨立學院

An Educational Overview in Taiwan

In Taiwan, two-year preschool education is optional. Students usually start school at age six. Nine years of compulsory education includes six years of elementary education and three years of junior high education.In Taiwan, two-year preschool education is optional. Students usually start school at age six. Nine years of compulsory education includes six years of elementary education and three years of junior high education.

After graduation from junior high, there are three types of school choices for junior high graduates. Both senior high schools and senior vocational schools take three years to complete. Specialized training is provided by five-year junior colleges, which focus on applied science and technology.After graduation from junior high, there are three types of school choices for junior high graduates. Both senior high schools and senior vocational schools take three years to complete. Specialized training is provided by five-year junior colleges, which focus on applied science and technology.

Higher education includes two-year junior colleges, technical colleges, four-year universities, and graduate programs. Most of the university undergraduate programs take four years to complete. Specialized undergraduate programs like dental school take six years, while medical school takes seven years to complete.Higher education includes two-year junior colleges, technical colleges, four-year universities, and graduate programs. Most of the university undergraduate programs take four years to complete. Specialized undergraduate programs like dental school take six years, while medical school takes seven years to complete.

Students who successfully completed the study program in high schools or junior colleges with passing grade will be given a diploma. Graduates from universities or colleges will be granted a degree.Students who successfully completed the study program in high schools or junior colleges with passing grade will be given a diploma. Graduates from universities or colleges will be granted a degree.

資料來源: d=6&id=232 d=6&id= &CtNode=2003&mp=1 4133&CtNode=2003&mp=1

Vocabulary optional 隨意、非必須的 include 包括 graduate 畢業生 complete 完成 specialized 專門的 training 訓練 provide 提供 focus on 集中於 applied 應用的, 實用的 technology 工藝, 技術 graduate programs 研究所課程 undergraduate programs 大學課程 diploma 畢業證書 grant 給予, 授予 degree學位

Question 1. What are the three types of school choices for junior high graduates?

Question 2. How long does it take senior high school or vocational school students to complete their education?

Question 3. What is provided by five-year junior colleges?

Question 4. Do all the university undergraduate programs take four years to complete?

Question 5. What will be given to students who successfully completed the study program in high schools or junior colleges?

Multi-route Promotion Program for Entering Senior High & Senior Vocational Schools

Junior high graduates may enter secondary education through the Multi- route Promotion Program (MRPP) for Entering Senior High and Senior Vocational Schools.Junior high graduates may enter secondary education through the Multi- route Promotion Program (MRPP) for Entering Senior High and Senior Vocational Schools.

They may enter senior high schools, vocational schools, or five-year junior colleges through multiple channels, such as through admission by application, admission by selection, and registered enrollment.They may enter senior high schools, vocational schools, or five-year junior colleges through multiple channels, such as through admission by application, admission by selection, and registered enrollment.

However, junior high graduates must still pass the Basic Competence Test (BCT) for Junior High Students.However, junior high graduates must still pass the Basic Competence Test (BCT) for Junior High Students.

The Basic Competence Test (BCT) for Junior High Students, which takes place twice every year, is the primary index for admission into secondary education. It covers Chinese, English, mathematics, natural science, and social science.The Basic Competence Test (BCT) for Junior High Students, which takes place twice every year, is the primary index for admission into secondary education. It covers Chinese, English, mathematics, natural science, and social science.

Students have to pass the first BCT for both admission by selection and admission by application.Students have to pass the first BCT for both admission by selection and admission by application.

They can also enter high schools with only the BCT grades. Those who fail to enter a high school or are dissatisfied with the available choices after the first BCT can take a second BCT and pick their best grades for registered enrollment.They can also enter high schools with only the BCT grades. Those who fail to enter a high school or are dissatisfied with the available choices after the first BCT can take a second BCT and pick their best grades for registered enrollment.

Additional options are available for students. They can also join the Practical Technical Program, which offers technical training courses beginning in the third year of junior high school.Additional options are available for students. They can also join the Practical Technical Program, which offers technical training courses beginning in the third year of junior high school.

Upon graduation, they may also enroll in vocational schools that provide a minimum of one additional year of vocational training.Upon graduation, they may also enroll in vocational schools that provide a minimum of one additional year of vocational training.

資料來源: gp/yearbook/p276.htmlhttp:// gp/yearbook/p276.html

Nouns you should know 1.the Multi-route Promotion Program (MRPP) for Entering Senior High and Senior Vocational Schools 高中及高職多元入學方案 2.admission by application 申請入學 3.admission by selection 甄選入學 4.registered enrollment 登記分發入學 5.the Basic Competence Test (BCT) for Junior High Students 國民中學學生基本學力測驗 6.the Practical Technical Program 實用技能班

Vocabulary multiple多樣的channel 途徑 ; 管道 admission入學許可 application申請selection 選擇 ; 選拔 register 登記, 註冊 enrollment入學primary主要的index 索引 ; 指針 dissatisfied不滿意的available可得到的additional額外的 option可選擇的東西offer提供technical 專門的, 技術性的 training訓練course課程enroll 入學, 註冊 provide提供 minimum 最小量 ; 最低限度

Question 1. What are the three channels for junior high graduates to enter secondary education?

Question 2. What test do junior high graduates have to pass for admission into secondary education?

Question 3. What subjects does the BCT cover?

Question 4. What courses does the Practical Technical Program offer?

Question 5. The BCT is held twice a year. When is each exam scheduled to take place next year?

答案: 答案: 5.The first BCT is scheduled to take place on May 26 and 27 next year, and the second on July 14 and 15.

After Graduation from Junior High School.doc After Graduation from Junior High School.doc

The End