HEA 1005 Graduation Waiver Remediation Plan Requirement 1 Update: June 4, 2014
Statutory Requirement Section 4 of IC requires the State Board of Education to develop criteria to be used by the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) to identify secondary schools with the highest graduation waiver rate percentages in Indiana that may require the establishment of a school wide remediation plan. 2
The Process First Year The first year a school is identified, the State Board of Education shall place the school and the school corporation on notice that the school has exceeded the percentage of graduation waivers determined as the criteria. Upon receiving notice, the school is required to develop and submit a school wide remediation plan to the IDOE. Second or Subsequent Year If the school is identified in the second or a subsequent year after the initial identification, the State Board of Education shall place the school and the school corporation on notice once again. Upon receiving notice, the school is required to collaborate with the IDOE to develop and implement a revised school wide remediation plan. 3
Criteria Options Remediation Plan required if the school meets the criteria established by the State Board of Education Options for consideration Option A: Percent of graduation waivers exceeds 10% each year for three consecutive years Option B: Percent of graduation waivers exceeds 10% each year for two consecutive years Option C: Percent of graduation waivers exceeds 10% in a single year 4
Data Review 5 HEA 1005 Graduation Waiver Remediation Plan Requirement Number of Schools with > 10% Waivers Percent of Schools with >10% Waivers Number of High Poverty 1 Schools with > 10% Waivers Percent of High Poverty 1 Schools with > 10% Waivers Option A: Waivers > 10% for 3 consecutive years 2011, 2012, of 36917%22 of 6434% Option B: Waivers > 10% for 2 consecutive years 2011, of 37024%22 of 8825% 2012, of 37824%25 of 9227% Option C: Waivers > 10% in a single year of 37031%26 of 11622% of 38037%26 of 14118% of 39234%34 of 13326% 1 High Poverty: Different states use different criteria. For the data presented in this table, schools with >65% Free/Reduced Lunch are considered High Poverty.
Data Review 6 % of Waivers: Statewide Average ABCDE Year TL # of Graduates % of TL Graduates Received Waiver (All students) % of TL Graduates Received Waiver (Special Education Students) % of Actual Waivers Granted Were Given to Special Education Students , % (5652) 3.55% (2352) 41.61% (D/C) , % (6247) 3.72% (2452) 39.25% (D/C) , % (5762) 3.53% (2338) 40.58% (D/C)
Next Steps: State Board Action Establish criteria Place schools/corporations on notice if the school has exceeded the percentage of graduation waivers determined as the criteria. – Upon receiving notice, the school is required to develop and submit a school wide remediation plan to the IDOE. 7 Important Note: Graduation statistics are finalized in late fall each year.