35 Years of Trading…Learning Still Goes on... By-M. P. Singh
How did I start? I had Savings. I wanted to good return on my savings. I heard about stocks. Start investing in Primary Market Started reading Magazine.
Start Investment in Where to Invest? In IPO In FERA Companies Example: Ponds India
How to invest? Learning this Part of trading With the help of News paper, Magazine, Books etc.
What I Understood? Trading is not one way street
Trading Process in 80s and early 90s Order Purchase Sell Delivery Problems Hidden Problems
Forward Trading The mother of all losses
In 1992, Harshad Mehta Period Fastest Profit Fastest Loss Example: ACC
How trading works ? Manual Charts (Paper charts) News Letter Books Computer Charts
NSE Introduced in 1994
Trading Based on ‘Dow Theory’
Name Of Books which I start reading 24 Rules How I made Million ?
Started Moving Averages Reversion to Mean 200 DMA 30 WMA ?
Data/Chart Trading was on End of Day
System Trading RSI (Channel Break out) Moving Averages ?
Future Trading
Option Trading