Alabama’s Plan 20/20 Every child a graduate, every graduate a success
Graduation requirements 4 English 4 Math (Must include Algebra1 or Algebra 1A and 1B, Geometry, and Algebra II or Algebra II w/Trig.) 4 Science (Must include Biology and a physical science) 4 Social Studies 1 Physical Education 1 Career Preparedness ( ½ credit for Career Prep A in 8 th or 9 th grade, ½ credit for Career Prep B in 10 th grade) 1/2 Health 3 Career Tech, Arts Ed. (Fine Art), or Foreign Language (any combination) 2 1/2 Free Electives
Additional Information Career Technical Programs: Welding, Automotive Technology, Auto Collision Repair, Masonry, Computer Aided Drafting, Healthcare, Cosmetology, Industrial Electronics/ Robotics Engineering, Agriscience, Family and Consumer Science, Business Tech. No Standardized Test is required to earn a diploma, however students’ mastery of skills will be evaluated at the end of each term by End-of-Course tests in certain core classes. * Students will be able to show college/career readiness by meeting certain criteria All students will earn the same diploma (no standard, advanced etc.), however, to be eligible for Valedictorian, Salutatorian, and Top Ten, students must pass at least 5 of the following courses. Course credentials in Career Tech will also be accepted toward the 5 required courses Math Courses- Pre-Calculus, Calculus or higher Science Courses- Physics, Chemistry, Anatomy Language Arts Courses- Honors English Career Tech- Any Course Credential earned Other- Any AP or Dual Enrollment Course or any Foreign language All students are eligible for the following Academic Distinctions at graduation based on GPA: Summa Cum Laude Students who earn a cumulative GPA of 95 to 100 (3.8 to 4.0) on all courses taken will receive the distinction of being named Summa Cum Laude. Magna Cum Laude Students who earn a cumulative GPA of 91 to 94 (3.65 to 3.79) on all courses taken will receive the distinction of being named Magna Cum Laude. Cum Laude Students who earn a cumulative GPA of 88 to 90 (3.50 to 3.64) on all courses taken will receive the distinction of being named Cum Laude. *Students may prove college/career readiness by meeting any the five benchmarks listed below Benchmark score on any section of the ACT exam Qualifying score on an AP exam Approved college credit while in high school (dual enrollment or accelerated) Benchmark level on ACT WorkKeys Approved industry credential
PLAN 20/20 graduation requirements began with the Class of 2017 The Class of 2015 and 2016 graduates are still under the old Standard and Advanced Diploma requirements
Standardized testing under PLAN 20/20 Grades 3-8 and 10 will take ACT ASPIRE in the Spring Certain high school core classes will take ACTQualityCore End of Course assessments upon course completion. These are currently given upon completion of Algebra 1/1B and English 10, but more may be added in the future. All Juniors will take the ACT in the Spring All Seniors will take ACT WorkKeys in February