ColdFusion Application Security: The Next Step Jason Dean Boston ColdFusion User Group September 16 th, 2009
Web Application Developer with the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) User Group Manager of the MDH CFUG Web Development Blogger ( Veteran of the U.S. Coast Guard Who I am
The Next Steps Request Forgeries Password Security Cookie Misuse/Exploits Session Management
Request Forgeries Hackers writing checks for your users to cash
That was confusing EXAMPLE deletePage.cfm?pageid=#pageID#
Request Forgeries Kay Bob Heh. The website is down!!! ??? Brrrriiiiiiinnnng Brrriiiinnnng Brrrrrriiinnng
Request Forgeries So What Happened?
Request Forgeries Kay Bob muwhahaha;
So what can we do about it? The receiving action page/method probably: Receives the request Checks to make sure the user is authorized Confirms that the ID is valid Performs the action
How do we fix it?
How do we fix it? <cfif NOT StructKeyExists(form, "CSRFToken") OR NOT StructkeyExists(session.deleteForm, "CSRFToken") OR NOT StructkeyExists(session.deleteForm, "tokenExpires") OR NOT IsDate(session.deleteForm.tokenExpires) OR NOT session.deleteForm.CSRFToken EQ form.CSRFToken OR NOT DateDiff("s",Now(),session.deleteForm.tokenExpires) GT 0> Action Page/Method
Request Forgeries Question?
Password Security
Achieving a Secure Password Not Username Change Regularly Minimum Length Special Characters AlphaNumericLowercaseUppercase Not a Date Password1!
Password Security Right for the Site
Password Hashing What is it? Why Do it?
Hashing Example #hash1# #hash2# #hash3#
Hashing Example 472D46CB829018F9DBD65FB8479A49BB C2AF2111FF9C02C4EEE016CBCDF0D033 21AB8E7B12BA1793AB A5CD
Stronger Hashing Example In our previous example we had: Now let's add:
MD5 Result 472D46CB829018F9DBD65FB8479A49BB CBD672C9AAF85A22968C7BCF9FF90EED 10F1C46CAF873486E530570E7A298BBB
SHA-256 Result 7FA8A6E9FDE2F4E1DFE6FB029AF47C9633D4B7A616A42C3B2889C5226A 20238D ECB12086B0B57E445BED6C67EF6EB6C4F5A F9EF76E3E CA7EEBEE13499DB9C C7E3B63C5F76F1B0A16DE18DDA7 E7704E
SHA-512 Result 27166A235CD42FB7E5A45CB89F DCDC779E1697DB D4D05537E63FD3815B596511C8704C50791C7BA3C504CAB516E62 2BDC6EC09C9 8C205EA4105BE9D89D44E84B4D00BCD52A FEE63D99300AB4B2 3F2C30B77D6F7FD64D1B902F9BE85373D EA58EDA174AD4589 2FDE0A56F0EF04 791FEDFCA713F52A42DDA F5D8F5BC85953F385DF8D7835A7B32 FBFD16047C213883D46DC0834DB7A6F2549EAF7AB8CF264C8A6C9082 A2D0B5A420FFD
Hashing Question?
Password Salting Because users make stupid passwords
Salting Example Value 1 Hashed: #hash1# Value 2 Hashed: #hash2# Value 1 Salted and Hashed: #hash1Salted# Value 2 Salted and Hashed: #hash2Salted#
Salting Example Output Value 1 Hashed: 2AC9CB7DC02B3C0083EB70898E549B63 Value 2 Hashed: 2AC9CB7DC02B3C0083EB70898E549B63 Value 1 Salted and Hashed: BAD4613B67109FD512580E3E Value 2 Salted and Hashed: 3BB315CF3BA C79832C939098
Password Hashing and Salting Question?
Session Management
What is a session? HTTP/ OK index.cfm GET index.cfm HTTP/1.1 SessionID=3 SessionID=1 SessionID=2 Cookie: SessionID=3 Cookie: SessionID=1 Cookie: SessionID=2 Set-Cookie: SessionID=1 Cookie: SessionID=1 sessionid=0a30b0926a39d5d c552e387712
Session Token Types ColdFusion CFID & CFTOKEN Weak by default Can be made strong Persistent by default Can be set Session-Only Easier to manipulate token cookies Cannot be invalidated JEE JSESSIONID Strong by Default Session-Only by default Can be shared with JEE applications Can be invalidated
Session Persistence Sessions can be persisted in 3 ways In the URL String – In POST request In a Cookie
Manipulating CF Token Cookies In Application.cfc: <cfheader name="Set-Cookie" value="CFID=#session.CFID#;secure=true;HTTPOnly" /> <cfheader name="Set-Cookie" value="CFTOKEN=#session.CFTOKEN#;secure=true;HTTPOnly" />
Manipulating JEE Token Cookies In Application.cfc: header = "jsessionid" & "=" & session.sessionid & ";domain=" & domain & ";path=" & path & ";" & secure & ";" & HTTPOnly; response.addHeader("Set-Cookie", header);
Session Logout (ColdFusion) In UserService.cfc: In Application.cfc:
Session Logout (J2EE) In UserService.cfc:
Session Management Question?
Cookie Security
Cookie Parameters Name Value Expires Path Domain Secure HTTPOnly
Cookie Domain and Path domain=”” domain=”” Path=”/” path=”/12robots”
Setting the HTTPOnly Flag
Questions? Please ask your questions now Comments? Jason Dean