LOGO Website code presentation Software Group Project :: First project Prepared By Abdullah Mustafa Abu Nada Hussian Abd-Jaleel Shaalan Nael Wael Skaik Supervised By Prof. Mohammed Mikki
LOGO Contents Programming language 1 HTML & CSS 2 JAVASCRIPT 3 PHP 4
LOGO Client side execution EX: HTML,CSS and JavaScript Code Server side execution Ex: PHP & MYSQL
LOGO Programming language Page structure Tags language For decoration Cascading Style Sheets For animation JAVASCRIPT Handling with DB Processing HTMLCSSJ-Query PHP & MYSQL
LOGO HTML & CSS We use HTML for pages structure, and CSS for page decoration. For example font size,type,decoration and color, background images and color, margins between any component in website. For example this part of code : Html: CSS (style.css) :.bannerfooter_text { padding: 4px; font-size: 11px; background-color: #f7f7f7; text-align: right; }
LOGO JAVASCRIPT We use JAVASCRIPT and JQuery for animation in menus and advertisements slider. For example : fix IE blinking in script.js file. Vertical and horizontal menus in script.js file. Button animation in script.js file. slider functions in script2.js file.
LOGO PHP We use PHP language for handling with database,insert,update,delete and show information from database. For example : UserBean class :include attributes & methods for user handling.(UserBean.php) NewsBean class :include attributes & methods for news handling. (NewsBeans.php) CourseBean :include attributes & methods for Courses handling. (CourseBean.php) LecturerBean class :include attributes & methods for lecturer handling. (LecturerBean.php)
LOGO Software Group Project :: First project