Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain (FASFC) International Affairs - Léonard BOSSCHAERT Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain
Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain European Context Food Safety White Book (2000) General Food Law [Reg. (EC) N° 178/2002] First responsibility = operator Establishment of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) New Regulations Hygiene Package (2004) in force on 01/01/2006 Official Food and Feed Control Regulation [Reg. (EC) N° 882/2004] New standards
Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Gen.Food Law = Reg. (EC) N° 178/2002 ART. 17 : RESPONSIBILITIES FVO Food and Veterinary Office PUBLIC AUTHORITY (FASFC) OPERATORS Official control & enforcement Communication Self-checking Monitor (COM EU)
Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Belgian context Modernisation of civil service New food safety policy in BE based on EU policy: –Emphasis on safety of the entire food chain –Consumer should occupy a central position –Political responsability clearly defined : the [Minister of Public Health]/Agriculture = only one Minister has the final responsibility Establishment of the FASFC and of the FPS
Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain New Belgian food safety policy Merger of 6 control services of the Ministries of Agriculture and Public Health FASFC Merger of responsibilities related to product standards FPS (=Federal Public Service) Public Health, Safety of the Food Chain and Environment Operational standards FASFC Clear division within the FASFC between control policy and control activities (2 DG of the FASFC) Independent risk assessment (Scientific Committee of the FASFC)
Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain FPS Public Health, Safety of the Food Chain & Environment (= former Ministry) Policy making competences: –Product standards (pesticides, feed, food) –Standards for animal health –Standards for plant health –Standards and control policy in the field of animal welfare The competence for veterinary medicinal products has been transferred to the « Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products ».
Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain FASFC : The Food Agency Agency : all inspection and control services in agri- food chain Food/Feed Safety Animal Health Plant Health Animal Welfare Competences : –Operational standards –Registration, authorization, approval of operators –Certification –Prevention, sensitization and information –Laboratories –Monitoring the various links of the food chain (products and production processes)
Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Suppliers of agriculture (feed industry, raw materials, pesticides) Agriculture Food industry Wholesale business Retail Hotels, Restaurants, Pubs Transport MoH MoA-A (2) MoA-P (2) FASFC Our goal : optimising food chain checks
Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain The core process of the FASFC
Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Close cooperation with stakeholders The FASFC stakeholders are divided into 3 groups, which are all represented in the Advisory Committee (monthly meeting) : – Sectoral organizations – Consumer organizations – Governmental bodies (federal and regional) All stakeholders can view the inspection checklists on the FASFC website
Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Two consultative bodies The Advisory committee –Includes all partners of the FASFC –Opinions on risk management (self-checking, financing, communication, …) –Control programming and planning –Results / statistics The Scientific board: –Independent risk assessment –Opinions on risk management standards, regulations
Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain
Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain DG Control Staff and support National Inquiry Unit NIU Directorate for Coordination of the French and German speaking parts of Belgium Directorate for Coordination of the Dutch speaking part of Belgium Directorate of Central Administration PCU Brabant wallon PCU Namur PCU Hainaut PCU Liège PCU Luxem- bourg PCU Brussels Capital. PCU Oost- Vlaand PCU West- Vlaand PCU Antwer- pen PCU Lim- burg PCE Vlaams Brabant National Implementation and Coordination Unit : NICU
Structure of a PCU
Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain The FASFC as it is today Staff of employees (1150 FTE) including –700 in decentralized services of DG Control (PCU) –150 in our 5 internal laboratories of DG Lab Policy makers, frontline-inspectors, scientists, ICT- specialists, communication experts, financial officers, laboratory technicians, support staff ± 665 part-time assigned (contracted) veterinarians (abattoirs, etc)
Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain General principles financing system I “General” costs financed by national federal budget Policy-making / Corporate services Communication to and with consumers; National Control Program covering the whole of the food chain financed by a contribution (levy) charged to all operators –General control programmes official control of the entire food chain cannot be allocated to a certain group of operators All costs due to official controls on demand financed by a retribution (charge/due) of individual operators;
Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain General principles financing system II Equitable distribution between sectors and actors of the food chain; Take into account the level of risk; Take into account implementation of self- checking systems –Companies with a certified self-checking system: Bonus : contribution decreased –Companies without a certified self-checking system: Malus : contribution increased
Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Official controls of the FASFC 1. National Control Plan (MANCP) 2 pillars: –Analyses –Inspections Multi-annual, yearly revised Programmes established (BE, EU) : e.g. on radioactivity, dioxins,… 2. Systematic controls : e.g. BSE, meat inspection, animal welfare, BIP 3. Controls not included in programme : following complaints, official reports on infringements, various information, certification, …
Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Control plan Legal framework : Reg. (EC) N° 882/2004 MANCP (multi-annual integrated national control plan) Based on risk analysis Uniformly distributed on national territory Balanced distribution among business sectors and operators Significant statistics
Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Communication : channels Internal communication Foodnotes (information magazine) Intranet External communication –Website: –Press service –Contact point –Newsletter –Information leaflets –Annual report – business plan –Taking part in events - discussions
Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Values of the Food Agency Professionalism Integrity Openness and transparency Polyvalence Participation
Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Thank you for your attention