18th October, Grenada CTA REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT BRIEFING Guy STINGLHAMBER Valérie de Oliveira PIP Director Info-Communication
2 Key challenges for SME’s? Instruments to support SME’s? Repositioning through Innovation? In today’s Briefing, 3 main issues:
3 In the ACP horticultural sector: “Key challenges” are creating needs for “technical & financial instruments” in order to “increase competitiveness, through management improvement, innovation and repositioning”
4 Through an integrated approach, Coleacp-PIP is : Identifying Challenges Creating tools to address these challenges Supporting stakeholders to overcome them
Food safety Environmental issues Social issues Next? Horticultural private sector: new challenges to access export markets
Due diligence & certifications Pesticides residues Hygiene Traceability … Food safety
IPM/ICM (pesticides management) Carbon foot print Water use Land use Waste management … Toward a Sustainable Agriculture! Environmental issues
Reduce carbon footprint Smallholders (labour intensive) against tractors? Seafreight against airfreight? Green energy against fossil energy? Best use of Water resources in some case need new (re) localization Sénégal : Niayes to Lac de Gers Kenya : Lac Navasha to Rwanda ? Environmental issues
ETHICAL trade certifications Respect of local regulations ID Cards, Children Labour etc.
Implications on ACP countries Technical challenges create financial constraints! Costs of compliance have to be absorbed by the business chain!
ANTICIPATION ? Solutions? Turning challenges into opportunities?
More added value? Greater integration of the value chain in the Caribbean countries Ex: Fresh vegetables ready to cook – sliced, mixed and packed Turning challenges into opportunities?
Moving to niche or specific markets where comparative advantages are clear: Labour intensive? Ethnic market? Organic products? Fair trade? Local/neighbour market? … Turning challenges into opportunities?
GLOBALIZATION? GLOCALIZATION? Turning challenges into opportunities?