3 Context of the implementation plan At early stages, the socio-economic environment was favorable both internationally and nationally Attention paid increasingly to the ARD sector by the Party and the Gov. as well as international communities The global economic crisis strongly affected Vietnam ARD sector, especially in the export areas Changes in climate have become more extreme. Higher frequencies of natural disasters, storm, flood and drought occurring. Plant and domestic livestock diseases are increasing and more severe.
4 Evaluation of the result of implementation plan 1. Economic development objective Economic growth was relatively high: –On average of 2006 – 2008 was 3.84%/year. An estimation of the average for 5 years is 3.44%/year in comparison with plan is 3.0 – 3.2%/year Positive changes occurred in sub-sectors: –livestock proportion increased while husbandry decreased; Aquaculture proportion increased while exploitation decreased Food security ensured Export turn-over increased fast to reach 15.4%/year on average
5 Implementation results: Indicators of the sector’s economic growth Indicator Unit 2010 planned target Result The rate of the whole sector’s average GDP growth %( ) The growth rate of production value of the ARD sector %(4.5) Proportion of the sector’s GDP compared to total GDP %( ) The average productivity of laborers in agriculture, forestry and aquaculture Million VND (10.8)
6 2. Rural development and hunger eradication and poverty reduction Livelihood of farmer improved gradually, rate of poor households decreased by 14% compared with the target 15%; Effective implementation of Gov. programs including: -Rural inhabitant re-allocation program, 9.5% beyond targeted plan; -Son La resettlement program reached 72% of the total households to move -Program 134, 135 and 30a; -New Rural Areas Program
7 3. Infrastructure development for ARD Irrigation and dyke systems improved: –irrigating rate increased by 450 ha (objective 400 ha) –draining rate increased by 243 ha (objective 200 ha) –saline-preventing rate was 192 ha (objective 200 ha) Systems of typhoon-preventing shelter and fishing ports continuously constructed Infrastructure systems have been strengthened: – multiplication of varieties and breeding –veterinary –plant protection –testing agricultural products –input materials for production
8 Infrastructure development plan implementation for the ARD sector Unit 2010 planned target Implementation Indicator Actual irrigated rate compared with capacity designed %67,569,471,573,775,5 Actual drained rate compared with capacity designed %85,486,086,787,588,2 Annually grown plants irrigated stably% Annually grown plants drained stably%77,678,178,779, Output indicators Irrigation capacity increasedthousand ha(400) Drainage capacity increasedthousand ha(200) Saline prevention capacity outputthousand ha(200) River dyke length enforcedKm Sea-dyke length enforcedKm
9 4.Competitiveness capacity and international integration Competitiveness capacity improved, large market share for a number of agricultural products Products well-known in the international market International integration activities have gained positive results International cooperation expanded
10 Targets to improve competitive capacity and international integration Unit 2010 planned target Implementation Indicators Economic Openness (aperture) of agro- forestry and fishery sector % 79,384,380,080 Price production Index in the sector % 127,2145,1202,6203 Export price index for the sector % 106,6110,8126,0126 Import price index for the sector (materials and fuels) % 105,3106,0127,1127 Export turnover Triệu USD(16.400) Growth of export turnover %(15,6)24,024,724,5-58,6 Average GDP for agricultural workers %8,289,7713,8112,814,3
11 5. Environmental protection Land, forestry, marine and water resources have been better protected Gradual reduction of environmental pollution in rural areas Indicators for areas of forestry coverage and the number of rural households with sanitation latrines have not attained the goals.
12 Results of implementation on environmental protection Indicator to evaluateUnit Forecast for the plan implemen tation in 2010 Implementation Forest coverage rate%( )38,038,238,739,440 The percentage of rural household using hygiene water (75) The percentage of rural household using hygiene latrine %(70)
13 6. ARD s ector management capacity building Institutions and regulations have been reformed and improved Re-arrangement of mechanisms and organizations Public administration reform in most departments and institutions Administration has gradually been modernized
14 Existing issues The shift in structure of agriculture and rural economy is slow. Productivity, quality of some agricultural products are poor with low competitiveness and food safety remain difficulties The investment in infrastructural development is not satisfied a need for change in structure of agricultural production and rural economy, weakness can be seen in many places
16 Context for plan Global economic crisis forecast to recover and continue growth Resolution to prioritize “agriculture, farmer and rural areas” with other key policies for the ARD sector promises a positive motivation Challenges in productivity, quality and low efficiency of Vietnam agricultural products will restrict competition capacity Poverty and gaps between income and living standards will remain Continue to face environmental, natural disasters and climate change issues
17 Overall Objectives Sustainable growth and quality Basic living conditions for rural inhabitants will be improved, especially the poor and vulnerable Protection and sustainable use of natural resources and the environment
18 Some targets in term of economic growth rate for the sector Targets to evaluate Unit Estimation in 2010 Plan in 2015 Average growth rate of GDP in the entire sector %33,3 - 3,5 Growth rate of production value of the entire sector %4,54 – 4,5 Ratio of GDP of the sector in comparison with general GDP %2216 Average productivity of labour in the sector (Agro-forestry and fishery-AFF) $ Millions1320
19 Prioritized programs to reach development objectives in the crop sub-sector Program on National Food Security Program on Restructure of Crops Program on Control of Disease in Crops
20 Prioritized programs to reach the development goals for livestock Program on Improving the Competitiveness of Livestock Sub-sector Program on Encouraging the Development of Livestock in Farmhouse, Industry and Slaughtering and Concentrated Processing Program on Developing Animal Feeds Program on Control of Disease in Livestock
21 Prioritized programs for the fishery sub-sector Overall program to exploit fishery Program to develop aquatic raising Program on aquatic processing and consumption
22 Prioritized programs National Targeted Program on forest development Program on forest sustainable development and management Program on forestry processing and trade Program on forestry processing other than wood
23 Objectives of rural development, huger elimination and poverty reduction Indicator Unit Forecast for the plan implement ation in plan Some result indicators The percentage of rural poor household%147 The percentage of rural household using hygiene water %8395 The percentage of rural household using hygiene latrine %6485
24 Prioritized programs Program on new rural areas Program on huger elimination and poverty reduction Program on resettlement and rearrangement for rural population Program on renovation and establishment of production and service units operating in an efficient manner in rural areas
25 Objectives to develop infrastructure in agriculture and rural areas Indicator to evaluate Unit Estimatio n impleme ntation Plan Practical watering performance of irrigation system in comparison with designed capacity %75.580,0 Practical drainage performance of irrigation system in comparison with designed capacity % The proportion of areas under annul crops being water in a stable manner % The proportion of areas under annul crops being drainaged in a stable manner % Additional capacity in term of wateringThousand hectares Additional capacity in term of drainageThousand hectares Additional capacity in term of salty preventionThousand hectares The proportion of rural population using hygiene water %8395 The proportion of rural population using hygiene latrine %6485 The proportion of schools having water supply work and sanitation %80100 The proportion of medical stations having water supply work and sanitation %85100 Km of dykes frequently being maintained and upgraded km Km of sea dykes being maintained and upgraded km
26 Prioritized programs Development of irrigation infrastructure and clean water ( including 6 sub- programs) Development of aquatic infrastructure (including 2 sub-programs) Development of agriculture infrastructure Development of forestry infrastructure
27 4. Objective to strengthen competitive capacity and international integration in the sector Indicator to evaluateUnit Estimation in plan Plan 2010, % Some result indicators Economic Openness (aperture) of agro- forestry and fishery sector %8085 Price production Index in the sector% Export price index for the sector% Import price index for the sector (materials and fuels) % Export turnover$ Million Growth of export turnover%76-7 Average GDP for agricultural workers%1320
28 Prioritized program of Objective to improve competitive capacity and international integration until 2015 Program to control quality of agro-forestry and fishery products Program on scientific and technological research and transfer Program on renovation and develop agricultural enterprises Program on international integration Program on trade promotion Program on human resource training
29 5. Objectives of environmental protection IndicatorUnit Rate of protection forest with forest areas %36 Rate of special forest with forest areas %16 Rate of rain-fed cultivation under management %6085
30 Prioritized programs of Objectives to protect and use natural resources and environment towards 2015 Program on forest protection, ecological diversification preservation and environment service development Program to develop and protect aquatic resource Action program to cope with climatic change, causing impacts to agricultural and rural areas
31 Continue: 1.Program on Institutional Reform 2. Program on Reform in mechanisms and organizations and human resources management 3. Program on reform of public finance, implementing anti-corruption, saving practice 4. Program on modernization and computerization of sector management 6. Objectives of sector management capacity building
33 Irrigation sub-sector (1) Program on upgrading and modernizing irrigation system (2) Program on upgrading and developing big reservoirs (3) Program on developing irrigation service serving the change in economic structure and agro-forest and fishery sector and rural areas (4) Program on developing and hydro-electricity works in mountainous areas and islands (5) Program on clean water and environmental sanitation (6) Program on upgrading and consolidating dyke system
34 Agriculture sub-sector ( 1) Investment projects aiming to industrialization, ensuring food safety (2) Projects on varieties and breeding (3) Projects on capacity building for veterinary, plant protection, food safety inspection
35 Fishery sub-sector (1) Program on infrastructure of aquatic- breeding areas (2) Program on investment in parking ports, ports to avoid storm and fishing ports (3) Program on aquatic-processing
36 Forestry sector National Targeted Program on forest development Program on forest sustainable development and management Program on forestry processing and trade Program on forestry processing other than wood
37 Other sub-sectors Programs, Projects to natural disaster mitigation and climate change adaptation Capacity building programs and projects
38 Thanks for your attention!