Co-funded by the European Union Semantic CMS Community Knowledge Interaction and Presentation Copyright IKS Consortium 1 DFKI GmbH. September, 2011
Page: Overview Introduction Semantic Web: Interaction with Content Standards (RDF, RDFa, JSON-LD, …) Semantic Interaction Patterns What are patterns? List of patterns IKS Interaction with Knowledge The Stack: Interaction & Presentation VIE Interaction Patterns & Widgets
Page: Overview Introduction Semantic Web: Interaction with Content Standards (RDF, RDFa, JSON-LD, …) Semantic Interaction Patterns What are patterns? List of patterns IKS Interaction with Knowledge The Stack: Interaction & Presentation VIE Interaction Patterns & Widgets
Page: Semantic Web: in general. Motivation Definition Web of Data vs WWW
Page: Semantic Web: the potential. Web of Data as a CMS Web Communities as CMS Editors
Page: Data Silos: Linked Open Data
Page: Integrate Data with the Web WWW DATA Silos Web of Data
Page: The Entire Process Exporting data (more datasets) Merging your data Conbine with different datasets Publishing Semantics
Page: Standard Resourses for SW Catalogue… Presentation Html5 Css … Interaction Jscript libraries Jquery Backbone js Popcorn js… Annotation RDF/OWL RDFa Microdata Microformat XML JSON
Page: Standard Resourses: Presentation ……
Page: Standard Resourses: Interaction ……
Page: Standard Resourses: Annotation ……
Page: Standard Resources: Merging All
Page: SKOS Technologies Perspective OWL2 APML iCal EMMA CCXML VoiceXML SSML MPEG7 SMIL XAML XUL AJAX SOAP WSDL Microdata Microformats RDFa HTML5 CSS3 RDFa API FOAF JavaScript JQuery SCXML RESTful
Page: Publish RDF: RDF + HTML Plugins for HTML + RDFa HTML + Microformats HTML + Microdata …
Page: Overview Introduction Semantic Web: Interaction with Content Standards (RDF, RDFa, JSON-LD, …) Semantic Interaction Patterns What are patterns? List of patterns IKS Interaction with Knowledge The Stack: Interaction & Presentation VIE Interaction Patterns & Widgets
Page: AQCI Lifecycle
Page: AQCI Lifecycle Author: “A user of the system can author (create) semantically enhanced content.” Query: “A user can query for semantically enhanced content.” Consume: “A user can consume semantically enhanced content.” Interact: “A user can interact with the content at the level of his domain knowledge.”
Page: Interaction Patterns: Definition
Page: Interaction Patterns
Page: Interaction Patterns Interaction Pattern: describes recurring actions a user performs when interacting with a computer to achieve a certain goal of a task. Actions are Implicit: arise from the discourse context (e.g., the previous actions of the user) Explicit: triggered by the user (e.g., pushing a button). An interaction pattern consists of four parts: the problem the pattern (i.e., the solution of the problem) use cases for the pattern how the pattern applies for the use cases
Page: Interaction Patterns Interaction Pattern: describes recurring actions a user performs when interacting with a computer to achieve a certain goal of a task. Actions are Implicit: arise from the discourse context (e.g., the previous actions of the user) Explicit: triggered by the user (e.g., pushing a button). An interaction pattern consists of four parts: the problem the pattern (i.e., the solution of the problem) use cases for the pattern how the pattern applies for the use cases
Page: Interaction Patterns Interaction Pattern: describes recurring actions a user performs when interacting with a computer to achieve a certain goal of a task. Actions are Implicit: arise from the discourse context (e.g., the previous actions of the user) Explicit: triggered by the user (e.g., pushing a button). An interaction pattern consists of four parts: the problem the pattern (i.e., the solution of the problem) use cases for the pattern how the pattern applies for the use cases
Page: Interaction Patterns Interaction Pattern: describes recurring actions a user performs when interacting with a computer to achieve a certain goal of a task. Actions are Implicit: arise from the discourse context (e.g., the previous actions of the user) Explicit: triggered by the user (e.g., pushing a button). An interaction pattern consists of four parts: the problem the pattern (i.e., the solution of the problem) use cases for the pattern how the pattern applies for the use cases
Page: Interaction Patterns Interaction Pattern: describes recurring actions a user performs when interacting with a computer to achieve a certain goal of a task. Actions are Implicit: arise from the discourse context (e.g., the previous actions of the user) Explicit: triggered by the user (e.g., pushing a button). An interaction pattern consists of four parts: the problem the pattern (i.e., the solution of the problem) use cases for the pattern how the pattern applies for the use cases
Page: Interaction Patterns Interaction Pattern: describes recurring actions a user performs when interacting with a computer to achieve a certain goal of a task. Actions are Implicit: arise from the discourse context (e.g., the previous actions of the user) Explicit: triggered by the user (e.g., pushing a button). An interaction pattern consists of four parts: the problem the pattern (i.e., the solution of the problem) use cases for the pattern how the pattern applies for the use cases
Page: Interaction Patterns: Example
Page: Interaction Patterns: IKS List
Page: Overview Introduction Semantic Web: Interaction with Content Standards (RDF, RDFa, JSON-LD, …) Semantic Interaction Patterns What are patterns? List of patterns IKS Interaction with Knowledge The Stack: Interaction & Presentation VIE Interaction Patterns & Widgets
Page: The Stack: Interaction & Presentation
Page: VIE
Page: It‘s about abstraction VIE - UI Widgets „VIE-W“ VIE - UI Widgets „VIE-W“ VIE „Edit your content w. Semantics“ VIE VIE-2 „Edit your Semantics“ VIE-2 (Semantic) Services (e.g., Stanbol Enhancer, - EntityHub, Zemanta,...) (Semantic) Services (e.g., Stanbol Enhancer, - EntityHub, Zemanta,...) (Semantic) Databases (e.g., DBPedia, Geonames,...) (Semantic) Databases (e.g., DBPedia, Geonames,...)
Page: Interaction Patterns & Widgets
Page: UI Widget Example var myWidget = new VIE2.Widget.Factory( ‘auto-tag‘, // id {... }, // options {... }, // css {... }, // events {... } // methods }); myWidget.registerOn(‘.content > p‘);
Page: Copyright IKS Consortium 35 W3C: Interaction and Semantics Interaction HTML5 JavaScript JQuery Semantic Web OWL RDF RDFa JSON July 5, 2011
Page: Copyright IKS Consortium 36 W3C: Interaction and Semantics Interaction HTML5 JavaScript JQuery Semantic Web OWL RDF RDFa JSON VIE July 5, 2011
Page: Copyright IKS Consortium 37 IKS: Coordinates Stanbol VIE VIE2 Interaction Patterns WIDGETS W3C | Technology and Society Domain | Semantic Web Activity | RDF Web Applications Working Group (RDFWA) July 5, 2011
Page: Interaction Patterns & VIE Widgets
Page: VIE UI Widgets Examples
Page: References web?src=related_normal&rel= web?src=related_normal&rel=