key concepts the creative problem solving process Problem Finding Preparation Incubation Illumination and Idea Generation Evaluation This process can take minutes, days or years for one person or many
Every strength can be a weakness key concepts strengths are weaknesses too
-There is no single ‘correct’ creative profile -We all have unique creativity styles -Team creativity is highest when there is diversity -Difference drives creativity It’s not how creative you are It’s how you are creative key concepts strength in diversity principle
the psychology of creativity
diagnostic tool development 10 years of research + Psychometrics at Work Research Group + e-metrixx
72 items (+ 9 Impression Management Questions) Analysis sample of 3574 Norm group of 2351 Managers and Professionals Very reliable scales Very strong 12 Factor structure Fair across gender, ethnicity and language Good correlations with 10 existing measures 86% relationship with 5 different creativity measures diagnostic tool development summary
using me 2 Creativity can be trained Report delivery Individual me 2 General Factor of Creativity Report The Support Manual Example profiles – Individuals Example profiles – Teams Coaching for awareness Coaching for development
creativity can be trained Training starts with diagnosis Use me 2 to diagnose an individuals’ creative style Development to solve problems and exploit opportunities Significantly enhances creative capacity at every level
report delivery Set up and manage activities Online delivery Report to participant or coach Optional Impression Management scale Downloads Full report Summary profile Data in excel
me 2 General Factor of Creativity Report
23 pages Over 244 million variants of report Colour-coded images Introduction to the 4 dimensions Each factor Measuring creativity Your score Development
An example of scores for the idea generation factors using me 2 interpreting profiles
An example of scores for the idea generation factors using me 2 interpreting profiles
An example of scores for the personality factors using me 2 interpreting profiles
An example of scores for the personality factors using me 2 interpreting profiles
An example of scores for the motivation factors using me 2 interpreting profiles
An example of scores for the motivation factors using me 2 interpreting profiles
An example of scores for the confidence factors using me 2 interpreting profiles
An example of scores for the confidence factors using me 2 interpreting profiles