Use CourseCompass Courseware How to Use Your DVM 0070 CourseCompass Courseware Navigate to Success in Mathematics!! to Navigate Your Way to Success in Mathematics!!
successful in math In order to be successful in math, you must aimskill mastery!! …you must aim for skill mastery!! If you aim only passing grade If you aim for only getting a passing grade, DANGERNOT enough math knowledgeskill to build upon!! …you are in DANGER of NOT having enough math knowledge nor skill to build upon!!
CourseCompass pinpoint your specific math deficiencies Through your CourseCompass courseware you can pinpoint your specific math deficiencies! do the work necessary strengths!! So you will know where to do the work necessary to turn them into strengths!! CourseCompass Study Planonline You will do that work in your CourseCompass Study Plan online.
When you get to your computer in the MILL lab, click inside the Username box and type in your username and then tab down and type in your password. Then click OK.
do NOT touch until ALL programs are loaded Please do NOT touch the mouse or keyboard until ALL programs are loaded.
all the programsfully loaded PLATO icon You will know that all the programs are fully loaded when you see the PLATO icon appearing on your screen.
green start button You can then begin by clicking on the green start button…. Academic ApplicationsMath …then on Academic Applications and Math … CourseCompass And finally select CourseCompass from the third window. Enter Type in the address window and hit Enter.
Click on Student Log in to enter your CourseCompass courseware.
Type in your Login Name and Password. Then Click Log in. 4567math
Course you are taking Click on the Course you are taking.
CourseCompass HOME computer must install the 6 plug-insMyMathLab Installation Wizardfollow the instructions To use CourseCompass on your HOME computer you must install the 6 plug-ins: Click on MyMathLab Installation Wizard and follow the instructions. CAUTION!!! NOTinstall the plug-inson our computershere at PGCC ALREADY INSTALLED!!! Do NOT try to install the plug-ins on our computers here at PGCC as they are ALREADY INSTALLED!!!
Note the legendblue video cameras video clipsavailable exercises markedblue video clips Note the legend for the blue video cameras. This tells us that video clips are available on the exercises marked with a blue video clips. Do NOT try to access these video clips on our PGCC computers! PGCC does not presently have the band- width to support streaming video. DO asklab personnel appropriateDigital Video Tutor CDheadset DO ask the lab personnel for the appropriate Digital Video Tutor CD and a headset instead. If you have high-speed Internet on your HOME computer, you will be able to access these video-clips on your HOME computer.
video clipwhile at PGCCclick If you want to see a video clip while at PGCC, click on VIDEO CD INDEXCD number VIDEO CD INDEX to find the CD number for each video.
book CD video Be sure to tell which book you are using when asking for the CD video. chapter 2 video Beginning Algebra CD # 2. For example, if you needed to see a chapter 2 video, you would have to ask for Beginning Algebra CD # 2.
DO HOMEWORK. If your instructor assigns CourseCompass online homework, click on DO HOMEWORK.
Then click on your Homework Assignment.
see score To see your score, click on see score.
homework link Click on the homework link to begin doing your online homework.
Question 1 Click on the Question 1 to begin doing your online homework. blue video camera video clip showing how to do the problem. NOTE: The little blue video camera next to a problem indicates that there is a video clip showing how to do the problem. NOT while in the MILL Lab video CD disk Do NOT click on the video clip online while in the MILL Lab. Instead, ask the person at the front desk for the appropriate video CD disk.
NOT green checkmark Click on the first question that does NOT have a green checkmark. green checkmark A green checkmark indicates that you have finished the question successfully in a previous attempt at this homework assignment.
blue box. Work out the problem on your paper and type in your answer in the blue box.
Check Answer Then click on Check Answer.
OK>> Click on OK and then click on the (>>) on the question bar above.
score was recorded Then you can see that your score was recorded for that exercise.
next exercisenext number Next Exercise You can then go to the next exercise by clicking on the next number on the question number bar or by clicking on the Next Exercise button.
Submit Work If you have to leave before the homework is finished, you can simply click on the Submit Work button and return to finish it later.
work was savedGradebook When you return to finish your homework, you can see that the work that you did was saved in Gradebook. Homework assignment Click on your Homework assignment to continue working on the exercises.
Click on the next problem to begin.
exponent button When you need to type an exponent, click on the exponent button on your left.
If you get it wrong this will appear on your screen to prompt you with a brief suggestion.
help buttons If that suggestion does not help, try clicking one of the help buttons on your right. Beginning Algebra CD Instead, ask for the appropriate Beginning Algebra CD from the personnel at the front desk at Marlboro Hall Learning Lab. VideoPrint Do not click on Video or Print while using a computer at PGCC. Chapter 1Beginning Algebra CD #1.Chapter 2 = Beginning Algebra CD #2, bring your own headset to listen to the video CD.] If you are doing work in Chapter 1, ask for Beginning Algebra CD #1. Chapter 2 = Beginning Algebra CD #2, etc. [You will need to bring your own headset to listen to the video CD.] home home computer without a problem. If you have high-speed (DSL or cable) Internet at home, you will be able to view these online videos on your home computer without a problem.
To find a Test assigned by your instructor, begin by clicking on TAKE A TEST.
Chapter Test Click on the Chapter Test you desire. personalizedStudy Planat the conclusion of the test. You will get a personalized Study Plan at the conclusion of the test.
“I am ready to start” button Click the “I am ready to start” button to begin.
Click mouse inside the box and type in the answer on your keyboard.
Next Question Click on Next Question when finished.
fractionmixed number appropriate button If your answer is a fraction or mixed number click on the appropriate button on the left.
If you need to go back to a previous question, click on the Previous Question button below.
click on any other button leftleavetestwithout submitting Instead, click on any other button on the left to leave the test without submitting. permittedreturn and finish the testlater timestudy plan will reflect only those skills that you really need to work on. You will be permitted to return and finish the test at a later time so that your study plan will reflect only those skills that you really need to work on. cannot finish the entire test NOT Submit Test If you cannot finish the entire test in one sitting, do NOT click on the Submit Test button.
Chapter 1 Test incomplete Notice that the Chapter 1 Test indicates that you have made 3 attempts and it is incomplete. Chapter 1 Test You may click on and finish the rest of the Chapter 1 Test when you have more time.
And you may finish your test, starting right where you left off.
Submit Test. When you are finished click on Submit Test.
do NOT Print Please do NOT Print anything from CourseCompass while in the LAB.
Test Summary test score The Test Summary shows your test score and how many questions you got correct out of the total number of questions on the test.
Back to Results review You may choose to go Back to Results to review your test. ABSOLUTELYessential CourseCompassSTUDY PLAN After reviewing the test, it is ABSOLUTELY essential to go to your CourseCompass STUDY PLAN which is determined by your test results.
Click on the + sign in front of the Chapter from which you took the test.
Those sections marked with a pencil icon indicate that more study is needed.
marked by a pencil Begin by clicking on the first section marked by a pencil.
Show What I Need to Study only Click on Show What I Need to Study to see only the exercises you need to study from this section.
the first Exercise in this set last Exercise Click on the first Exercise in this set and take note of the last Exercise you need to do for this section.
answer Enter Check Answer Type in your answer and hit Enter or click on Check Answer.
OK>> Click on OK and the >> button to move on to the next exercise.
help buttons Remember, when you have trouble doing an exercise, go to your help buttons on the right.
help buttons Similar Exercise Once you are satisfied that you understand how to do the problem from using the help buttons, click on Similar Exercise.
OK… Click on the OK…
Next Objective Study Plan …to move on to the Next Objective on your Study Plan.
You can see from this chart that you have completed all the objectives that needed more study in Section 1.1. Continue working on your study plan by clicking on Section 1.2. doing the same thing Once you have completed all exercises needed in Section 1.2, continue on by doing the same thing to all the sections that need more study. prove mastery over these skills! Once you have completed all exercises in all the sections prescribed for more study, return to the SAME test to prove mastery over these skills! marked improvement You should see a marked improvement in your understanding and your test score should reflect that understanding. NOT85% or more on that retestreturnstudy plan what sections still need more work If you do NOT see a score of 85% or more on that retest, you need to return to your study plan and see what sections still need more work.
TAKE A PRE TESTdiscover your math weaknesses'Submit Test'finished. 1) TAKE A PRE TEST in CourseCompass to discover your math weaknesses and remember to click on 'Submit Test' when finished. STUDY PLANDO the objectives in the sectionsneed more study 2) Go to your CourseCompass STUDY PLAN and DO the objectives in the sections indicated that need more study. TAKE THE POST TEST 3) TAKE THE POST TEST for the same chapter in CourseCompass. RETURNSTUDY PLAN complete mastery of ALL the objectives. 4) If you score anything less than 85%, RETURN again to your STUDY PLAN to see how much you have learned and how much more you need to study to gain complete mastery of ALL the objectives. DO THE WORK REQUIREDthose objectives that still need more workRETURN to do the same test 5) DO THE WORK REQUIRED for those objectives that still need more work; and then RETURN to do the same test in CourseCompass again. (See a tutor, if necessary, or view a video for that section.) Continue in this patternMASTERY of ALL the objectives 6) Continue in this pattern until you reach MASTERY of ALL the objectives. Mastering the Math!!
Study Like You Mean It!!! And You WILL be Better Prepared for Your Next Level of Math!!!