CAREER PORTFOLIO H5 – annex 5 (Interests and talents)
To remind … Good choice of schools and the profession requires good self- asessment and understanding your potential SkillsYour interests Your values Your personality Temperament Your health Abilities
Your potential … Play to your strength ! Funny video to wake up your power
Ingredients of strength Knowledge: Knowledge: facts, lessons, information can be learnt Talent: Talent: patterns of your thought, feeling or behaviour. It’s enduring and occurs naturally. CANNOT be learned. Skills: Skills: something you can do well, you can learn and develop it through training and experience (cooking, technical work, etc)
Interests … It is "the driving force” that stimulates to take action for a specific area of learning and cognition. People interested in a field are more knowledgeable in this area than those who do not show interest.
TYPES OF INTERESTS Humanistic Maths and Phisics Biology and Chemistry Mechanical Tutorial- educational ServiceArtisticSport
Interests … It is important to be able to distinguish a continuing interest from this fleeting. Momentary passions do not usually involve the future choice of profession and may even lead to wrong decisions. In contrast, the most powerful and enduring interest should be treated as a signpost and guide in choosing the way of education and profession.
Multiple intelIigences … Everyone is entitled to all types of intelligence developed to varying degrees They form a unique profile of intelligences. All intelligences cooperate with each other. Each intelligence can be developed and supported. (at „properly organized home’’ and preschool / school environment) /
Apply your talents productively Believe that action is the best device for learning and developing The more you invest in your talent (time, work, dedication, money) the more you are able to make use of your strength, providing consistent performance to achieve success each time. „Life is like a combination lock; when you get the right numbers in the right order, you unlock your potential” (Brian Tracy)
Tasks to annex 5: Interests and talents… Make a test about your professional interests (your teacher will give it to you) and attach the results’ description to your portfolio. Attach to your portfolio the photo of you and the person (teacher, parents, tutor) who supports the most your interests and skills at school or in your life. Justify your choice. Attach to your portfolio something what shows/proves your interests, skills or talents. The number of „this something” depends on you. Print slides 4,9,12. Deadline:
Evaluation form… (give points from is the best) 1. Do you understand the difference between skills and talent? pt. … 2. Do you take care of your talent and interests?pt. … 3. Your opinion about the Talent show at schoolpt. … 4. Does your school support your talent/interests?pt. … 5. „The biggest enemy of talent’s development is the school routine” Are you active at school to create the „friendly and creative events and atmosphere”? pt. … 6. I assess my involvement in Talent show event …pt. … 7. Did the test about professional interests give/confirm information about you in the given field? pt. … Results: …………/max pt. 42 My multiple intelligences are: …………………………………………………………..
Bibliography (testy) posiadane-umiejetnosci-i-uzdolnienia posiadane-umiejetnosci-i-uzdolnienia (testy) (Holland’s game) (strenght)