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WHAT IS POSITIVITY? Joy Gratitude Serenity Interest Hope Pride Amusement Inspiration Awe Love “The experiencing of positive emotions” How it might feel to you:
WHAT IS POSITIVITY? “Don’t worry, be happy” Rose-colored glasses Fake or disingenuous Anti-American What it is not: “I see the bad, but I look towards the good.” ~Alice Herz-Somer, world’s oldest living holocaust survivor
WHY IS POSITIVITY IMPORTANT? “Happiness is a choice, happiness spreads, and happiness is an advantage. Happiness is the fuel of success, not merely the result of it. If your success rates rise, happiness remains the same. If you raise happiness by increasing optimism, social connection, and changing how you view stress, every single educational and business outcome improves.” Shawn Achor, The Happiness Advantage
HOW POSITIVITY WORKS Negative Mindset Fight or Flight Narrow vision Stress Downward spiral Positive Mindset Broaden & Build Openness Multiple Perspectives Upward Spiral
WHAT IS POSITIVITY CAPITAL? People strong in the Positivity theme have an enthusiasm that is contagious. They are upbeat and can get others excited about what they are going to do. -StrengthsFinder definition “When you interact with this person, how does it typically affect your energy level?” Respondents rated interactions on a level of 1-5 where 1 meant strongly de- energizing and 5 indicated strongly energizing -The Hidden Power of Social Networks by Cross, Parker & Cross
Positivity Capitalists are “Attractors” Are more likely to be heard = ideas put into action The projects that generate the most enthusiasm = greatest likelihood for success Positive Emotional Hijacking = raise the performance of others around them Hear about more opportunities for advancement = more likely to be promoted POSITIVE ENERGY IS POWERFUL
MAKE TIME TO CONNECT WITH OTHERS AS PEOPLE Build relationships Show concern for others Develop trust “The most engaged – and productive – employees have a best friend at work.” -Tom Rath, Gallup Research 1. “To Listen”
DO WHAT YOU SAY YOU’RE GOING TO DO Enthusiasm comes from the belief that it is possible Follow through and just do it When energy is created, people let go of their reservations and allow themselves to become enthusiastic 2. “We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their behavior.” -Stephen M.R. Covey, The SPEED of Trust
MAKE IT MORE THAN A SUM OF THE PARTS Energy comes from standing for something larger than yourself We all want to be a part of something meaningful Show how we can make a difference Give and Take by Adam Grant 3. Mark Twain said that!
ACKNOWLEDGE THE POSITIVES, NOT JUST THE PROBLEMS De-energizers focus on problems rather than the positive aspects of a situation Robs teammates of the belief that their contributions matter Be the person who finds value 4.
CRITICIZE IDEAS, NOT PEOPLE Difference between constructive criticism and judging Focus attention on the issue, not character or value of contribution Energizers are able to disagree with an idea without marginalizing the person who presented it What you say about others affects how people see you 5.
BE VISIBLY AND SINCERELY ENTHUSIASTIC Show interest in people and the topic of the conversation. Be engaged. Upbeat moods boost cooperation and performance Enthusiasm is contagious! Cheerfulness and warmth spread more easily than any other emotion. - Yale School of Management Study 6.
LOOK FOR WAYS TO ALLOW OTHERS TO CONTRIBUTE Energizers draw people in Recognize strengths and passions and capitalize on them Be flexible. There are lots of ways to get a job done. 7.
WORK FROM YOUR STRENGTHS, EVERY DAY Discover your unique strengths Find a way to use those strengths every day Value the strengths of your teammates and how they complement you 8. TO DO: StrengthsQuest - Discovering & Maximizing Your Talents March 28, 8am – 12 pm, GateWay MA1100N
WHAT ENERGIZES YOU? I love discovering unexpected connections! I am inspired when I can help someone reach their goals.
1.Make Time To Connect With Others As People 2.Do What You Say You’re Going To Do 3.Make It More Than A Sum Of The Parts 4.Acknowledge The Positives, Not Just The Problems 8 STEPS TO RAISE YOUR POSITIVITY CAPITAL 5.Criticize Ideas, Not People 6.Be Visibly And Sincerely Enthusiastic 7.Look For Ways to Allow Others to Contribute 8.Work from Your Strengths, Every Day Connect with us: Jessica Brosilo Kerry Sanderson