Scripture Studies Quiz Review Chapter 02
Quiz Review Someone who speaks a message from God is called a prophet The four main types of writing we find in the Old Testament are Law, History, Prophecy and Wisdom The books of the Law are called the Torah in Hebrew
Quiz Review Traditionally, Moses is considered to be the author of the books of the Law, so they are sometimes called the Five Books of Moses The books of the Law are also called the Pentateuch, which is a Greek word meaning five volumes
Quiz Review The Ten Commandments appear in both Exodus and Deuteronomy The three books named after women are Ruth, Esther, and Judith The Old Testament writers dated events according to important events of their time, such as the reign of a king
Quiz Review The book of Psalms contains many religious poems attributed to David A biblical “type” is something on the Old Testament that points to something in the New Testament The books from Hosea to Malachi are called the Minor Prophets because they are shorter in length than the writings of the Major Prophets
Quiz Review Many of the sayings attributed to King Solomon are in the book of Proverbs The word Deuteronomy comes from a Greek word meaning “second law.” Micah and Amos are NOT attributed to Moses Scholars DO NOT have actual copies of the sources that were used in writing the books of the Old Testament
Quiz Review The Old Testament prophets DID NOT always tell the people that they were in trouble with God and needed to repent
Quiz Review The Old Testament prophets DID warn people of a disaster if they did not repent, and when Disaster struck, other Prophets would bring God’s message of hope and consolation The world’s most famous love poem is NOT found in the book of Job. It’s the Song of Songs
Quiz Review The book of the Prophet Isaiah has some of the clearest prophecies of the coming of Christ The near sacrifice of Isaac in the Book of Genesis is a type for the death of Christ Christians should read BOTH the New Testament AND the Old Testament
Quiz Review The Wisdom book that we use extensively at Mass is the book of Wisdom