OECD’S APPROACH TO FACILITATING RESEARCH Semantic Tagging, Discoverability and Accessibility Terri Mitton, OECD Publishing
2 Strategies for improving findabilty Tagging Discoverability Make it easier… …for readers to find, use and understand data Accessibility
3 Make it easier… …for readers to find, use and understand data Accessibility
Discover statistics in various formats (search, browse by topic, country) Quick access to OECD.Stat and tools for statisticians API services (for those who understand such things) DATA PORTAL Home page 4
Quick access to datasets, ready-made tables Quick access to charts, maps and publications DATA PORTAL Topic page
Real-time data in easy to use charts Definition Link to source database Links to related indicators and publications Go from main indicator to more detail… Easy to use, understand 6
7 Trends and country ranking for selected indicators Compare countries Trends and rankings And on mobile too
8 How do we make data easy to find and understand?
9 Discoverability
From data to discoverable content
Discovery via OECD Search 12 General public Researcher Search… Chapters Tables Indicators Databases … Search… Indicators Databases Publications
Is it enough still ? No !! Source: Gardner and Inger (2012): How readers discover content in scholarly journals
Discovery usual suspects For professionals and the public
Intensive work with industry key players Now indexing our published objects including datasets, tables…..
But we have also learned to let go we now encourage anyone to read and then share and embed our publications in their websites and blogs for free
Embedded full books and charts
Searching Tagging 18 Semantic tagging
Text analysis tools that identifies pertinent information Combs through documents and extracts concepts To enrich the documents we use ‘skill cartridges’ which contain taxonomies and specific business rules. 19 Semantic Enrichment…
20 Example taxonomy « disabled students » « handicapped students » ?« disabled children »?
21 Not only…
22 Or…
23 OECD Taxonomy 2. Geographical areas3. Document metadata1. Topics Different ways of classifying OECD work
xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx Content Documents, Publications Vocabularies Business Logic Finance Fiscal affairs Fraud Education Skills Attainment P C1 E T2 SR P T1 C2 OECD Subjects Semantic Enrichment xxxxxxx Fragment > Annotations Triples Linking, Inferencing > Linked Business Data Triples xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx External Sources P olicy E vidence S tate of Affairs R ecommendation C ountry T heme … > Candidate Terms (RSS) 24
Annotation Factory Fragment Classification … … xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx Documents, Publications xxxxxxx Fragment > Triple Store Annotation Web Service Industry Finance</xml Annotations Extract « fragments » Submit « fragments » to Luxid Store annotations as triples Document Classification P.E.R.S. (*) Taxonomy Enrichment > (*) Policy/Evidence/Recommendation/State-of-Affairs OECD Semantic enrichment factory 25
xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx Content Annotations Linked Data OECD.Discover 26
27 « Education policy » use cases UC-8 UC-1 UC-6UC-5 UC-4a UC-3UC-2 UC-4b
28 OECD.Discover statistics 132 OECD publications 321,000 fragments 195,800 PERS objects 89,200 state of affairs 28,000 policies 72,300 evidences 6,300 recommendations
Integration 29 Web services and connectors have been developed to facilitate the integration of the taxonomy and semantic tools with the different OECD applications Luxid (Temis) and Sharepoint 2010 integration tested and the principle validated Luxid (Temis) and OpenText Content Server (OECD.Records) integration tested and in production
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