February 24, 2015 First Public Hearing 1
Workshop proposed ULDC changes: 1/27/15 Request to Advertise: 1/27/15 First Public Hearing: 2/24/15 Second Public Hearing: Tentative 3/10/15 2
Propose Comprehensive Plan language for limited industrial uses related to wood processing in Rural/Agriculture land use Create allowance for Mobile Food Trucks Provide more flexibility for design of pedestrian sidewalks in TNDs. Define masonry as relates to requirements for walls or screening 3
Comprehensive Plan language adopted January 27th Amend recently adopted Wood Processing Facility code by: ◦ Allowing processing of treated wood products ◦ Limiting square footage of buildings associated with wood processing facility unless otherwise approved by BoCC ◦ Allowing BoCC to determine whether the facility must be on a paved public road ◦ Requires Special Exception approval by BoCC 4
Wood processing facilities may be allowed by special exception in the A district subject to development approval by the Development Review Committee and the following standards. The total square footage of all structures used for the wood processing facility shall not exceed 50,000 square feet, unless otherwise approved as part of the special exception The site shall have direct access on a paved public road, unless otherwise approved as part of the special exception. If approved on an unpaved road, a maintenance agreement may be required. 5
Added Mobile Food Sales as a new use on the Use Table in Chapter 404 Created requirements in Code: ◦ Annual permit from Codes office ◦ Site requirements including placement, sales, hours of operation ◦ Not allowed on vacant lots 6
Removed expiration date of September 30th. Annual permit only Extended the time frame for transient food trucks from no more than a 30 minute stop to one hour stops. Changed the end time hours of operation to 10:00 pm or close of business on site, whichever is later 7
In the Transit Supportive Area sidewalks shall be provided on both sides of streets except where sidewalks will not directly front buildings or provide logical and necessary pedestrian circulation. Streetscape elements within the Transit Supportive Area shall include pedestrian scale lighting, street furniture, waste receptacles, locational maps, planters and street trees. Required minimum sidewalk widths are clear widths and additional width may be required to provide streetscape elements. 8
Where screening is required or proposed in conjunction with a project boundary buffer...it shall consist of: a.a minimum six foot tall masonry wall, such as brick, stone, granite, concrete block or concrete panels; b.a minimum six foot tall opaque fence, such as vinyl or wood (no chain link); 11
Section (b)2. Demonstration of Good Faith Efforts the completion or status of site development improvements including substantial and on- going site clearing, grading and the substantial and on-going construction of stormwater management facilities, if applicable (BoCC direction) 12
13 Section Dock Clarified language and added descriptive picture – no new requirements
Table – removed two plant species from discourage planting list as they are now on the prohibited planting list: Scratchthroat/coral ardisia and Chinese privet Section Secondary Open Space ◦ Amended language to clarify that correctly designed stormwater basins may count towards only half of required open space 14
Combined Sections and (d) Family Homestead Subdivisions Added provision that Family Homestead Subdivisions expire within one year of approval if registered survey not recorded provide owners future assurance of permitting a single family residence Notice to future owners 15
Section Exception from Connection to Centralized Potable Water and Sanitary Sewer System Requirement ◦ Changed requirement from posting of a bond or other financial guarantee to recording of a deed to ensure future connection 16
Section (e) Additional traffic data. The following additional traffic data collected within one year of final submittal shall be required for class III and class IV connections and may be required by the County Engineer for class II: 17
Other Access Management Considerations ◦ Revised requirement for left turn lanes ◦ Revised Requirement for deceleration lanes (b)4 Class II, III and IV connections to a two-lane collector or arterial roadway with a posted design speed limit of mph or greater shall require a deceleration lane. Class II connections may require a deceleration taper. Final determination on Class II tapers will be based on proposed land use and safety and operational characteristics at the proposed location. 18
Section Nonconforming Use of Structure ◦ deleted maximum size requirement for replacement of nonconforming mobile homes Chapter 410 Definitions Amended/Added definitions ◦ Entertainment and Rec, Floor Area Ratio, Gross Floor Area, Junk, Wood Processing Facility 19
Second Hearing ◦ Tentative Date March 10, 2015 Questions, Comments, Additions 20