COLLABORATION WITH LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES FOR EFFECTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT Viktoria Slavkova Regional Development Foundation – Sofia (Bulgaria) 19 th of September 2013 Porto Palace Hotel, Thessaloniki
Regional Development Foundation Non-profit organization established in 2005 Branches in: City of Sofia Haskovo Ruse Nessebur Petrich Varna Public benefit activities : development and strengthening education environmental protection local and regional governments civil protection Aims : trans-border structures and partnership researches in the field of planning and development improvement of social, economic, administrative and environmental climate in Bulgaria cooperation with state and support to municipal authorities, local and international organizations support and cooperate with similar organizations
Responsibilities of the State Bulgarian State's obligations under Chapter 22 - "Environment” of EC Association Agreement include: At the latest the end of 2014 in the country should be a system of 56 facilities (modern regional landfills) Only 2 new regional landfills started (Sofia and Botevgrad) Within the same period (in stages)191 regional landfills should be closed- 76 existing municipal solid waste landfills, not meet the legal requirements and modern technical standards. Within the same period should be opened WWTPs in each municipality with population above 2000 people
The Facts and Figurs
Responsibilities of the Municipalities 2020 by 2020, the preparing for re-use and recycling waste materials from households should be increased at least 50 % of their total weight. by 2020, the preparing for reuse, recycling and other recovery of materials, with the exception of materials in natural state, should be increased to at least 70% of weight. by 2020, limiting the biodegradable municipal waste to 35 % of the total quantity of the same waste formed in extended from 2016 Launched a mandatory requirement for separate collection of green waste from parks and public spaces, for transmission to composting.
Existing situation
Unregulated landfills
Municipality of Svoge 1/3 Municipality of Svoge is located in western Bulgaria,part of Sofia province. territory of 868,6 km ² 2 nd largest by area in the country after Sofia population of around 21,000 people, 1/3 lives in the town of Svoge includes 37 villages Overview
Municipality of Svoge 2/3 Projects Reloading station and a sorting installation in Svoge (Part of regional solid waste landfill Konstinvrod) Municipality / project preparation Measure "Construction of WWTPs” of Municipality Strategic Plan construction of modular treatment plants in smaller settlements in the municipality 2003“Sreden Iskar”- joint project of PVB Power Bulgaria AD and Svoge Municipality Construction 9 small hydro power plants (River Iskar) public-private partnership ( ) ready SHPP Lakatnik, SHPP Svrazhen and SHPP Tserovo,
Municipality of Svoge 3/3 Partnership Agreement for cooperation with: Municipalities of Stupava, Slovakija City of Soignies, Belgium City of Kirishi, Russian City of Nis, Palilula Municipality, Serbia NGOs Private Companies
Municipality of Svoge 3/3 Partnership Agreement for cooperation with: Municipalities of Stupava, Slovakija City of Soignies, Belgium City of Kirishi, Russian City of Nis, Palilula Municipality, Serbia NGOs Private Companies
Environmental Projects1/2 Management AD Overview 2006 founded in BG as as daughter company of Marius Pedersen /Veolia Miljo Service Holding A/S, Denmark 2010 Cordeel and Aertssen (Belgium) major shareholders
Environmental Projects Management AD Services:
Environmental Projects Management AD 2/2 Projects: 2 JV for construction of regional landfills: Thrace Eco AD (2007) - with the municipalities Asenovgrad Purvomai& Sadovo (by March 2011 municipal company) Kostinbrod Eco AD (2009) - with the municipality of Kostinbrod- landfill construction under implementation
Kostinbrod Eco AD Municipality of Kostinbrod- landfill construction project Participating municipalities - City of Kostinbrod, Svoge, Bozhurishte, Dragoman,Godech, Slivnitza. Region of Kostinbrod – population 69945, total waste - 27,275 tons / year. Created a Regional Association of municipalites –meetings 2/year Planned regional waste management system regional landfill in the municipal area of Kostinbrod / implemented / reloading station and a sorting installation in Svoge Municipality / project preparation /. plan and organize compliance with legal requirements for local members: Closure of old landfills after the construction of new regional landfill Achieve the regional target of 23% recycling of household waste generated by the municipalities.
Pan-European opinion poll on occupational safety and health Representative sample in 36 participating European countries for the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) Results across 36 European countries
Click to add text here Regions Note: insert graphs, tables, images here RegionCountry North-east EuropeCzech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia Ukraine, Latvia North-west EuropeAustria, Belgium, France, Germany, Irland, Lichtenstein, Luxemburg, Holland, UK North CountriesDanmark, Finnland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden South-east EuropeAlbania, Bulgaria, Croatia, FYROM, Romania, Monte Negro, Serbia, Turkey South EuropeCyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain EU2727 countries of the European Union EU1515 countires of the European Union before 1 st of May 2004 EEANorway, Island, Lichtenstein CCSCandidate Countries and potential candidates
Level of information about safety and health risks at work
Difference to 100 per cent due to exclusion of Don't Know; Universe: Population aged 18+ Level of information about safety and health risks at work Regarding safety and health risks at the workplace, do you consider yourself ….? (%)
Difference to 100 per cent due to exclusion of Don't Know; Universe: Population aged 18+ Level of information about safety and health risks at work Regarding safety and health risks at the workplace, do you consider yourself ….? (%)
Confidence in action to address workplace safety and health problems Увереност че се докладва наличието на проблеми по отношение на безопасността или опазването на здравето на работното място
Difference to 100 per cent due to exclusion of Don't Know; Universe: Employees aged 18+ If you raised a health and safety problem in your workplace with your supervisor, how confident are you that it would be addressed? (%) Confidence in action to address workplace safety and health problems
Difference to 100 per cent due to exclusion of Don't Know; Universe: Employees aged 18+ If you raised a health and safety problem in your workplace with your supervisor, how confident are you that it would be addressed? (%) Confidence in action to address workplace safety and health problems