MARKET SEGMENTATION How markets can be segmented? BANKS CAN SEGMENT THEIR MARKET AS FOLLOWS: Account type 1 Account type 2 Account type 3 Account type 4 Account type 5 Accoun t type 6 Account type 7 Account type 8 Student Account Children’s account (7-19 years) Joint AccountBusiness Account Young worker Account Young Adult account( 20-45) Older adult account (46-65) Pensione rs account Example of how current accounts can be segmented by BARCLAYS BANK
Example of how BARCLAYS bank can segment their savings accounts Savings Account type 1 Savings Account type 2 Savings Account type 3 Savings Account type 4 Savings Account type 5 Savings Account type 6 Savings Account type 7 Savings Account type 8 Student Savings Account Children’s Savings account (7-19 years) Joint Savings Account Business Savings Account Young worker Savings Account Young Adult Savingsa ccount(2 0-45) Older adult Savings account (46-65) Pensione rs savings account
Retail segmentation Home and leisure department Jewellery departmen t Luxury depart ment Electronics /Technology departments Food and Beverage department Healt h care depar tment Finan cial depar tment Entertainm ent (music, DVD) department Sports department Furniture department Clothin g and shoes depart ment Beauty (cosmetic) department Digital department Flower depart ment Fruits and Veget able depart ment Stationery department
Example of how the car market can be segmented Luxury cars- High price, high quality Sports cars – High price high quality Executive cars- High price high quality Sports cars- Low price low quality Low price brands low quality brands Moderate price brands moderate quality Industrial cars Family cars
Example of how the clothing/shoes market can be segmented Clothing for (0-12months) (male & female) Cloting for 1-5year old) (male & female) Clothing for (6-18) (male & female) Clothing for (19-30) (male & female) Clothing for (31-45) (male & female) Clothing for (45- 65) (male & female) Clothing for (66 and above) (male & female) Clothing for ( 0- 12monts) MALE Clothing for 1-5year old MALE Clothing for 6- 18year old MALE Clothing for year old MALE Clothing for year old MALE Clothing for year old MALE Clothing for 65 and over MALE Clothing for ( 0- 12monts) FEMALE Clothing for 1-5year old FEMALE Clothing for 6- 18year old FEMALE Clothing for year old FEMALE Clothing for year old FEMALE Clothing for year old FEMALE Clothing for 65 and over FEMALE
The transport industry segmentation First class seatsBusiness class seatsSecond class seats Very ExpensiveSlightly expensiveLess expensive Airline, trains, ship, bus, tram etc) Tickets for students Tickets for non students Reserved tickets Tickets for pensioners Tickets for family Low priceHigh priceLow price
How Hotels and Inns can segment their market First class rooms/service Second class rooms Very Expensive (High price)Less expensive (low price)
How the media market can be segmented CNN - USA CNN - AFRICA CNN- EUROPE CNN – ASIA CNN – MIDDLE EAST CNN – AUSTRALIA CNN NORHT AMERICA CNN- SOUTH AMERICA Program A USA Report Program B Inside Africa Program C Your World today Program D Inside Asia Program E Inside Middle east Program F World News Program G Your world today Program H Design 360 Example: TV channel ( CNN)
Segmentation of the food and beverage market Organic Food Inorganic Food SMART PRICE BRANDS Luxury brands Moderat e quality First class brands High priceLow price High priceVery low price Very High price Moderate price High price Organic drinks Organic drinks Inorganic drink SMART PRICE BRANDS Luxury brands Moderate quality First class brands High priceLow price Very low price Very High price Moderate price First class brands Food for new born babies (0- 9months) Food for children (1- 10years) Food for adult Food for the old Organic food Inorganic food Confectio naries Food for animals SpiritWineChampagneBeer Alcoholic beverages WaterJuice drink Soft drink – Fanta, coke, J 2 O Vitamin/Ener gy drink Yogurt drink Non alcoholic beverages
How the insurance market can be segmented: HOME INSURANCE CAR INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE GENERAL PROPERTY INSURANCE BUSINESS INSURANCE TRAVEL INSURANCE How Education can be segmented Kindergarten education Primary Education Secondary Education High school education University Education Professional Education How the movie industry can be segmented How the music industry can be segmented Children’s movies Adult movies Love movies War movies Family movies Religious movies Children’s music Adult music Religious music Love music Traditional African music Western music
Male (0-5years) Male ( 6-18years) Male (19-45 years) Male (45-65years) Male (66+) Female (0-5years) Female (6-18years) Female (19-45years) Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4 Segment 5 Segment 6 Segment 7 Segment 8