What is the difference between the brain and the mind? “The mind is what the brain does”
Dual processing and the two track mind Upper - Consciousness –Deliberate thought and action Lower - Unconscious –Automatic –Does most of the brain’s work “back stage” then moves it into our consciousness
Upper conscious Only completely focus on one task at a time E.g. Tap 4 times with left hand and 3 times with right (difficult)
Selective attention Cocktail party effect Driving and cell phone Inattentional blindness –E.g. gorilla on court Change blindness –Person or shirt color
Circadian Rhythms 24 hour sleep cycle Changing from working nights to days Transpacific flight –Tokyo to Seattle –Going West to East is hardest Sun is moving East to West)
Brain Waves during Sleep Alpha waves Sleep spindles Delta waves REM sleep
Brain Waves During Sleep Alpha waves –Awake & relaxed Transition (Stage 1) Sleep spindles (Stage 2) –Bursts of rapid rhythmic brain activity –Lasts about 20 minutes Delta Waves (Stage 3 & 4) –Deep sleep –Slow waves –Lasts about 30 minutes
REM Sleep (Rapid Eye Movement) 90 Minute cycle Dreaming Helps consolidate memories Sexual (genital) arousal
Typical nights sleep
Sleep Disorders Insomnia –Persistent trouble falling or staying asleep Narcolepsy –Sleep (seizure) –Falling asleep immediately for about 5 minutes –May occur at many inopportune (or serious) times (e.g. having sex)
Sleep Disorders (Cont.) Sleep apnea –You stop breathing while asleep –Snort air and fall back asleep Night Terrors –Mostly children –Appear terrified - sits up or walks around –Usually remembers little or nothing the next morning.
Sleep & the life cycle
Hypnosis A relaxed state in which the hypnotist suggests certain perceptions and feelings or thoughts. Some people may be more susceptible to being hypnotized than others. –Particularly if they strongly believe they can be hypnotized. You can not be hypnotized against your will.
Posthypnotic suggestion Suggestions given during hypnosis that you will act a certain way after the session. –Cigarettes or weight loss
Social influence theory of hypnosis Hypnotized subjects are simply acting out the role of a good hypnotic subject.
Drugs & Consciousness Tolerance –Larger doses are needed to produce the same effect.
Withdrawal Physical response to withdrawal of the drug –Anxiety –Pain –Intense cravings –Difficulty sleeping – Headaches when you stop smoking
Misconceptions about addiction 1. Addictive drugs quickly corrupt –A. Lower level drug use does not necessarily lead to “harder” drugs. –B. Medical use of drugs (e.g. Morphine) to control pain rarely result in the patient becoming addicted.
Misconceptions about addiction 2. Therapy is always needed to “kick the habit”. –Many people have quit drugs on their own - although therapy may help 3. Other pleasurable activities –(or a compulsion) and be “addictive” E.g. Gambling, internet, sex
Predictors of drug use Stress Failure Depression Peers - Close friends who use drugs –( particularly among adolescents)