9th October 2008AIDA FEE progress report P.J.Coleman-Smith 1 AIDA Frontend Electronics progress report. Mezzanine to FEE64 connection. Mezzanine Layout FEE64 layout Digital channel analogue buffering. PowerPC external memory Power supply structure Parts cost
9th October 2008AIDA FEE progress report P.J.Coleman-Smith 2 Mezzanine connections ASIC bonding works best if the underneath of the pcb is flat and clean of components. These Samtec FSI connectors only require gold plated pads on the mezzanine board. Locators on the connectors and 15 bolts will provide alignement.
9th October 2008AIDA FEE progress report P.J.Coleman-Smith 3 Mezzanine layout Discriminators Linear regulators DAC and monitors
9th October 2008AIDA FEE progress report P.J.Coleman-Smith 4 FEE64 Layout Virtex5 16Mx64 SDRAM Gbit Ethernet Dual buffer FADC Connects to FADCs and ASICs Connects to DDR2 SDRAM Virtex5 bank layout
9th October 2008AIDA FEE progress report P.J.Coleman-Smith 5 Digital channel analogue buffering Preamp output referenced to the VREF from the ASIC and converted to differential signal centered about the ADC reference. ASIC reference buffered once for 16 channels. Input from ASIC
9th October 2008AIDA FEE progress report P.J.Coleman-Smith 6 PowerPC external memory 16M x 64 bit DDR2 SDRAM to hold LINUX operating system, and data buffers. (400Mhz) Flash memory to hold FPGA fabric program and the Linux boot loader software. (Xilinx device) –Flash memory will hold a “golden” copy of each and allow later versions to be written by the Linux system. And be selected automatically for at power-up with a “fallback” to the “golden” copy in case of failure.
9th October 2008AIDA FEE progress report P.J.Coleman-Smith 7 Power supply structure Input watts 3mmx3mm Rated 5A per pin
9th October 2008AIDA FEE progress report P.J.Coleman-Smith 8 Parts cost Submitted BOM to assembler. Cost per FEE64 £1300 when making 6 –Includes supported pricing for Xilinx parts.