1 FY2010 Application Training MOU/MOA Allowable/Unallowable Costs By: Therese Neal
2 Session Objectives By the end of this session, participants will understand : –How to complete MOU/MOA’s and understand the need and requirements. –What are allowable and unable costs that can be purchased through the program.
3 MOU/MOA Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - required by USDA for all agencies providing Local Share (1-3 years) Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) – recommended working agreement with agencies where you provide SNAP-Ed. There is no perfect MOU or MOA that will work for everyone
4 MOU USDA requires the following statements be included within your MOU: None of the funds used in this MOU are federal funds or funds being used to match other federal funds. No portion of the proposed Local Share funds are being counted more than once, or for another LIA contact.
5 MOA The following statements are required on an MOA: This MOA does not include the reimbursement of funds between the two partners. Program activities do not supplant existing nutrition education programs, and where operating in conjunction with existing programs, enhance and supplement them. This applies to all activities and costs under both Federal and Local budget shares.
6 MOU/MOA A template and instructions are available for your use on the website. You can create your own if you prefer, but remember to include the required USDA statements. Must be reviewed and approved by AzNN
7 MOU/MOA Instructions ochttp:// oc ochttp:// oc tionguide.pdfhttp:// tionguide.pdf understandingmousample.pdfhttp:// understandingmousample.pdf
8 Allowable/Unallowable Costs Requirements are the same for both Local Share Funds and Federal Share Funds
9 Allowable/Unallowable Costs Allowable and Unallowable Costs Criteria apply in the following areas: –Literature/Materials/Audiovisuals –Social Marketing Campaigns –Equipment –Food Samples, Supplies and Provisions –Nutrition Education –Physical Activity
10 Allowable/Unallowable Costs Allowable and Unallowable Costs Criteria apply in the following areas: Reinforcement Items Gardening Space Allocation Staff and Training Costs Costs Associated with Other Activities
11 Allowable/Unallowable Costs Literature/Materials/Audiovisuals - Allowable: Nutrition education brochures, posters, books New materials only when no other comparable materials available
12 Allowable/Unallowable Costs Literature/Materials/Audiovisuals - Unallowable: Materials with brand names Cents off coupons Disparaging messages
13 Disparaging Messages Network messages may not convey negative written, visual, or verbal expressions about any specific foods, beverages, or commodities. Examples on what NOT to say: Drink milk and not soda Red meat has too much fat – eat chicken Sweet treats are bad – eat more vegetables Examples on what is OKAY to say: Drink milk to help build strong bones Eat lean cuts of red meats and poultry Limit foods high in sugars and include adequate amounts of fruit and vegetables every day.
14 Allowable/Unallowable Costs Equipment – Allowable: Office equipment Equipment cost-shared with other programs Kitchen appliances with justification
15 Allowable/Unallowable Costs Equipment – Unallowable: Medical Equipment (scales, glucometers, pedometers, blood pressure cuffs, etc.)
16 Allowable/Unallowable Costs Food Samples, Supplies and Provisions – Allowable: Food for recipe development or taste testing Food demonstration supplies Sample size portions for food demonstrations
17 Allowable/Unallowable Costs Food Samples, Supplies and Provisions – Unallowable: Ongoing snack or food service Meal size portions or complete meal service Food costs as groceries or supplemental food
18 Allowable/Unallowable Costs Nutrition Education – Allowable: Classroom space Physical activity demonstrations Cost-share of classes provided in conjunction with another program Breastfeeding education coordinated by WIC
19 Allowable/Unallowable Costs Nutrition Education – Unallowable: Life skills training Medical Nutrition Therapy Weight loss classes/obesity treatment Ongoing physical activity classes or equipment Health screenings
20 Allowable/Unallowable Costs Physical Activity – Allowable: Physical activity promotion as part of nutrition education sessions Brief exercise demonstrations Materials to teach physical activity concepts along with nutrition education Physical activity and nutrition messages
21 Allowable/Unallowable Costs Physical Activity – Unallowable Health or gym club memberships Exercise equipment Physical activity supplies for class participants except for instructor demonstration Ongoing physical activity classes
22 Allowable/Unallowable Costs Reinforcement Items – Allowable Costs Calendars or magnets with nutrition messages Measuring cups, spoons or other items of nominal value which reinforce a nutrition message Nutrition education aids
23 Allowable/Unallowable Costs Reinforcement Items – Unallowable Costs Items that cost more than $4.00 Items (even of nominal value) that are not reasonable or necessary Items that have no nutrition message Any item intended for persons not SNAP Eligible
24 Allowable/Unallowable Costs Gardening – Allowable Costs Educational supplies, curricula, and staff salaries designed to teach the beneficial nutritional aspects of gardening.
25 Allowable/Unallowable Costs Gardening – Unallowable Costs Rental or purchase of garden equipment Rental or purchase of land for gardens Costs associated with creating or maintaining a garden
26 Allowable/Unallowable Costs Staff and Training Costs – Allowable Staff training Volunteers in Public Agencies Time must be charged proportionate with duties being performed Presentations about SNAP to community care providers serving low-income people
27 Allowable/Unallowable Costs Staff and Training Costs – Unallowable Volunteers in a non-public agency University courses not relevant to SNAP Training for food service workers
28 Allowable/Unallowable Costs Costs Associated with Other Activities – Allowable Reimbursement of personal costs (child care, meals, etc.) for participants of SNAP-Ed focus groups only Nutrition education that promotes the selection of healthy foods from vending machine Participation on relevant state and local advisory panels
29 Allowable/Unallowable Costs Costs Associated with Other Activities – Unallowable Lobbying Surveys of the general population Environmental or policy changes Personal costs of SNAP recipients (meals, childcare, etc.) Childcare or transportation costs for SNAP participants
30 Allowable/Unallowable Costs Besides “allowable”, nutrition education funds must be spent only for modest, reasonable, and necessary activities. Example: Nutrition education training for your local staff is OK! (and encouraged) Nutrition education training located in Canada is not OK!! (and not reimbursable).
31 Allowable/Unallowable Costs Unallowable costs: –May have to be paid back by local agency, may not use federal funds to do so. –Will not qualify as State/Local Share funds and will be not be approved.
32 Allowable/Unallowable Costs QUESTION: Do you agree that what is allowable and unallowable for Local Share is the same for Federal Share portions of your program? –Yes or No?
33 Allowable/Unallowable Costs QUESTION: Allowable and unallowable guidelines state that physical activities must be combined with a nutritional message. Do you agree or disagree?
34 Allowable/Unallowable Costs QUESTION: Why is Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) considered unallowable? –a. MNT does not address primary prevention intervention – it treats the disease or condition after it becomes a health threat not before. –b. MNT is considered to be a type of counseling that will not help to identify your audience. –c. MNT is an assessment of nutritional status and makes it difficult in identifying what type of incentive items you can use.
35 Allowable/Unallowable Costs QUESTION: Dr. Hansome is employed at ABS University and has a wonderful but small part of the LIA program where he occasionally hands out SNAP-Ed materials at health fairs. His wages are $75.00/hr. Would this be an allowable hourly rate to include in your budget? –Yes or No
36 FY2010 LIA Application Training Complete Your Evaluation I-Link: g_3d_3d g_3d_3d LUNCH BREAK SEE YOU AT 1:00 PM