United States in the 1930’s and up to world War II The great Depression United States in the 1930’s and up to world War II
Causes of the Great Depression Unequal distribution of wealth Overproduction Extensive stock market speculation (Bull Market) Calvin Coolidge's administration (1920’s)favored business. The rich got richer and the poor got poorer Agricultural problems- exports on decline 9000 banks fail in 1930- too many loans and no insurance in banking system No unemployment insurance or public relief
Great Depression in Urban and Rural AMerica Urban Areas Industrial cities major factory shutdowns Increase in unemployment/ evictions No relief funds available Rural Areas Disaster in South- cotton and tobacco prices fall African American farmers suffer greatly Dust Bowl creates huge droughts
Songs of the Great depression Radio and entertainment expanded during depression Soap operas increased Radio news arrived in 1930’s Key factor in politics Songs about depression, government fallouts, and labor disputes filled the airwaves. Example: Peter Seeger “Bacon, Beans, and Gravy” Woody Guthrie “This Land is Your Land”
Class Discussion Listen to the songs Follow along with the words Let’s Discuss Think/ Pair/ Share What do you think the singer is talking about? Remember elements of Folk tales
Hoover vs. roosevelt Election of 1932 Hoover vs. Roosevelt Hoover (Republican) conservative, nothing he did seemed to help the country-wanted to restore business confidence couldn’t find a successful way to do so. High unemployment rate but Hoover refuses to give direct relief – Growing unrest during end of presidency Roosevelt (Democrat) Liberal – from wealthy family, wanted to employ as many people as possible for the government, build up the economy. Came from a rich family, educated and became governor of New York in 1928
Roosevelt’s New Deal Elected for four terms the most of any president Alphabet agencies – New Deal Passed Emergency Banking Act Significant shift in political and domestic policy in the U.S Lasting changes = increased gov’t control on economy and money supply Relief, Recovery, Reform
Agencies of the new deal (1933) In Roosevelt's first Hundred Days many acts were introduced which were to form the basis of the New Deal. Examples Include: Emergency Banking Act 1933 National Industrial Recovery Act '33 Agricultural Adjustment Act 1933 Tennessee Valley Development Act '33
FDR’s Second New Deal (1935-1938) Huey Long demand redistribution- push FDR to the Left WPA- Big public works program – creates thousands of jobs Wagner Act- Guarantees labor unions right to organize and bargain Social Security – huge development, part of our current political discussions FDR reelected in 1936- with support of farmers, industrial workers, immigrants, and African Americans
Dear Mrs roosevelt Eleanor Roosevelt- Wife of President big component during the 1930’s Worked with women and children for better rights and treatment Worked with National Youth Association Children wrote her daily for clothes , food, and money
Final thoughts If Eleanor Roosevelt was still around today… Write her a letter with your present day concerns about our government, economy, education, etc. One paragraph in length Please be appropriate These will be collected.
Dust Bowl Movie: Grapes of Wrath Personal testimonies Made shortly after Dust Storm Personal testimonies
Dust Bowl and Western Famine Ecological and economic disaster in southern Great Plains in early 30’s. Dust blew away rich topsoil Hardest regions hit = Kansas, Colorado, Western Oklahoma, Texas, and Easter New Mexico Okies, people who migrated from Middle Western States and into California – seen as “White Trash”
Helpful timeline 1929- Stock Market Crash 1932-Reconstruction Finance Corp Bonus Ary/ FDR Pres 1933- 13 million unemployed “Hundred Days”- New Deal 1935- Second New Deal Social security Dust Storm 1936- Roosevelt wins again 1937 – “Roosevelt Recession” begins 1938- Fair Labor Standards Act establishes first federal minimum wage
Teacher Options:Project options (Option 1) New Deal Jeporardy Game Create a board game that utilizes the programs and agencies of the New Deal or anything about FDR- biography and life as President Be Creative (Option 2) Newspaper Create a newspaper that covers the Stock Market crash and interviews several people from the city who are suffering, or not from the crash Several articles should be included Pictures and advertisements should also be included (Option 3) Dust Bowl Board Game Create a board game that shows the hardship, travels, and effects of the Dust Bowl Be Creative Include illustrations/ color on game
Teaching options: Grapes of Wrath: Video Presentation Movie made in the 1940’s not long after the Dust Bowl Describes a families struggles while traveling further west to escape dust bowl Write down Plot Characters Summary Reflection