Top 5 colleges with the most sex offenses (per 1,000 students) 1.Cazenovia College: offenses per 1,000 students 2.Vassar College: Hamilton College: Bard College: Schuyler-Steuben-Chemung-Tioga-Allegany BOCES (college courses offered so they are required to report): 9.62
Top 5 colleges with the most sex offenses (not per student) 1.SUNY at Stony Brook: 37 2.Rochester Institute of Technology: 33 3.Vassar College: 29 4.University of Rochester: 28 5.Syracuse University: 27
What's typical? The average rate among New York state's 590 colleges, universities and schools was 0.36 offenses per 1,000 students, according to federal data. Excluding schools that reported no offenses, the rate rises to 1.57 offenses per 1,000 students. Caution: While colleges are required by federal law to report sex offenses and other offenses, experts say colleges vary greatly on how thoroughly and accurately they report them. my few words: The proper statistics are really difficult to find on sexual assault cases. The reason for that is because there’s a lot of pressure on college to uphold their image, and scandals are not what they need. In most cases the investigations are not done properly and males who commit such crimes cannot be persecuted. In some cases the college will protect the scholarship athlete rather than just another girl. Today’s world should really think about our priorities, because turning your back from someone in need because of money is what always happens; and we can do better.
SAFER = Students Active For Ending Rape-Empowers students to hold their universities accountable "Offers national campus sexual assault policy database to search and review universities Leads mentor programs to train other members and spread information Involvement with government: " July , Senator Gillibrand, Senator McCaskill, Senator Blumenthal, Senator Heller, Senator Rubio, Senator Grassley and Senator Ayotte announced The Campus Accountability and Safety Act, (the CASAct) a bill to combat campus sexual violence, support survivors, and hold colleges and universities accountable to their students and to federal law.”The Campus Accountability and Safety Act, (the CASAct) a bill to combat campus sexual violence, support survivors, and hold colleges and universities accountable to their students and to federal law.” Involvement with the media: Cosmopolitan, The Huffington Post Involvement with the media: Cosmopolitan, The Huffington Post
RAINN: "Rape Abuse and Incest National Network” Provides statistics” According to the 2008 National Crime Victimization Survey, as reported by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, more than 75% of the women who reported a rape were under 25 years old at the time of their assault; more than 25% of the victims of reported rapes are between 18 and 24 years old.2008 National Crime Victimization Survey, as reported by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, more than 75% of the women who reported a rape were under 25 years old at the time of their assault; more than 25% of the victims of reported rapes are between 18 and 24 years old. “-nformation on laws which protect the victims -Campus Sexual Assault Victims' Bill of Rights - Accuser and accused must have the same opportunity to have others present.-Both parties shall be informed of the outcome of any disciplinary proceeding. -Survivors shall be informed of their options to notify law enforcement. -Survivors shall be notified of counseling services. -Survivors shall be notified of options for changing academic and living situations.-Reasons why these are so common: - Lack of a Sexual Assault Response PolicyInadequate Sexual Assault Training and Response -Underreporting of campus crime statistics -Provides information on how to protect yourself” -In 80-90% of cases, victim and assailant know each other. -"Provides information where to seek help after the event
Although at the beginning of this year four NYS schools including Hunter College were listed to still be under investigation, universities that are not reported have more cases and negative reputations online. One of these cases is from Columbia university in which a female student was assaulted but didn’t report anything because Columbia did not have an affirmative consent policy, so although she never said yes or gave her consent, it could have been considered consensual. Another case was at Fordham University in which a student did report but she was turned down and told nothing could be done therefore the perpetrator received no charges nor was there any sort of disciplinary action.Fordham University reported 62 assaults, the most reported.This was not considered an uncommon issue.
“An affirmative consent law tells perpetrators that if a woman accepts a drink, it’s not a yes; that threatening a woman until they stop resisting is not a yes; and that silence is not a yes. Affirmative consent tells survivors that they can come forward and seek justice, because only a yes means yes.”
-Contact one of the Organizations like SAFER and RAINN for further information and guidence -Create a Facebook and an Instagram Page with the #VoiceOverViolance -Create a Selfie “game” in order to bring awarness to the cause -Draw “volume up” sign on cheek -Give out ballons with “#VoiceOverViolance” Instead of fliers