Electronic Records Chapter 11
Electronic Record Stored on electronic media ComputerComputer Audio recordingAudio recording Video recordingVideo recording Accessed by electronic equipment Digitized Easily changed
Data Groups of characters representing specific values or conditions
Information Data that have been analyzed, interpreted, or compiled into meaningful form.
Networks Computers connected by communication lines Share information and resources LAN – local area network WAN – wide area network
Magnetic Media Disk Tape Optical Laser
Data Storage Maxtor Maxtor Maxtor
esson6/lesson6-9.htm esson6/lesson6-9.htm esson6/lesson6-9.htm group.com/en/en/Professional_Media /Data_Media/
Systems Concept IIIInterdependent group forming a unified whole
Phases of System Input Process Output Controls Feedback
What kinds of equipment do we use for data input?
Indexing Consistency important Records on individual computer need to be accessible to othersRecords on individual computer need to be accessible to others Indexes for “off-line” records DepartmentDepartment Type of recordType of record Dates/batch/Dates/batch/ Type of computer created onType of computer created on Type of software usedType of software used
Disposition Routine backups Routine destruction What kinds of issues or problems do we see with the disposition phase of electronic records?
Media Issues Media compatibility Access equipmentAccess equipment Software generationsSoftware generations Media stability Vulnerability to damageVulnerability to damage Quality retentionQuality retention
REO_End_User_05_2005.ppt REO_End_User_05_2005.ppt
and Internet Usage Uniform retention policy Consistent naming and indexing Use filtering to save time
Filters Plan Look at types of received and frequent sendersLook at types of received and frequent senders Create appropriate folders Types of or correspondentsTypes of or correspondents Create filters Automatically sort into foldersAutomatically sort into folders
Network Safety and Security 1. Use better passwords and change them frequently 2. Install system patches 3. Use and update virus software 4. Install a personal firewall 5. Be suspicious of unknown senders 6. Backup important files regularly
Hoaxes, Viruses, and Chain Letters ry/bltop25.htm ry/bltop25.htm ry/bltop25.htm
Image Records Digital or photographic representation of a record Microforms MicrofilmMicrofilm MicroficheMicrofiche Aperture cardsAperture cards Microfilm jacketsMicrofilm jackets
Image Records
Microfilm Can be produced from paper documents Can be produced from printer files.
Image Record - A photographic representation of a record Microimage – A reduced image Microrecord – A reduced image of a document or record
Where are micrographic records used?
Why is this technology important?
Microfiche Sheets with multiple images Can be reproduced Can access by scrolling down/across the sheet
Micrographics = Filming of records Preparing records - How do we index and prepare records for microfilming? Filming records – What are the concerns about filming records? IndexingIndexing Flash Frame numbering Image qualityImage quality
Film processing Storage Retrieval Viewing
Equipment Viewers Safe storage Jackets or cards