European Commission – Community Vocational Training Action Programme European Commission – Community Vocational Training Action Programme UNIVERSITY OF BUCHAREST Faculty of Chemistry UNIVERSITY OF BUCHAREST Faculty of Chemistry TRAINING MODULE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION CONTROL Pilot Project no. RO/02/B/ F/ PP – June 2003 – October Workshop P5 (UT), October 14, 2005, Rome, ITALY
OBJECTIVES Development and implementation of a flexible training module in the field of environmental monitoring and control. Acquiring skills to work with modern analytical equipment including the use of simulation programs. Teachers and students exchange between project partners and working visits in enterprises. Mutual recognition of acquired qualifications and skills. Alignment at European standards of programs and vocational training methods based on cooperation between universities, research institutes, specialized bodies and associated enterprises.
Workshop P5 (UT), October 14, 2005, Rome, ITALY TARGET GROUPS Young graduated students from faculties of: chemistry, biochemistry, biology, ecology, engineering, etc. Employed / un-employed persons interested to acquire a qualification in the field of environmental monitoring and control. Trainers from environmental monitoring and control field. Pollutant / potential pollutant enterprises. Local, regional and governmental authorities interested in the environment quality monitoring.
Workshop P5 (UT), October 14, 2005, Rome, ITALY I. CONCEPTION First meeting in Bucharest (July 19, 2003) First meeting in Bucharest (July 19, 2003) – contact seminar with all partners and putting in operation the project work-programme. Analysis of the labour force market Analysis of the labour force market in the field of environmental monitoring and control: - a WEB site including a database in accordance with the target group needs ; market study - a market study: the type and number of pollutant enterprises, the necessary labour force in the environmental monitoring and control field. A general valid methodology for the identification of the necessary competencies A general valid methodology for the identification of the necessary competencies in environmental monitoring and control field. Curricula and schemes of training course and of laboratory guide Curricula and schemes of training course and of laboratory guide.
Workshop P5 (UT), October 14, 2005, Rome, ITALY II. TRAINING MATERIAL PREPARATION, EVALUATION AND PUBLICATION Second meeting in Lund(March 19, 2004) Second meeting in Lund (March 19, 2004) – analysis of Curricula and schemes of teaching course and laboratory guide, teaching methodology, database and WEB site. Preparation, experimentation and validation Preparation, experimentation and validation of all teaching materials (curricula, textbook, laboratory guide) in English and Romanian. Publication of textbook Publication of textbook in hardcopy. Advertisement Advertisement for teaching module and programme. Adding on WEB site of all teaching material, information regarding project development and update of database
Workshop P5 (UT), October 14, 2005, Rome, ITALY 1.Organic and inorganic environmental pollutants in air and waters. Sonic and electromagnetic pollution. 2.Analytical techniques for environmental monitoring and control. 3.Automatic analytical methods for environmental monitoring and control. 4.Standardization and legislation in the field of environmental monitoring and control. 5.Quality assurance and management of laboratory activity in the field of environmental monitoring and control including sonic and electromagnetic pollution. MAIN COURSES OF THE TRAINING MODULE
Workshop P5 (UT), October 14, 2005, Rome, ITALY ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION MONITORING Pollution, Analysis, Legislation, Quality Assurance and Management Ed: A.F. DANET I. Chapters: I.2. WATER POLLUTANTS – M.C. CHEREGI I.2.1. Types of water pollutants – M.C. CHEREGI I.2.2. Metals – A.F. DANET I.2.3. Metalloids and organometallic compounds – M.C. CHEREGI II. Chapters: II.2. ELEMENTARY STATISTICS – M.C. CHEREGI II.4.3. UV-VIS spectrometry – A.F. DANET II.4.4. Atomic absorption and emission – M.C. CHEREGI II.4.7. Mass spectrometry – A.V. MEDVEDOVICI II.4.8. Gas chromatography – mass spectrometry – A.V. MEDVEDOVICI II.5.4. Heavy metals – A.F. DANET II.5.5. Pesticides – A.V. MEDVEDOVICI III. Chapters: III.2.1. Introduction in CFA, SFA, FIA and SIA – M.C. CHEREGI, A.F. DANET III.2.2. Automated flow analysers– M.C. CHEREGI, A.F. DANET III.3. MODERN TECHNIQUES FOR AIR POLLUTANTS – M.C. CHEREGI, A.F. DANET - Textbook -
Workshop P5 (UT), October 14, 2005, Rome, ITALY ENVIRONMETAL POLLUTION MONITORING LABORATORY GUIDE Eds: A.F. DANET, M.C. CHEREGI, M. BADEA I.ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND CONTROL – A.F. DANET, M.C. CHEREGI I.1. Spectrophotometric determination of ammonium by the indophenol blue method I.2. Determination of chloride in waters I.4. Determination of sulphate in waters I.6. Separation by extraction and spectrophotometric determination of mercury from waste waters I.9. Determination of pH in precipitation. Potentiometric method I.11. Determination of strong and weak acids in precipitation. Coulometric titration method I.14. Separation and determination of trihalomethanes from waters by gas chromatography I.16. Determination of aldehydes and ketones in ambient air II.AUTOMATIC ANALYTICAL METHODS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND CONTROL – A.F. DANET, M.C. CHEREGI II.1. General principles of the flow injection analysis II.2. Determination of the nitrites from water by using the flow injection analysis technique in stopped-flow with spectrophotometric detection II.3. Method for determining the free chlorine in waters by using the flow injection analysis principle II.4. Determination of the chloride ion using the FIA method based on multidetection II.5. Determination of phenols in water by using a flow injection analysis assembly with spectrophotometric detection II.6. Method for the flow injection analysis for the pre-concentration and spectrophotometric determination of phenols in water II.7. Determination of the nitrites and nitrates using a FIA system with amperometric detection II.8. Determination by enzymatic inhibition of Hg 2+ using a flow injection analysis method with chemiluminometric detection
Workshop P5 (UT), October 14, 2005, Rome, ITALY Advertisement UNIVERSITATEA DIN BUCUREŞTI FACULTATEA DE CHIMIE Centrul de Cercetări Metode Automate de Analiză Sub egida Programului de Formare Profesională LEONARDO da VINCI iniţiat de UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ se anunţă organizarea: Cursului postuniversitar de perfecţionare pentru MONITORIZAREA POLUĂRII MEDIULUI Durata: 2 săptămăni Perioade: 27 iunie–8 iulie august–9 septembrie 2005 Locaţia: Universitatea din Bucureşti Profesori din: România, Italia, Franţa Înscriere: GRATUITĂ Se adresează: absolvenţilor de facultăţi cu profil chimie, biochimie, biologie, ecologie, inginerie, etc. Se eliberează: CERTIFICAT ABSOLVIRE INFORMAŢII şi ÎNSCRIERI: Tel: / 115; Fax: ; UNIVERSITATEA DIN BUCUREŞTI FACULTATEA DE CHIMIE Centrul de Cercetări Metode Automate de Analiză Sub egida Programului de Formare Profesională LEONARDO da VINCI iniţiat de UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ organizează: Cursuri postuniversitare pentru MONITORIZAREA POLUĂRII MEDIULUI cu durata de 2 săptamâni. Ultimul curs organizat în 2005 este în perioada: 29 august - 9 septembrie Persoanele interesate să participe la modulele viitoare ce se vor organiza în 2006 se pot înscrie on line pe pagina de web a cursului: După stabilirea perioadelor în care se vor organiza cursurile în 2006 (începutul lui 2006), persoanele înscrise vor fi informate prin despre acestea şi condiţiile de participare. Toate informaţiile privind cursurile respective, date referitoare la modulele de curs deja ţinute, câteva prelegeri ale unor profesori de prestigiu, precum şi multe alte aspecte privind monitorizarea şi controlul poluării mediului, vor putea fi găsite pe pagina de web a proiectului, menţionată mai sus.
Workshop P5 (UT), October 14, 2005, Rome, ITALY III. TEACHING MODULES Training at highest standards Training at highest standards of participants in the field of environmental monitoring and control. Identification of the “weak points” elimination / correction Identification of the “weak points” of elaborated training material and of teaching activity / method and elimination / correction of them. open distance learning Setting of the specific conditions for attending the teaching module by open distance learning. Third meeting in Bucharest (September 10, 2005) Third meeting in Bucharest (September 10, 2005) – analysis of obtained results within the teaching modules and evaluation of their dissemination strategy.
Workshop P5 (UT), October 14, 2005, Rome, ITALY TRAINING MODULES Training modules modules organized in ROMANIA: June 27– July and August 29 – September 9, Advertisement Advertisement: posters, announcements published in newspapers, by and direct contact with various bodies interested in the field of the pollution monitoring. Registration Registration: 300 persons. Training groups groups: two groups of 25 students each selected based on the following criteria: profession (chemists, biochemists, engineers, biologist, physicist, ecologists, etc); un-employed, place of work; age; the interests of the employers in training of their personnel in the field of environmental monitoring.
Workshop P5 (UT), October 14, 2005, Rome, ITALY Training groups
Workshop P5 (UT), October 14, 2005, Rome, ITALY
Teaching chapters 1.Organic and Inorganic Environmental Pollutants in Air and Waters – Assoc. Prof. Carmen PARNAU 2.Elementary statistics – Assoc. Prof. M.C. Cheregi 3.Sample, Sampling and Preparation – Assoc Prof. M.C. Cheregi 4.Gravimetric Analysis – Assoc. Prof. M.C. Cheregi 5.Volumetric Analysis – Assoc. Prof. M.C. Cheregi 6.UV-VIS Spectrometry – Prof. A.F. DANET 7.Atomic Absorption and Emission – Prof. A.F. DANET 8.Chromatography – Prof. A.V. MEDVEDOVICI 9.Mass Spectrometry – Prof. A.V. MEDVEDOVICI 10.Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry – Prof. A.V. MEDVEDOVICI 11.Continuous Flow Analysis; Segmented Flow Analysis – Prof. A.F. DANET 12.Flow Injection Analysis – Assoc. Prof. M.C. Cheregi 13.Automated Flow Analysers – Assoc. Prof. M.C. Cheregi 14.Application of the Flow Techniques of Analysis in Environmental Monitoring and Control – Assoc. Prof. M.C. Cheregi
Workshop P5 (UT), October 14, 2005, Rome, ITALY Results of training module
Workshop P5 (UT), October 14, 2005, Rome, ITALY
IV.DISSEMINATION Workshop organization Workshop organization - present project results and products. project elaborated products Utilization of a large scale of project elaborated products by different type of companies, local, regional and governmental authorities and people from ROMANIA and other European countries. Improvement of environmental monitoring and control Improvement of environmental monitoring and control in ROMANIA. Evaluation of project efficiency Evaluation of project efficiency by number of persons interested in project results and/or eager to attend teaching module.
Workshop P5 (UT), October 14, 2005, Rome, ITALY RESULTS Printed Curricula, textbook and laboratory guide. CD-ROM containing developed training material. WEB site containing: project presentation, all teaching materials, information regarding training module Updated database regarding job opportunities and Job Fairs and Virtual meeting rooms. Three simulation programs. Two training modules. Open Distance Learning – as a farther project development.