Miami Valley Educational Computer Association 8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS 1011 EMIS An Introduction to EMIS by Angie Crandall Stacy Hurtt MVECA
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS 1012 Objectives To obtain answers to the following questions: Why is EMIS important? (Why should I care?) What is “EMIS”? How does EMIS work? How can I help to verify EMIS data?
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS 1013 Why is EMIS important? EMIS data are used by ODE to: Calculate funding State funding, as well as some types of federal funding Hold districts accountable for results As required by state and federal law Data are released to the public Federal reporting – e.g. Title I Consolidated Report Monitor district compliance with state/ federal law E.g. Audits – Title I, financial Inform policy planning and for decision-making
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS 1014 What is EMIS? “EMIS” stands for the Education Management Information System. It is the system through which districts report student, staff, financial, and building/district data to the Ohio Department of Education. EMIS was established in 1989 by the Ohio General Assembly ORC section ODE began collecting data from districts through EMIS during fiscal year 1992
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS 1015 What types of data are in EMIS? Student data General Demographic and Attendance Courses Program participation Discipline incidents Testing/accountability Special populations Special education Career-technical education Gifted screening, assessment, identification & services LEP student screening, assessment, identification & services Homeless/migrant
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS 1016 What types of data are in EMIS? (cont’d) Staff information Demographic and attendance Employment Courses taught Highly qualified teacher/paraprofessional status
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS 1017 What types of data are in EMIS? (cont’d) Financial information Building information District information
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS 1018 What are EMIS Snapshots? Snapshots vs. LIVE data The way EMIS currently works, data submitted are “snapshots” of particular periods of time. Data maintained by districts are updated as activities occur. Student data are extracted from student systems or entered into EMIS for a particular time period and submitted to ODE via EMIS. If corrections are needed after snapshots are taken, data stored in both local systems and in EMIS must be updated in the student systems and in the appropriate EMIS database.
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS 1019 What are EMIS Reporting Periods? There are 3 major reporting periods for reporting student data to ODE (4 if you have career-technical education programs).
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS October EMIS Reporting Period 1.October – This is a snapshot of the first full week of October. This is used primarily for state foundation funding, including funding for career-technical education programs. October data are also used in combination with Yearend data to see if a student was enrolled during a full academic year.
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS December EMIS Reporting Period 2.December – This is a snapshot of students with disabilities (and preschool students in state-funded preschool programs, regardless of disability condition) as of December 1 of the current school year. These data are primarily used to flow Special Education Part B funds (formerly Title VI-B Flow - through funds); AND Funding for districts awarded state-funded preschool grants.
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Yearend EMIS Reporting Period 3.Yearend – These data reflect students enrolled in the district at any point of the year. Depending upon the data element, the data may reflect: Students’ status as of the last day of school in the building/district, AND/OR Activities/events that occur during the school year, such as enrollment/withdrawals, and participation in programs (e.g. migrant, special education, gifted, LEP), and assessments given.
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS March EMIS Reporting Period 4.This reporting period is for districts that receive funding for career-technical education programs (specifically Workforce Development). This is when districts report follow-up data about the employment/education status of career- technical completers who have recently graduated or left school.
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS How does EMIS work? Overview of EMIS Reporting Data are collected at the district level District sends data to the information technology center (ITC), (formerly DA site) ITC (DA site) sends district data to ODE
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Process for Reporting Student Data in EMIS Student Information System (SIS) Education Management Information System EMIS Student Data Loaded into EMIS using REMIS Student files submitte d to ODE AGG Reports Run Aggregations ODE/EMIS Data Verification Reports ODE processes data REMIS Reports
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Entering Data Districts have a choice for how to report student data. They can: 1.Enter data into SIS, and then extract data and load it into EMIS. OR 2.Enter data directly into EMIS. OR 3.Enter data into another student system (that is not SIS), and then extract the data to be loaded into EMIS.
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Entering Data Directly into EMIS Education Management Information System EMIS Enter Student Data into EMIS using EMIS screens Student files submitte d to ODE AGG Reports Run Aggregations ODE/EMIS Data Verification Reports ODE processes data
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Student Data Are Entered into SIS SIS data are critical. What you enter into SIS is the basis for: Funding Accountability Data for policy-makers Student Information System (SIS)
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Where do your data come from? It is important to know the source of student data. Your district may have a process for collecting and reporting each type of student data. To make sure these processes are in place and working as they should, you can ask: –How many people are making updates to SIS data? –How is the EMIS coordinator informed when changes are made? –Is someone verifying the accuracy of these data?
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Considerations for Correcting Data Who registers students? How are updates made through the year? Are appropriate staff updating the admission date for students who enter after the beginning of the year? Are updates also reflected in EMIS? Who does course scheduling? How are updates made through the year? Are updates also reflected in EMIS? Who enters discipline data? Who enters gifted/special education data?
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Importance of Accuracy during Entry It is easier and more efficient to enter data accurately, than to go back to identify and correct errors. This will save time in the long run. Do the individuals who enter data into SIS know how the data will be used in EMIS? If they know this, they will know how important it is to take care during entry.
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Student Data Are Extracted from SIS and Loaded into EMIS Which data are extracted via REMIS? Demographics Using UNCLEMIS Attendance Using ATTUPDEMIS Course Information Using CTRMEMIS, CLISEMIS, COHIEMIS - grades only Discipline Using DISCEMIS Program codes Using MEMBEMIS Student data are extracted from SIS using REMIS
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Importance of Accuracy before Loading into EMIS Are program specialists verifying the accuracy of data reported in SIS? Special education coordinators/directors? LEP program directors/specialists?
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS REMIS reports are generated Districts that do not use SIS software will not have these reports. REMIS reports show any errors that occurred when loading data into EMIS. Review these reports to learn which data need to be corrected. These programs help to check the accuracy of your data. UNCLEMIS.TXT is the most used REMIS error report. REMIS Reports
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Student Data Are Loaded into EMIS Districts can either load data into EMIS, OR enter data directly into EMIS. At Yearend, assessment and gifted data are loaded directly into EMIS, where manual updates are made, as necessary. Education Management Information System EMIS
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS EMIS screens EMSUDMStudent Demographic (Screen 1) EMSUDMStudent Attendance (Screen 2) EMSUDMStudent Attendance (Screen 3) EMSSUBStudent Subject Record by individual student EMSCLASSStudent Subject Records by Class EMSPGMStudent Program Codes EMSDISStudent Discipline Data EMSGIFStudent Gifted Record EMSFCLStaff Class Master Record When districts make corrections to student data using EMIS screens, it is important to make corrections in the source system (SIS or other student software).
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Run Aggregations The aggregation software is a state software application. The aggregations are used to see if district data meet the rules established by ODE. ODE adds checks to make sure data are reported in accordance with EMIS Guidelines. Run Aggregations
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Generate/Review Aggregation Reports There are several aggregation reports that can be used to verify data prior to submission to ODE. AGG Reports
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Review Aggregations Reports EMSAGG5.TXT A report of errors which prevented either a student, program or course from being included in an aggregation. EMSAGG6.TXT Lists the students who are excluded from aggregations due to an error or because they are not an enrolled student. STU_AH.TXT Student Attending/Residing in another DistrictStudent Attending/Residing in another District – Helps resolve conflicts between districts about student data. EMSREP6.TXT A list of students in each class by classroom code. EMSRT5.TXT Student counts by classroom code within each building.
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS EMIS Data Submitted to ODE Once MVECA has received appropriate notification (signed data submission form), MVECA will begin submitting your data to ODE. Student files submitted to ODE
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS ODE Processes Data ODE receives EMIS files. ODE processes data
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS ODE Generates ODE/EMIS Data Verification Reports There are several reports that need to be reviewed by program specialists to verify that data have made it to ODE and accurately reflect what is happening in districts. ODE/EMIS Data Verification Reports
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Multiple Places to Verify Data There are several places to check when looking for errors. SIS reports (reports generated by the student system) REMIS reports (reports generated to identify errors during load into EMIS) AGG reports (reports generated to identify fatal errors based upon ODE business rules) ODE/EMIS reports (reports generated by ODE with ODE calculations performed)
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Reporting Staff Data in EMIS Staff data are reported to ODE via EMIS during the October and Yearend reporting periods. How are staff data used? Some staff data impact funding (teacher education and experience data, pupil/teacher ratio) Staff statistics appear on the Local Report Card (highly qualified teacher data, teacher education, qualified paraprofessional) Federal reporting (high quality professional development) Policy planning/decision-making (Legislative data requests)
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Process for Reporting Staff Data in EMIS at Yearend Uniform Staff Payroll System (USPS) Education Management Information System EMIS Staff Data Extracted from USPS Staff files submitte d to ODE Staff Validation Reports Run Staff Validations ODE/EMI S Staff Reports ODE processes data
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Source of EMIS Staff Data Staff data are typically extracted from HR/payroll systems and loaded into EMIS. It is important to correct data at the source. Sometimes EMIS coordinators make corrections to staff data in EMIS. It is important that HR/payroll staff and EMIS coordinators communicate so updates in EMIS can be reflected in HR/payroll systems whenever appropriate.
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Where does your staff data come from? Who enters staff data into payroll systems? If corrections are made in the payroll system that also affect EMIS data, how is the EMIS coordinator notified? If corrections are done in EMIS, are corrections also made in the HR/payroll system? You can verify staff data using the staff validation report is called EMSRDXXX.TXT (XXX = fiscal year and report period, e.g. 06K).
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Now that you know more about EMIS… What can you do to help improve the accuracy of EMIS data for your building/district? 1.As district program specialists/building principals to help verify data reported to ODE. 2.Make sure folks entering data into SIS have “quiet” time to concentrate when entering these data (to avoid errors) 3.Make sure folks reporting or verifying data for ODE talk to one another so data are accurate across systems. (e.g. OEDS, CCIP, EMIS, CSADM) ODE uses data across systems to get a picture of what is occurring in a district.
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Other important resources There is an EMIS section on the ODE web site that contains: EMIS Guidelines This is updated annually – so make sure you are using the EMIS Guide for the current year. Report explanations are available to assist in reading the ODE-generated EMIS reports. Other important EMIS tools and updates (the EMIS Newsflash.)
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS ODE/EMIS reports to verify in October ReportPotential reviewer Highly Qualified TeacherPrincipals CTAE reportsCareer-technical program managers/staff DisabilitySpecial Education coordinators/directors
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS ODE/EMIS reports to verify in December ReportPotential reviewer December Child CountSpecial Education coordinators/directors Early Childhood Validation Early Childhood coordinators/directors
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS ODE/EMIS Reports to Verify at Year-end ReportPotential reviewer LRC and AccountabilityTesting coordinators, Principals, and Superintendents High Quality Professional Development Principals Special Education ExitingSpecial education coordinators/directors Yearend Early Childhood ValidationEarly childhood coordinators Gifted Student DataGifted coordinator/directors Title I reportsTitle I program manager/coordinator
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Testing Data Can Impact Funding Section of the Ohio Revised Code requires districts and community schools to exclude from their ADM students enrolled during the previous year’s test administration periods who did not take one or more required tests and did not have a test record submitted with a waiver. Beginning with the school year, ODE will be using the State Student Identification Numbers (SSID) to identify students for whom test records should have been submitted and exclude those students from a district or community school’s ADM and the resulting funding. SOURCE: Dr. Zelman’s weekly to superintendents, 7/8/2005 and 7/15/
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Improving the Quality of Testing Data People who might assist in verifying testing data: Testing Coordinators Special Education Directors/Coordinators Coordinators of Limited English Proficiency Programs Building Administrative Support Staff Principals NOTE: Testing companies may release testing data after secretaries leave on summer vacation. Districts may want to have a back-up plan for tracking down results.
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Testing data checklist For each vendor, know in advance whether CDs from the testing company will be sent directly to MVECA, or if districts need to deliver CDs. Have a backup plan for tracking down test results for students after secretaries leave for the summer.
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Important Connections CSADM It is critical that the CSADM administrator and EMIS coordinator communicate to reconcile data reported to ODE via EMIS AND the CSADM. ODE connects data in both systems using the SSID (statewide student identifier).
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Important Connections (cont’d) Federal Low Income Count System (FLICS) is a subsystem of EMIS used to allocate and distribute Federal ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act) funds to community schools. Community schools report data on economically disadvantaged students enrolled during the first full week of October to ODE. Traditional public school districts can verify these data. Districts should contact the reporting community school(s) if the information reflected in the application is not consistent with their records.
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Important Connections (cont’d) CCIP EMIS coordinators need to know which buildings are Title I-funded and If buildings are school-wide or program buildings.
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Important Connections (cont’d) Education Monetary Assistance Distribution (EMAD) is a secure web application administered by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS), where districts and community schools identify students in poverty. These data can be used as one source for reporting students as economically disadvantaged in EMIS. These data have been used to calculate Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid (DPIA) – now poverty-based assistance (ORC ).
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Important Connections (cont’d) Districts can designate their EMAD coordinator in the Ohio Educational Directory System (OEDS). Individuals identified in this role will be added to the EMAD distribution list, and will receive all EMAD- related communications from ODE. This role is listed as “Coordinator-EMAD” in OEDS. Watch for updates from ODE on EMAD timelines and training dates for the school year!
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Key EMIS Dates October reporting First submission 10/14/05. Last submission 3/3/ submission opportunities. December reporting First submission 12/2/05. Last submission 1/20/06. 7 submission opportunities. March reporting First submission 3/3/06. Last submission 5/5/ submission opportunities. Yearend reporting First submission 5/19/06. Last submission 7/28/ submission opportunities.
Miami Valley Educational Computer Association 8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS EMIS Accountability
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS FY2006 October K Key EMIS dates October reporting First submission 10/14/05. Last submission 3/3/ submission opportunities. NOTE: The complete FY2006 EMIS processing schedule can be found at: MIS_Processing_Schedule_06.pdf. FY2006 change 11/11/05 – FY2006 October K data submitted used for the December #1 foundation payment NOTE: Last year current year data were not used until the January #1 payment
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS EMIS Accountability ORC § – What does the law say? District Responsibilities Meet deadlines for reporting (1) Meet deadlines for correction (2) Make good faith effort regarding condition of data (3) ODE Responsibilities Report district failure Withhold 10% on first report –10% is based on the full year foundation payment amount. Withhold 20% on second report Release funds on corrective action Do not release funds after 45 days SOURCE: Ohio Department of Education, Center for School Finance, EMIS Accountability presentation, by Paolo DeMaria, found at
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS FY2006 October K Key EMIS dates for EMIS Accountability DateSignificance 12/9/05Districts which are currently out of compliance will be sent a warning letter on 12/13/2005, to inform them that the 45 day corrective action cycle will begin for Period K on 1/17/ /13/06Submission of incomplete or inaccurate data for Period K triggers an official out of compliance letter to be mailed on 1/17/2006 with guidance as to corrective action. 1/17/2006The initiation of the 45-day data accountability corrective action cycle, which includes withholding of district funding. 3/3/06Last opportunity to submit FY2006 October K EMIS data.
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Verifying EMIS Compliance Districts can verify whether or not they are in compliance with EMIS Accountability requirements on the SUBMISSION_STAT.PDF report. SUBMISSION_STAT.PDF
8/18/2005MVECA - EMIS Any Questions? Thank you for your time and attention!