PRACTICAL GUIDEBOOK Methods, Assessment and Producing Lessonware
Assessment Goal: To promote the learners’ key competences, personal growth, citizenship and to prepare students for the world of work.
Monitoring peer- and group work 1)Clarify and convey the purpose of the peer / group activity to the students. 2)Facilitate the process and take notes and monitor the process. Enables personalized support, timely feedback and support through questioning.
Questionnaires. Entry and exit polls To find out what the students already know. Learn about attitudes or opinions. What questions they may have before or after the lesson. What they have learned or would like to learn more of.
Quick learning checks I am confused. I need help I am confident. I know the content. I have some questions, but I am getting there. Or use “traffic lights”
Checking learning: laundry basket A way to find out which students need more help and to give them appropriate support. Arrange 4 corners in the classroom with different activities. Students choose the type of help they need. TIDE: Too much information. I am confused, things are not clear. Activity: review, think, discuss with others, clarify CHEER: I am confident. I know the content. I am ready for the next topic. I can help others. Activity: Enrichment, dig deeper GAIN: There is something missing. I need to investigate further. Activity: Check the resources, ask other students and the teacher. BOLD: I know most of it, but I need answers to some specific questions. Activity: Ask teacher, ask other students, review.
Learning portfolios Organize, summarize, reflect and share the learning process. Written portfolios: Samples of student work. Essays about and reflection on learning. Digital portfolios can contain text, visuals, audio, and video.
The branches represent various learning goals Add or color leaves or fruit when you have achieved A learning goal
Blogs and blogging
Peer correction