1 Anti-fouling Systems—Sampling Huang Tianbing Marine Biosafety Section Bangkok, June 2009 Views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and should not be construed as necessarily reflecting the views of IMO or its Secretariat Views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and should not be construed as necessarily reflecting the views of IMO or its Secretariat.
2 AFS—Sampling ARTICLE 11 - Inspections and detections of violations A brief sampling of the ship’s anti- fouling system that does not affect the integrity, structure, or operation of the anti-fouling system taking into account guidelines developed by the Organization.
3 ARTICLE 11 (continue) The time required to process the result of such sampling shall not be used as a basis for preventing the movement and departure of the ship AFS-SamplingAFS-Sampling
4 AFS—Sampling Guidelines for brief sampling of anti-fouling systems on ships, adopted by resolution MEPC.104(49). -Main body provides general terms; -Appendices provide examples of sampling and analytic methods
5 AFS—Sampling 1When sampling is needed 2General terms to be observed during sampling 3A brief introduction of sample analysis (two steps, thresholds and tolerance limit )
6 AFS—Sampling Inspections or surveys do not necessarily always need to include sampling of anti ‑ fouling system (paragraph 1.3 of the Guidelines). Reliable documentation (AFS Certificate or SOC) would sufficiently verify a ship’s compliance Majority of relevant industries have been refraining from the marketing, sale and application of organotin compounds since the adoption of the Convention
7 AFS—Sampling For practical reasons sampling of the anti- fouling system is very often reserved for occasional checking or where there are clear grounds for believing that the anti-fouling system intended to apply or presenting on the hull does not in compliance with the Convention.
8 AFS—Sampling Sampling may be needed in the following cases:. 1occasional checking of an anti-fouling system applied at new-building ;.2occasional checking of an anti-fouling applied at a maintenance and repair dry ‑ docking;.3an existing ship requesting an IAFS for the first time;.4port State inspection
9 AFS—Sampling Sampling from wet paint 1Take samples from a newly opened container; 2Stir the paint to ensure even consistency before sampling; 3Take the samples and store them in appropriate sealed packaging; 4For coatings where on-site mixing of several components is required, take samples of each component, and record the required mixing ratio; 5Record details of the paints; 6Triplicate specimens
10 AFS—Sampling Sampling from dry paint from ship’s hull 1Not to affect the integrity of anti-fouling systems; 2From the surface is intact, clean and free of fouling
11 AFS—Sampling 3Avoid contamination of samples of samples 4Triplicate samples at least 4 sampling points least 4 sampling points
12 AFS—Sampling 5Take photographs of hull and sample areas
13 AFS—Sampling Sampling device
14 AFS—Sampling
15 AFS—Sampling Personal safety 1 Safe access to sampling points 2 Avoid contact with paint
16 AFS—Sampling Safe access to sampling points − Condition of the ship (ballast condition, ship’s operations, mooring, anchorage, etc...) − Surroundings (position of ship, traffic, ships movement, quay operations, barges or other floating vessels alongside) − Surroundings (position of ship, traffic, ships movement, quay operations, barges or other floating vessels alongside) − Safety measures for the use of access equipment (platforms,cherry picker, ladders, etc...) − Safety measures for the use of access equipment (platforms,cherry picker, ladders, etc...) − Weather (sea state, wind, rain, temperature, etc...) − Precautions to avoid falling into the water between the quay and the ship.
17 AFS—Sampling Sample analysis
18 AFS—Sampling ICP /MS: Inductively Coupled Plasma/ Mass Spectrometry ICP-OES: Inductively Coupled Plasma /Optical Emission Spectrometer AAS: Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer XFR: X-ray fluorescence analysis GC/MS: Gas Chromatography/mass spectrophotometry
19 AFS—Sampling AFS—Sampling Atomic absorption spectroscopy
20 AFS—Sampling Inductively Coupled Plasma
21 AFS—Sampling
22 AFS—Sampling X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
23 AFS—Sampling
24 AFS—Sampling GC-MS GC-MS
25 AFS—Sampling Field-Portable GC/MS
26 AFS—Sampling “Tolerance range” means the numerical range added to the threshold value indicating the range where detected concentrations above the threshold value are acceptable due to recognised analytical inaccuracy and thus do not compromise the assumption of compliance. Less than 30% tolerance range. Less than 30% tolerance range.
27 AFS—Sampling