Welcome to Review Meeting of Project Director, DRDAs 27 th & 28 th May 2011
REVIEW MEETING OF P.D., DRDAs - 27 TH & 28 TH MAY 2011 TIMEAGENDA ON AM to 2.30 PM Discussion on Socio Economic Survey MGNREGS Review on physical & financial progress up to end of March, Status of submission of Audit Report & UCs. for & Physical progress under BNRGSK. Status of Social Audit. Physical progress under ‘Mo Pokhari’. Finalisation of O.B. Discussion on the problem of migration of labour to other States PM to 3.00 PM LUNCH BREAK 3.00 PM & Onwards RURAL HOUSING Year-wise break up of houses under IAY(Normal), IAY (Naxal) & Mo kudia. IAY Status on block-wise beneficiary entry for the year Up-to-date status on issue of work order for the year Submission of compliance to the objections raised on the funds released during Super Cyclone. Physical & financial progress upto March Status on progress by end of April 2011 IAY (NAXAL) Physical & Financial progress upto March 2011 Status on progress by end of April, MO KUDIA Physical & Financial progress upto March 2011 Status on issue of work order by end of April, BRGF Submission of approved District Plan Uploading of District Plan in Plan Plus. Uploading of physical works from till date in the website. Submission of Audit Report & UCs GGY Review on physical and financial achievements up to March Status on works up to April Contd..
REVIEW MEETING OF P.D., DRDAs - 27 TH & 28 TH MAY, 2011 AGENDA FOR TimeAgendaParticipants AM to 2.30 PM C.C. Road Progress of works under upto March Status of works by end of April Cluster House Status on completion of Cluster houses by end of April, th FCA & 13 th FCA Submission of UCs under 12 th Finance Commission Award. Action Plan & Progress under 13 th FCA. SFC Status on physical & financial achievements & submission of UCs. RGSY Status of construction of G.P. Ghar & submission of UCs. DLVMC Meeting Status report on District Level Vigilance Monitoring Committee Meeting. All PDs 2.30 PM to 3.00 PM LUNCH BREAK 3.00 PM & OnwardsSGSY / NRLM Review on Rural Haat. Review on RSETI. Review on Skill Development. Issues relating to PRIs and Gram Sanjojak Training. E-Governance Review on PRIYA SOFT. Review on TRIPTI. Assembly Matters Any other matters with permission of the Chair.
Indira Awas Yojana (IAY) Indira Awas Yojana, a flagship porgramme of the MoRD, Government of India under the banner ‘BHARAT NIRMAN” provides financial assistance to the rural BPL households for construction of their dwelling units. The funding pattern is 75:25 between Central Government and State Government Instruction has been issued to prepare two waitlists, one for SC/ST and another for non SC/ST following the principles noted below. Households getting ‘0’ score in housing, out of 2002 survey list will be included in the first category. Uncovered BPL households out of 1997 BPL list not covered so far, but are otherwise eligible may be given second priority. Households getting ‘1’ score in housing, out of 2002 survey list, not included will be included in the third category. Eligible houseless MGNREGS workers. Contd….
Unit cost of each house is Rs.45,000/- w.e.f in Plain Area and Payment to be made in 4 instalments, i.e Rs.5000/-, Rs.15000/-, Rs.15000/- and Rs.10000/-. Govt. of India have enhanced unit cost of assistance from Rs.45,000/- to Rs.48,500/- in respect of focused LWE districts i.e. Deogarh, Gajapati, Malkangiri, Rayagada & Sambalpur w.e.f This has been communicated to the Collector of the concerned districts vide this Department Letter No.30721/PR dated
Suggested mechanism for Cash Management System at DRDA Each DRDA will have only one Nationalised Bank A/c for IAY (N) and IAY (Special Package). State Govt. will identify one / two banks which has branches with core bank solution in all districts and it will enter into tripartite agreement with the banks. List of IAY beneficiaries along with details of their bank A/c will be given to the bank at the time of sanction. Release order by the DRDAs will contain name of the beneficiaries, their A/c number along with the amount that is to be transferred in the beneficiaries A/c. Separate ledger A/c system should be maintained by DRDA for different packages but money should be kept in the same bank A/c. Summary of funds received & disbursed to the beneficiary and closing balance at the end of month will be consolidated and communicated by Central Branch of the Bank to State Govt. & MoRD.
Allocation of Govt. of India for ` Cr. Central release - ` Cr. State release - ` Cr. O.B. as on ` Cr. Other Receipts - ` 1.62 Cr. Total Fund Available - ` Cr. Fund Utilisation - ` Cr.(78%) Work order issued – 1,65,329(89%) houses out of 1,85,451. Total Target for – 3,01,640 ( for of ) Houses Constructed – 1,71,223 (57%) houses of Total target. Achievements made upto March, 2011 under IAY
Percentage of Work Order issued during %
Sl. No. District Houses not sanctioned during Annual Target for Total TargetWork order issued% 1Angul Balangir Balasore Bargarh Bhadrak Boudh Cuttack Deogarh Dhenkanal Gajapati Ganjam Jagatsinghpur Jajpur Jharsuguda Kalahandi Kandhamal Kendrapara Keonjhar Khurda Koraput Malkangiri Mayurbhanj Nawarangpur Nuapada Nayagarh Puri Rayagada Sambalpur Subarnpur Sundergarh ORISSA Work Order issued during upto March 2011
Percentage of Houses Completed under IAY during
Sl. No. Name of the the District Target Total Target Work order issued Houses Completed % of Ach. Carry over Target Annual Target for Houses not sanctioned during Houses under construction 1Angul Balangir Balasore Bargarh Bhadrak Boudh Cuttack Deogarh Dhenkanal Gajapati Ganjam Jagatsinghpur Jajpur Jharsuguda Kalahandi Kandhamal Kendrapara Keonjhar Khurda Koraput Malkangiri Mayurbhanj Nawarangpur Nuapada Nayagarh Puri Rayagada Sambalpur Subarnpur Sundergarh TOTAL Districtwise Houses Completed under IAY during
Percentage of utilisation of TFA under IAY during %
Utilisation of TFA under IAY during Sl NoDistrict Financial (` in Lakh) Total funds availableExpenditure% 1Angul Balangir Balasore Bargarh Bhadrak Boudh Cuttack Deogarh Dhenkanal Gajapati Ganjam Jagatsinghpur Jajpur Jharsuguda Kalahandi Kandhamal Kendrapara Keonjhar Khurda Koraput Malkangiri Mayurbhanj Nawarangpur Nuapada Nayagarh Puri Rayagada Sambalpur Subarnpur Sundergarh TOTAL
INDIRA AWAAS YOJANA ( IAY ) DISTRICT WISE ALLOCATION AND TARGET Sl. No Name of the District Allocation (` in Lakh ) Number of new Houses Targeted CentralStateTotal 1Angul Bolangir Balasore Bargarh Bhadrak Boudh Cuttack Deogarh Dhenkanal Gajapati Ganjam Jagatsinghpur Jajpur Jharsuguda Kalahandi Kandhamal Kendrapara Keonjhar Khurda Koraput Malkangiri Mayurbhanj Nawarangpur Nuapada Nayagarh Puri Rayagada Sambalpur Subarnapur Sundergarh Total
Physical Achievements made during April, 2011 Sl. No.District Houses under construction of Annual Target Total Target Houses sanctioned during the year Houses completed % 1 Angul Balangir Balasore Bargarh Bhadrak Boudh Cuttack Deogarh Dhenkanal Gajapati Ganjam Jagatsinghpur Jajpur Jharsuguda Kalahandi Kandhamal Kendrapara Keonjhar Khurda Koraput Malkangiri Mayurbhanj Nawarangpur Nuapada Nayagarh Puri Rayagada Sambalpur Subarnpur Sundergarh TOTAL
Financial Achievements made during April, 2011 Sl NoDistrict Financial (` in Lakh) TFAExpenditure% 1Angul Balangir Balasore Bargarh Bhadrak Boudh Cuttack Deogarh Dhenkanal Gajapati Ganjam Jagatsinghpur Jajpur Jharsuguda Kalahandi Kandhamal Kendrapara Keonjhar Khurda Koraput Malkangiri Mayurbhanj Nawarangpur Nuapada Nayagarh Puri Rayagada Sambalpur Subarnpur Sundergarh TOTAL
Apart from IAY (N), Government of India have allocated houses under Naxal Package to the districts namely Deogarh, Gajapati, Malkangiri, Rayagada and Sambalpur. Rs crore have been released by Government of India. The matching State Share to the tune of Rs crores have been released. During , 957 houses have been completed out of the total target of 28,236. Rs crore has been utilised. The percentage of expenditure was 12%. During , 17,617 houses have been completed which is 62.39%. Rs crore has been utilized. The percentage of expenditure was 76%. During upto end of March’11, 8800 houses have been completed with an expenditure Rs crore. The percentage of expenditure is 97%. Indira Awas Yojana (IAY)(Naxal)
Progress of IAY (Naxal) upto March, 2011 (since inception) FINANCIAL ACHIEVEMENT Central receipt-` Cr State Matching Share -` Cr Total Funds available -` Cr Funds utilised -` Cr Percentage of utilisation of Funds -99%
Progress of IAY ( Naxal) upto March, 2011 (since inception) PHYSICAL ACHIEVEMENT Target -28,236 Houses Sanctioned- 28,236 Houses Completed-27,374 Houses under Construction -862 Percentage of houses completed -97%
Percentage of utilisation of TFA under IAY (Naxal) upto March, 2011 (since inception) %
Percentage of Houses completed under IAY (Naxal) upto March, 2011 (since inception) %
Physical & Financial achievement made under IAY (Naxal) up to March, 2011 (since inception) Sl. No. District Physical (Houses in No.)Financial (Rs. in lakh) TargetHouses completed %Total Funds Available Expenditure% 1Deogarh Gajapati Malkangiri Rayagad Sambalpur ORISSA
About the Scheme – MO KUDIA State Govt. launched “Mo Kudia” (My House) Scheme from Meet un-mate need of the most vulnerable households who need immediate shelter for dignified existence. Rural households whose name does not find place in the BPL list but are otherwise genuine poor. Amount of assistance is same as that in IAY. The Unit Cost of each Mo Kudia house has been enhanced to Rs.45,000/- from Rs.35,000/- w.e.f The same has been communicated to all Collectors / PD, DRDAs in this Deptt. Letter No dated
Eligibility Criteria – MO KUDIA Poor women in distress, physically challenged (over 40%), mentally challenged, victim of domestic violence, destitute widows, women-headed households, adult orphans of government registered institution, victims of leprosy and AIDs. Poor victims of ethnic and naxal violence. Poor victims of fire or flood. Tribal households whose houses are “fully collapsed” due to elephant menace. Primitive Tribe Groups (PTG) given priority without insisting on title of land.
Progress under MO KUDIA upto March 2011 during FINANCIAL ACHIEVEMENT State Release- ` Cr OB as on ` Cr. Other Receipt- ` 0.02 Cr. Total Funds available - ` Cr Funds utilised - ` Cr Percentage of utilisation -71%
PHYSICAL ACHIEVEMENT Target (including carryover)-40,677 Houses Sanctioned (including carryover)-14,877 Houses Completed-24,291 Houses under Construction -15,331 Percentage of houses completed -60% Progress under MO KUDIA upto March 2011 during
Percentage of work order issued under Mo kudia upto March 2011 %
Work order issued under Mo kudia upto March 2011 Sl. No. District Houses of to be sanctioned Annual Target for Total Target for work order issued Work order issued % 1Angul Balangir Balasore Bargarh Bhadrak Boudh Cuttack Deogarh Dhenkanal Gajapati Ganjam Jagatsinghpur Jajpur Jharsuguda Kalahandi Kandhamal Kendrapara Keonjhar Khurda Koraput Malkangiri Mayurbhanj Nawarangpur Nuapada Nayagarh Puri Rayagada Sambalpur Sunbarnpur Sundergarh TOTAL
Percentage of houses completed under Mo kudia upto March 2011 %
Houses completed under Mo kudia upto March 2011 Sl. No. DistrictTarget Houses Completed % of Ach. Carry over Target Houses of to be sanctioned Annual Target Total Target 1Angul Balangir Balasore Bargarh Bhadrak Boudh Cuttack Deogarh Dhenkanal Gajapati Ganjam Jagatsinghpur Jajpur Jharsuguda Kalahandi Kandhamal Kendrapara Keonjhar Khurda Koraput Malkangiri Mayurbhanj Nawarangpur Nuapada Nayagarh Puri Rayagada Sambalpur Sunbarnpur Sundergarh TOTAL
Percentage of utilisation of TFA under Mo kudia upto March 2011 %
Utilisation of TFA upto March 2011 under Mo kudia Sl. No.DistrictsFinancial (` in Lakh) Total Funds AvailableExpenditure% 1Angul Balangir Balasore Bargarh Bhadrak Boudh Cuttack Deogarh Dhenkanal Gajapati Ganjam Jagatsinghpur Jajpur Jharsuguda Kalahandi Kandhamal Kendrapara Keonjhar Khurda Koraput Malkangiri Mayurbhanj Nawarangpur Nuapada Nayagarh Puri Rayagada Sambalpur Subarnpur Sundergarh ORISSA
Physical Achievements under Mo Kudia during April 2011 Sl. No. District Target Houses Sanctioned during the year Houses Completed % of compl etion Carry over TargetHouses to be sanctioned Target for Total Target 1Angul Balangir Balasore Bargarh Bhadrak Boudh Cuttack Deogarh Dhenkanal Gajapati Ganjam Jagatsinghpur Jajpur Jharsuguda Kalahandi Kandhamal Kendrapara Keonjhar Khurda Koraput Malkangiri Mayurbhanj Nawarangpur Nuapada Nayagarh Puri Rayagada Sambalpur Subarnpur Sundergarh TOTAL
Financial Achievements under Mo Kudia during April 2011 Sl. NoDistrictFinancial (` in Lakh) TFAExpenditure% 1Angul Balangir Balasore Bargarh Bhadrak Boudh Cuttack Deogarh Dhenkanal Gajapati Ganjam Jagatsinghpur Jajpur Jharsuguda Kalahandi Kandhamal Kendrapara Keonjhar Khurda Koraput Malkangiri Mayurbhanj Nawarangpur Nuapada Nayagarh Puri Rayagada Sambalpur Subarnpur Sundergarh TOTAL
ISSUES UNDER BRGF SCHEME (DEVELOPMENT GRANT) FOR THE PD, DRDAs MEETING ON Sl. No. IssuesRemarks 1 Submission of approved District Plan i)BRGF Annual District Plan of all the 19 BRGF Districts have been duly approved in the HPC held on and recommended to the Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India. ii)Nabarangpur District has not yet submitted the approved DPC proceedings. 2 Uploading of District Plan in PlanPlus i)Only Nabarangpur District has not yet uploaded District Plan in PlanPlus. ii)Mayurbhanj, Dhenkanal and Sambalpur Districts only have uploaded District Plan in PlanPlus. 3 Uploading of physical works form till date in the website No information is available yet. 4 Submission of Audit Report & Ucs All the BRGF Districts have furnished Audit Report and UCs (till ) and the same have been sent to GOI. 5Any other Issues i)As per report of GOI, some districts show low expenditure as per UCs and accordingly the Districts have to incur more expenditure to become eligible for 1st instalment of ii)Some discrepancies in UCs and Audit Reports have been pointed out by GOI in respect of 12 BRGF Districts while examining the Action Plan for release of 1st instalment of and those discrepancies need to be rectified soon. iii)Completion of incomplete projects of to
Detailed Expenditure, UC status under BRGF Development Grant as per GOI pattern ( ` in Crore ) Sl. No. Name of the Districts Revised entitleme nt Total receipt of Grant till (upto ) Expenditure upto UC furnsihed till % of the revised entitlement Balance funds available as per UC Balance funds available as per Exp. Exp. During April, (4-6)9 (4-5) 1Balangir Boudh Deogarh Dhenkanal Gajapati Ganjam Jharsuguda Kalahandi Kandhamal Keonjhar Koraput Malkangiri Mayurbhanj Nabarangpur Nuapada Raygada Sambalpur Subarnapur Sundargarh Total: N.B. :- `61.20 Cr. has been released to the BRGF Districts during
DISCREPANCIES POINTED OUT BY GOI BEFORE RELEASE OF 1ST INSTALMENT OF Sl. No. DistrictsDiscrepancies 123 1Balangir District has so far received `57.42 Cr. as BRGF Development Grant against which DRDA incurred expenditure to the tune of `42.12 Cr. (73.35%) as per UCs and the unspent balance is `15.30 Cr. (` `42.12) which is more than 90% of annual entitlement of `16.41 Cr. i.e. `14.77 Cr. Process Checklist for alongwith revised financial Checklist matching with the expenditure reported in the Ucs are to be furnished. 2Boudh Poor expenditure upto while claiming 2 nd instalment of and this expenditure is too low to be eligible for getting 1 st instalment of Deogarh Revised Financial yearwise UCs for all the years since inception are to be submitted. Auditor’s Checklist and ATR for Audit Report of is to be furnished. UCs indicate delay in transfer of funds from State Govt. to IEs and whether penal interest has been paid by the State Govt. to IEs need to be clarified. Financial progress reports do not match with the UCs and Audit Reports which needs rectification. 4Gajapati Auditor’s Checklist and ATR for Audit Report of & duly authenticated by the Auditor concerned need to be furnished. Revised UCs and Physical & Financial Progress Report matching with Audit Reports for the year & need to be furnished. UCs indicate delay in transfer of funds from State Govt. to IEs and whether penal interest has been paid by the State Govt. to IEs need to be clarified. Satisfactory UC for the amount shown in the expenditure statement for for an amount of `10.29 Cr. matching with physical and financial progress report and Audit Report of same financial year need to be furnished. Revised UCs mentioning accrual date of transfer of funds, period of utilization and matching with the physical and financial progress report and Audit reports may also be furnished.
DISCREPANCIES POINTED OUT BY GOI BEFORE RELEASE OF 1ST INSTALMENT OF Sl. No. DistrictsDiscrepancies 123 5Kalahandi District has so far received `49.57 Cr. as BRGF Development Grant against which DRDA incurred expenditure to the tune of `31.57 Cr. as per UCs. Further, the total amount available with your District while claiming 1 st instalment is `18.00 Crore (` `31.57) which is more than 90% of your annual entitlement of `16.98 Cr. i.e. `15.28 Cr. Revised financial yearwise UCs matching with the Audit Reports are to be furnished. 6Keonjhar Received `70.40 Cr. as BRGF Development Grant against which DRDA incurred expenditure to the tune of `50.53 Cr. as per UCs. Further, the total amount available with the District while claiming 1 st instalment is `19.87 Crore (` `50.53) which is more than 90% of your revised annual entitlement of `20.97 Cr. i.e. `18.87 Cr. 7Malkangiri UCs for the year and are not financial yearwise, revised UCs need to be furnished. Specific date of transfer of funds for the year is not reported in the UC. UC showing an expenditure of `9.99 Cr. for the year may be furnished matching with the physical and financial report and concerned Audit Report. Audit Report for is not as per Checklist and the same may be furnished alongwith ATR, duly authenticated by the concerned Auditor 8Nabarangpur Approved DPC proceedings under BRGF in respect of Annual District Plan, has not yet been furnished to the Ministry or else, 1 st instalment of BRGF Development Grant for the year could not be released.
DISCREPANCIES POINTED OUT BY GOI BEFORE RELEASE OF 1ST INSTALMENT OF Sl. No. DistrictsDiscrepancies 123 8Nabarangpur Approved DPC proceedings under BRGF in respect of Annual District Plan, has not yet been furnished to the Ministry or else, 1 st instalment of BRGF Development Grant for the year could not be released. 9Nuapada The balance fund available as on of the District is `2.70 Cr.; the District has received `18.94 Cr. during ; the total available fund now is `21.64 Cr. and DRDA incurred expenditure to the tune of `10.48 Cr. which is below 70% till Raygada Balance fund available as on of the District is `10.02 Cr.; the District has received `15.37 Cr. during ; the total available fund now is `25.39 Cr. and DRDA incurred expenditure to the tune of `14.69 Cr. which is below 70% till Sundargarh Revised Financial yearwise UCs for the years and need to be furnished. Physical and Financial Progress Report of & do not match with the UCs and Audit Reports of the same financial year.
COMPLETION STATUS OF PROJECTS UNDER BRGF DEVELOPMENT GRANT FOR THE YEARS TO IN 19 BRGF DISTRICTS OF THE STATE Sl. No. District Total Taken up Comp leted Balanc e Taken up Comp leted Balan ce Taken up Compl eted Balan ce Taken up Compl eted Balan ce Taken up Comp leted Balanc e Bolangir Boudh Deogarh Dhenkanal Gajapati Ganjam Jharsuguda Kalahandi Kandhamal Keonjhar Koraput Malkangiri Mayurbhanj Nabarangpur Nuapada Rayagada Sambalpur Subarnapur Sundargarh Total:
STATEMENT SHOWING UPDATED UC POSITION UNDER BRGF DEVELOPMENT GRANT ( `. in Crore ) Sl. No. Name of the District Entitlement/ Revised Entitlement Total funds received so far UCs submittedBalance UC to be submitted For For For For Bolangir Boudh12.94/ Deogarh12.52/ Dhenkanal15.42/ Gajapati13.94/ Ganjam22.85/ Jharsuguda12.58/ Kalahandi Kandhamal16.89/ Keonjhar19.13/ Koraput Malkangiri Mayurbhanj22.04/ Nabarangpur Nuapada Rayagada Sambalpur16.66/ Subarnapur Sundergarh20.69/ Total: / NB:- 1. ` Cr. has been released to the BRGF Districts ( Balangir, Boudh, Kandhamal, Nabarangpur, Nuapada & Rayagada during Full UCs for the years , & have already been submitted to MoPR, GOI, New Delhi.
DISTRICTWISE RECEIPT OF BRGF FUNDS AND EXPENDITURE INCURRED TILL IN ODISHA ( `. in Crore ) Sl. No. Name of the District Entitlemen t Funds receivedExpenditure incurred Plan Year Plan Year Plan Year Plan Year Plan Year Total ( For Plan & 07-08) (For Plan 06-07, & ) (For Plan 07-08, & 09-10) (For Plan 07-08, , &10-11) Total% Development Grant: 1Balangir Boudh Deogarh Dhenkanal Gajapati Ganjam Jharsuguda Kalahandi Kandhamal Keonjhar Koraput Malkangiri Mayurbhanj Nabarangpur Nuapada Rayagada Sambalpur Subarnapur Sundargarh Grand Total: N.B. :- `61.20 Cr. has been released to the BRGF Districts during
About the Scheme - GGY Gopabandhu Gramina Yojana (GGY) is being implemented from the Financial Year 2006 – 07 and will continue up to the end of 11 th plan period i.e. up to 2011 – 12 in 11 non - BRGF Districts. The name of the Districts are Angul, Balasore, Bargarh, Bhadrak, Cuttack, Jajpur, Jagatsinghpur, Kendrapara, Khurda, Nayagarh and Puri. Objectives The main objectives of the scheme is to provide additional development funds to these 11 districts to provide infrastructure for - 1.Bijli – (Electrification) -Installation of street lights within the village for which the maintenance is to be borne by the concerned GP. 2.Sadak – (Roads) – Construction of concrete roads within the village, construction of Black tapped / concrete roads to connect a village with the nearest PMGSY or ODR Road. 3.Pani – (Water Supply) – Provision of drinking water supply and creation of irrigation sources can be made through this scheme.
Progress under GGY upto March, 2011 FINANCIAL ACHIEVEMENT State Release-` Cr Other Receipt-` 0.12 Cr. OB as on ` Cr. Total Funds Availabale-` Cr. Funds utilised -` Cr Percentage of utilisation -66% PHYSICAL ACHIEVEMENT No. of works Taken up No. of works Completed Percentage of achievement -77%
Percentage of utilisation of TFA under GGY during
Percentage of Physical Achievements under GGY during %
Financial & Physical achievements made under GGY during upto March 2011 Sl. No. DRDAs Financial (` in lakh)Physical (in Nos.) Total fund available Expenditur e %Works Taken up Works Complete d % 1Angul Balasore Bargarh Bhadrak Cuttack Jagatsinghpur Jajpur Kendrapara Khurda Nayagarh Puri Funds received uinder administrative cost TOTAL
Financial & Physical Achievements made under GGY during April 2011 Sl. No. DistrictFinancial (` in Lakh)Physical (No. of works) Total Funds Available Expenditure%Taken upComplete d % 1Angul Balasore Bargarh Bhadrak Cuttack Jagatsinghpur Jajpur Kendrapara Khurda Nayagarh Puri Funds received under administrative cost Total