Proposed NWL LETB Governance Care Pathway 1 Care Pathway 2 Care Pathway 3 NWL LETB Board Stakeholder Advisory Group Professional Groups Health Education England All parties are members of – and informed by – Imperial AHSP/N Other London LETBs Governance of shared services The LETB’s guiding document is its 5-year plan for delivering an appropriately skilled workforce. It will update its plan annually. The governance shown above is designed to ensure the plan is aligned with commissioner, pathway, employer and profession plans. NWL LETB Audit/ Overarching Assurance Committee
NWL LETB Board Purpose: To plan and commission education to ensure a highly skilled and appropriate healthcare workforce to deliver the best possible patient care. Selection Criteria for Membership: Skills and experience Requirements of Board composition: two-thirds of votes with providers of NHS services; primary care (GPs) and HEI should be represented Chair: Lay Chair appointed by HEE Membership (13 members, 7 from NHS providers) 1 Lay Chair 1 Independent Non-executive Vice Chair (not employed by NHS/HEI) Executive Directors: 1 Managing Director 1 Head of Finance 1 Director of Multi Professional Education and Quality Non-Executive Directors 1 Provider HR Director 1 Director of AHSP 1 NWL CCG Chair 1 NWL GP trainer who is on LMC 1 current acute provider CEO 1 current community/mental health CEO 1 Nurse Director 1 HEI Senior Medicine Faculty Member NWL Stakeholder Advisory Council Purpose: To confirm plans are aligned with the local health economy (including employers’ intentions) and the best information available is being used to make decisions Selection Criteria for Membership: Representative Chair: NWL LETB Chair Membership (c 30 members): Employers of staff delivering NHS services The representatives of individual employers (e.g. dentists, pharmacists, and GPs) LMC representatives HEIs Chairs of the professional groups Local Authority Health & Wellbeing Board Members Social care Public Health representatives Patient representatives Private sector partners Voluntary sector organisations National Commissioning Board CCG Chairs Trainee representatives (post-graduate trainee doctor, newly qualified nurse, newly qualified therapist) South London and North Central & East LETBs Thames Valley LETB Skills Funding Agency/ National Apprenticeship Service Care Pathway Groups Purpose: To ensure education & training (including role definitions) are supporting and driving improvements in patient care Selection Criteria for Membership: Insight into pathway Chair for Pathway Group: CCG Lead Membership: Organisations and professions currently involved in delivery of the pathway, and those that the LETB executives believe may bring further innovation. Potential Pathways for recommendation to AHSP/N and CCGs: frail/elderly care, children and young people, long term conditions, acute/emergency, maternity Professional Groups Purpose: To inform the deliberations of the care pathway groups and LETB executives; and to have on-going engagement with their relevant professional/regulatory bodies. Selection Criteria for Membership: Recognised leading members of the professions and members of regulatory and professional bodies Chair: Each professional group to select their own Chair Membership: Members of that profession