Why Should We Study The Bible? Survey of Literature Jones College Prep Mr. Grossman
What is the Bible O Torah: O The Jewish term for the First Five Books of the Bible (scholarly term – the Pentateuch) O Tanakh – Hebrew term for Old Testament (Torah, Prophets, Writings) O Old Testament – shared by Jews and Christians O New Testament – Jesus and his disciples
Is it legal to read the Bible in school? O No, if the purpose is to promote religious belief in Judaism or Christianity O Yes, if the purpose is to explore a literary, historical, and cultural text O An objective approach O Accepted by the US Supreme Court
Why should we study the Bible? O Historical Force O Influence on US history, culture and society O Cultural Capital O Extensive allusions in literature, music, film, art, television O Anthropological understanding O Foundation of three world religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam)
Why should we study the Bible? O Philosophical reflection O Raises and encourages contemplation of essential questions of human existence O Bible as literature – O Literary craft O Influence on countless authors, including Shakespeare, Dante, Milton, Melville, Lincoln, Obama, Faulkner, T.S. Elliot, and more
What makes the Bible literature? O Name derives from Greek “ta biblia,” meaning “the books” O Analogous to an anthology, not a single story O A collection of writings, including O Narratives, poems, letters, epics, biographies, visions, prophecies, legal codes, and more O Ability to learn about writing and language from studying the Bible O All-time best-seller
What literary devices appear in the Bible? O Symbolic word choices O Symbolic names, often explained O Parallelism and Repetition O Repeated phrases and grammatical structures O Easier to remember O Figures of Speech O Similes, metaphors, imagery, personification, irony, exaggeration
Why study the Bible in a mythology unit? O Presence of supernatural, divinity O Unites societies, provides identities through stories that represent shared ancestral heritage O Universal, timeless lessons O Code of moral conduct and pattern of beliefs O Presence of archetypes O Flood, Hero’s struggle, opposing children, underworld, good vs. evil