Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings DAY 1 Session 3 Role of Library Associations: Slides
Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings At the end of this session participants should be able to: Define the role of a library association. Define key elements of a strong, successful library association. Explain the role of a library association within its social and political context. Understand the difference between national, regional associations and federations Identify other countries with a similar issue, for collaboration/partnership purposes. Outcomes for participants
Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings Comprises groups of people with a common set of values or professional interests. Is generally not-for-profit and seeks to further the interests of the profession it represents and the public interest or community served by that profession. Membership of an association can be based on attainment of a prescribed qualification, but not always. What is a professional association?
Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings Global, cross-sectoral associations National cross-sectoral associations; or associations of associations. Local or regional library associations which have a geographic constituency. Associations can also exist to represent a particular interest, library sector or subject area, for example: Associations with membership of a specific professional grouping or type of library. Associations that focus on a specific subject area, such as medicine, law or conservation, which might be national or international Many of these act as federations – a coalition of self-governed associations with shared interests and goals. Types of library associations
Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings Most library associations have goals and missions around the following 4 broad areas: 1. Standards of practice for the key areas of professional work 2. Services to members in support of their professional practice 3. Advocacy for the profession 4. Relationship management between the association and its communities (staff, professionals, institutions, friends etc.) and external strategic partners such as government agencies and fundraisers What is the role of library associations?
Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings Provides expert opinion on issues of information access, provision and management. Safeguards civil rights and intellectual freedom. Develops codes of ethics or codes of conduct. Contributes to the protection of privacy. Advocates for balanced intellectual property and copyright reform. Develops policy, advice, and professional standards. Activities/benefits/priorities of a library association
Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings Facilitates access to information for all. Preserves the cultural heritage of your country/region. Contributes to library & info. research and publication. Provides professional education and lifelong learning for the sector. Markets and promotes the sector to the wider community. Activities/benefits/priorities of a library association
Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings Library associations are playing an increasingly important role: as umbrella/coordinating bodies in area of policy and issue development such as open access to information; in facilitating collaboration and partnerships and in providing leadership in a changing information society. Contextual factors impacting on associations
Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings See handout. This can be referred to and used as a point of reference throughout the convening. See if you can add to the list of success factors as the convening progresses and use it when setting the priority area(s) for your proposal. What makes a library association strong and successful?
Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings Five pre-selected representatives from participating associations will address the whole group. (Maximum of 8 minutes per presentation!). Presenters will share resources relevant to their topic and raise pertinent social, cultural, technological, political and/or environmental issues that have been considered by their association. Association and Regional Presentations
Building Strong Library Associations | Regional Convenings Participants from different associations will form small groups. Choose one of the presentations you have just heard and brainstorm how library associations and other relevant organisations from different countries could have been involved. Consider: Is this an issue that your association could get involved in? If so, how? (e.g., by replicating the action in my own country? by giving advice to the association?) What could be the benefits of working together across borders? Small group work on how to work across borders