Public High School Graduates Orange County (Fall 2008) 9,328 students graduated with a standard diploma or GED; 2,707 enrolled at Valencia (29%) and 662 enrolled at UCF (7%)
Public High School Graduates Osceola County (Fall 2008) 2,689 students graduated with a standard high school diploma or GED. Of these, 753 (28%) enrolled at Valencia; 80 (3%) enrolled at UCF.
Source of Orange and Osceola data: High School Feedback Report 2008, Valencia Office of Institutional Research A survey of Florida high school graduates in indicated that: 28.5% intended to attend a Florida public community college, 25.9% intended to attend a Florida public university, 28% reported no postsecondary plans. (Source: FL Dept. of Education Data Report D) Valencia “FTIC” (First Time In College) who have no previous college enrollment, and graduated the previous academic year. Valencia “Previous Year Grad,” includes those who took dual enrollment in high school and are not First Time in College. UCF FTIC = At UCF and First Time in College