figurative language with Harry Potter
Daniel Radcliffe has brown hair, green eyes, and a nice smile. OR Daniel has thick, shaggy, brown hair. His eyes are as green as emeralds. He looks like he could be your best friend.
He looks scared. OR He looks likes he has seen a ghost.
This witch has a big black hat. She looks very serious. OR With a crooked black hat upon her head, this witch glares down at you like a tiger about to pounce. This woman is a volcano of fury about to explode.
This woman is wearing a pink outfit, and she looks mean. OR This woman looks like a big pink evil cream puff.
She is running away from a monster. OR She is running like the wind from the fiery monster attempting to engulf her with flames from hell.
Voldemort is bald and ugly. Voldemort looks like a snake. / He is a snake. His bald head looks like the moon shining at midnight. His nose is as flat as a pancake. His eyes are bulging out of his head.
What is a metaphor? What is a simile? a way of describing something by comparing it to something else that has similar qualities, without using the words “like” or “as” What is a simile? an expression that describes something by comparing it with something else, using the words “as” or “like”
When do you use a metaphor and when a simile? There are no rules. You decide on whether to use a metaphor or a simile depending on what you want to say.
Using figurative language Write one sentence with a metaphor or simile about the person you are writing about in your descriptive paragraph. Read it to the class.