Office of Special Education UPDATES MAASE April 17, 2013
WHAT’s NEW? Publications D/HH Lending Library Building Skills for Success in the Fast-Paced Classroom: Optimizing Achievement for Students with Hearing Loss Check out books -LIO’s Professional Library at:
WHAT’s NEW? Office of Great Start (OGS/ECE&FS) Individualized Family Service Plan (ISFP) model State form was released on March 21 st Located on MDE website The new prototype is an eIFSP form works with the iPad
WHAT’s COMING? Medicaid Implementer Meeting May 21, :00-3:00 P.M. Ingham ISD
WHAT’s COMING? Monitoring Results transmittals Completed by June 15th Probe questions available - CIMS website Focus Monitoring (B-5 & GSM) April 29-May 17 B-13 data collection Due June 30
WHAT’s COMING? Monitoring CIMS Workbook became available April 15 th includes an updated strand report Workbook reports acknowledged by May 15 th CAPs due June 1 st
WHAT’s COMING? Finance OSE will be sending communications related to the following: IDEA requirements to provide funding for new or expanding charter schools for the school year. IDEA Flowthrough process for funding the EAA Early-On allocations for are posted on the MDE website. The 5 percent allocation reduction is due to sequestration.
WHAT’s COMING? Data Collection OSE is preparing for Clarification Week for the SPP/APR Public Reporting – 2 week district preview in mid-May Website goes live May 29 on MI School Data Portal ECSE – Indicator B-7 is available in April 15 CIMS Workbook
WHAT’s COMING? Data Collection ECSE B-7 data will be available in the April 15 workbook ECSE Results Transmittals for Indicator B7 are due for LEAs who did not meet all 6 of the state targets. Data collection for ECSE Preschool Childhood Outcomes is ongoing. 9
DID YOU KNOW? Camp Tuhsmeheta…Camp T Touch-Smell-Hear-Taste Outdoor education center near Greenville, Michigan Children can have positive sensory experiences in the outdoors Camp T is open for school groups year round Call MDE Low Incidence Outreach for more information
DID YOU KNOW? Early Childhood Special Education Multiple guidance items can be found on the EOT&TA’s website A webinar - Understanding Early Childhood Special Education Outcome Data can be found at: CIMS B-13 Data Collection Webinar has been archived at: 11
UPCOMING LEARING OPPORTUNITIES CIMS Webinar April 18 th at 10:30 a.m. for local districts at: Educational Interpreter Performance Assessment (EIPA) MDE-LIO offers 12 testing sites for interpreter candidates between April and September Registration and site information at:
S UPCOMING LEARING OPPORTUNITIES Woodcock-Johnson III Training For Psychologists and Teachers of the Visually Impaired August 22-23, 2013 Washtenaw ISD Registration: National Alliance for Medicaid in Education, (NAME) October 8-11, 2013 in Grand Rapids at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel If interested in doing a breakout presentation contact Jane Reagan at 13
UPCOMING LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES Early Childhood Special Education: Online training on Preschool Childhood Outcomes is still available Child Outcomes 0-5 Training Copper Country ISD (spaces still available) Understanding Early Childhood Special Education Child Outcomes Data training Delta-Schoolcraft ISD (spaces still available) 14
UPCOMING LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES Office of the Great Start Early On staff will provide training on upcoming application for funds and other information. Dates for training on Early Training and Technical Assistance website:
HOT TOPIC Incorrect student data will not be used for Federal reporting. Review your reports within MSDS to be sure ALL students served are counted! ASL Language Milestone for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children 0-4 MDE-LIO now has resources for parents and teachers for language development Contact MDE-LIO for more information at (888)
UPDATES & REMINDERS Maintenance of Effort Analyses for fiscal year have been mailed! Analysis is for each ISD, LEA, PSA who receive federal IDEA Part B 611 and Part B 619 funds Medicaid Report all staff changes to Jane Reagan
UPDATES & REMINDERS MI-SER Eight new documents have been placed on the MI-SER (Special Education Reference) The link to the MI-SER can be found at:
UPDATES & REMINDERS MI-SER Office of Civil Rights – Dear Colleague Letter – Athletics ( ) Compliance – IDEA Definition of Education Record Compliance – FERPA Related Questions Compliance – Parental Rights Pertaining to FERPA (1st Letter 2006) Compliance – Parental Rights Pertaining to FERPA (2nd Letter 2008) Compliance – Personal Filing Guidelines under FERPA Significant Disproportionality – CEIS Guidance on IDEA Part B Reporting Significant Disproportionality – National and Other State Resources
From The Director’s Desk
Data Portraits The vendor is finishing “rework” to fix the bugs identified during testing The vendor’s quality assurance team is in the process of validating these fixes CEPI and MDE/OSE will have access beginning the Monday, April 15, 2013 “Assuming” that all bugs have been fixed… The Data Portraits will be available to users the evening of Tuesday, April 16, 2013
From The Director’s Desk CIMS Process Currently there are three different processes for monitoring a district: Self-Review Desk Audit On-site Monitoring Self-Review processes have been about procedures (resulting in noncompliance) This has caused some inconsistencies and misunderstanding regarding noncompliance
From The Director’s Desk State ASD Plan Subcommittees Work groups are being formed to create guidance around the implementation It is critical that special education have a voice in how the State ASD Plan will be implemented visit ,00.htmlhttp:// ,00.html Click on the “Autism Council State Plan Subcommittee Form” for information about joining Deadline is April 19, 2013 at 5:00 PM Contact Joanne Winkelman at for more information
From The Director’s Desk State Complaint decisions Posted on the CEN website at: Three new documents have also been posted OSE Problem Solving timeline (state complaint investigation timeline) Comparison of Special Education Problem Solving Approaches (comparison of the special education problem solving approaches) Special Education Problem Solving Process (replaces the document “Resolving Special Education Disputes)
From The Director’s Desk Proposed changes to the SPP/APR Link to the Federal Register notice for Part B 15/pdf/ pdf 15/pdf/ pdf Link to the Federal Register notice for Part C 15/pdf/ pdf 15/pdf/ pdf
From The Director’s Desk Comments on Part B Due June 14th D=ED-2013-ICCD-0047
From The Director’s Desk The Happenings at MDE Realignment of MDE Current process to replace Educational Services Deputy Superintendent Sally Vaughn Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Accountability Services Joseph Martineau, Deputy Superintendent
From The Director’s Desk The Michigan Association for Educational Rehabilitation honors: Collette Bauman Lifetime Achievement Award
Early Years are Learning Years…Make Them Count! In 1971 the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) first established the Week of the Young Child™ recognizing that the early childhood years (birth through age 8) laid the foundation for children's success in school and later life. In Michigan we celebrate April as the Month of the Young Child, a time to plan how we—as citizens of a community, of a state, and of a nation—will better meet the needs of all young children and their families.
Early Years are Learning Years…Make Them Count! The growing recognition of the importance of this time period is seen in the State Board of Education’s inclusion of early childhood in its priorities, the Governor’s creation of the Office of Great Start and his recommendation to increase funding to the Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) for 2013/14. We are making progress but there is still much to do to help everyone understand that the early years are learning years and that much of what can be done to close the achievement gap begins at birth.
Early Years are Learning Years…Make Them Count! Week 3 April Cognitive Development Brain development research affirms what parents and teachers have known for years: 1) good prenatal care 2) warm and loving attachments between young children and adults, and 3) positive stimulation from the time of birth make a difference in children’s development for a lifetime. Early experiences contribute significantly to the structure of the brain. The quality, quantity and consistency of stimulation determine how the brain connects and functions; this is true for cognitive and emotional development, and the effect is lifelong.
Early Years are Learning Years…Make Them Count! Week 3 April Cognitive Development 95% of information received comes to us through vision, touch and hearing. Positive feelings trigger the release of endorphins, which enhance the functioning of brain connections. The brain needs to be properly hydrated in order to be alert; only water provides proper hydration. Check with your physician for appropriate water intake for children under two. Offer information to young children in small doses and increase the amount as they show understanding.