KILLESTER COLLEGE VCE/VCAL/VET PATHWAYS 2011 and beyond Pathway Planning 2011 and beyond
The Post Compulsory Team Teresa McIntosh - Coordinator Vicki Alexellis – Careers Counsellor Ingrid Kemp – Year 10 Coordinator Margherita Loschiavo – Year 11 Coordinator Mary Dow –Year 12 Coordinator Mary McDonnell – Curriculum Coordinator Pathway Planning 2011 and beyond
AIM To broaden your daughter’s pathways through the making of informed choices This involves : A process of consultation and conversation with significant others Research into pathway options Realistic assessment of strengths Recognition of what your daughter likes and wants Pathway Planning 2011 and beyond
What are you going to do after you complete your Year 12 studies? Have you researched prerequisite requirements for entry into University courses? What other alternatives have you looked at for completing your goals and aspirations for the future? How have you chosen your subjects for next year? university college workplace Pathway Planning 2011 and beyond
Does further study increase my chances of getting a job? There is plenty of evidence to suggest the level of education you attain has a significant effect on your chance of getting a job. The May 2009 ABS Education and Work survey shows that workers who have either university or vocational education and training qualifications have lower unemployment rates than workers who do not hold post school qualifications. The unemployment rate for workers who finished school with Year 10 as their highest qualification was 10.4% Year 12 as their highest qualification was 7.1% Certificate III/IV qualifications as their highest qualification was 4.3% A Bachelor degree as their highest qualification was 3.4%
Pathway Planning 2011 and beyond Projected Employment Growth to The top ten occupations expected to provide the largest number of new jobs are: Registered Nurses Accountants Aged and Disabled Carers Sales Assistants, General Child Carers Retail Managers Nursing support and Personal Care Workers Accounting Clerks Electricians Waiters
Career opportunities for mathematics accountant actuary computer programmer doctor engineer investment manager lawyer government research and laboratories theoretical mathematician mathematician numerical analyst statistician teacher market researcher systems analyst banking government space/aircraft industry Pathway Planning 2011 and beyond
Science offers great careers Nurses Doctors Anesthesiologists Biologists Chemists Forensic Scientists Psychologists Psychiatrists Engineers Academic Administrators Criminologists Computer Programmers Lawyers Teachers Pathway Planning 2011 and beyond
What can I do with a Business degree? Accounting Advertising Business Communications Construction Management Ecommerce Entrepreneurship Finance Financial Management Financial Planning Forensic Accounting Hospitality Management Human Resources Industrial Management International Business Labor Relations Leadership Management Marketing Nonprofit Management Project Management Public Administration Restaurant Management Supply Chain Management Taxation Pathway Planning 2011 and beyond
Where will my Arts degree take me? Pathway Planning 2011 and beyond generic intellectual skills Communication and media industries Government and community International careers Performing and creative arts industries analysis critical thinking research teamwork written and oral communication information retrieval journalism, television, advertising, public relations (government, corporate, community), multimedia, publishing, freelance editing, and web design public service, defence and security industries, local government, community development, criminal justice agencies, social welfare, non- governmental agencies; diplomacy, defence, intelligence, immigration, international development, international aid agencies, NGOs with regional and global links; professional and creative writing, dance, contemporary performance theatre, live theatre and television, arts administration, film and video making, freelance photography, animation, independent production.
Pathway Planning 2011 and beyond Top 10 Careers with a Psychology Degree There are many career options to choose from after getting a psychology degree. There are many new trends in the psychology field and many new jobs that people can obtain with the training and skills acquired in this type of educational program. The following are the top 10 careers on the rise right now and feasible to attain with a psychology degree: Career Counselor Clinical Psychologist Counselor Engineering Psychologist Forensic Psychologist Genetics Counselor Industrial-Organizational Psychologist School Psychologist Special Education Teacher Sports Psychologist
Pathway Planning Have you checked the VTAC Guide? Have you checked the Courses through the University Websites? Have you made a list of all the institutions who deliver the course you are interested in? Have you selected subjects that you have an interest in and are good at? What does your report state? Are your subject choices broad enough in case you change your mind in Year 11 or Year 12? Pathway Planning 2011 and beyond
KEY TERMS VCE: Victorian Certificate of Education VCAL: Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning VETis: Vocational Education and Training in schools VCAA: Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority VTAC: Victorian Tertiary Admission Centre ATAR: Australian Tertiary Admission Ranking ( used to be called ENTER) TAFE: Technical and Further education Pathway Planning 2011 and beyond
POST COMPULSORY SCHOOLING School is no longer compulsory School will no longer choose the subjects your daughter will study Studies standard across the state regardless of school, as prescribed by the VCAA Pathway Planning 2011 and beyond
KILLESTER’S PATHWAYS VCE VCAL Victorian Certificate of Education Recognised Year 12 qualification 2 year course Leads to University, TAFE, employment Victorian Certificate of Applied learning Recognised Year 12 qualification 2 year course Leads to TAFE, employment Gradually gaining recognition with some universities Pathway Planning 2011 and beyond
STRUCTURE VCE VCAL Year 11 Semester One Unit 1 Semester Two Unit 2 Year 12 Semester One Unit 3 Semester Two Unit 4 Year 11 Intermediate Certificate Year 12 Senior Certificate Pathway Planning 2011 and beyond
STRUCTURE VCE VCAL Girls complete studies More traditional approach Year 11: assessment is school based Results are S or N Year 12: assessment is part school based and part exams Girls obtain an ATAR score Girls work in 4 strands Hands on, applied learning, project based Industry related skills Personal development Work related skills Literacy and Numeracy Assessed as being competent Pathway Planning 2011 and beyond
VETis Usually 2 year course A subject in which girls can gain a certificate Contributes to the final VCE or VCAL certificate Involves travelling, one day out of school per week, additional costs We offer two VET’s at Killester: Applied Fashion Design and Technology Hospitality Pathway Planning 2011 and beyond
VETis VCE VCAL VET is optional VET is compulsory Pathway Planning 2011 and beyond
ENTRY POINTS VCE VCAL End of Year 10 Can change subjects at various points VETis End of year 10 End of Year 10 End of Semester One in Year 11 Pathway Planning 2011 and beyond
Key issues when choosing a course of study Parents (and Students ) should consider the following: What does your daughter enjoy studying? What subjects is she good at? What career is she interested in pursuing? What are the tertiary course pre-requisites she needs? Pathway Planning 2011 and beyond
Be flexible Your daughter should be flexible when selecting her VCE subjects: She is probably uncertain about her career at this stage and her focus can change Results can dictate OR necessitate change down the track A single minded career pathway is not advisable Pathway Planning 2011 and beyond
MORE OPTIONS Apprenticeships Traineeships School based apprenticeships Modified/extended VCE programs TAFE These would be discussed with you and your daughter on a needs basis. Pathway Planning 2011 and beyond
Subject selection Enrolments are completed via the Killester website Enrolments open this Thursday 29 July and close Thursday 5 August Converse with your daughter about her choices and encourage her to gather information Listen to her and assist her You should see her subjects before she sends her enrolment to the school computer Pathway Planning 2011 and beyond
Thank you for attending our VCE VCAL VET Information Evening Pathway Planning 2011 and beyond