Jan Radil, Josef Vojtěch, Miloslav Hůla Open Transmission and Switching Systems (CL Family)
14 May th CEF Networks Workshop, Praha, Czech Republic 2 Authors participate on: CESNET research program ( GN3 project ( ), Phosphorus project ( Presented content do not necessarily reflect an official opinion of any institution or project. Open Transmission and Switching Systems (CL Family)
14 May th CEF Networks Workshop, Praha, Czech Republic 3 Open Transmission and Switching Systems (CL Family) Outline Introduction What was presented on the last CEF workshop in Concepts Used - Open Photonic Devices Deployment of New Devices What kind of devices is needed and requested? Conclusions
14 May th CEF Networks Workshop, Praha, Czech Republic 4 Open Transmission and Switching Systems (CL Family) Introduction The physical layer is important for us Not repeating all arguments and pros&cons of optical/photonic devices vs electronic devices Back in 2007 (4th CEF) we introduced Optical amplifiers (EDFA, Raman, TDM-pumped Ramans) Tuneable compensators of chromatic dispersion Optical crossconnects or switches (with or without multicast) Wavelength convertors and 2R regenerators New open photonic devices named CzechLight Family Important question – which devices are requested? New solutions like advanced modulation formats for 40G and tuneable 10G and 40G transceivers affect possible network designs
14 May th CEF Networks Workshop, Praha, Czech Republic 5 First Open Photonic devices deployed in CESNET2 in 2004 (CLA – EDFA) Now manufactured by companies/vendors under license of CESNET Building blocks of Open WDM systems EDFAs (terminal, inline applications, CATV, …): Already deployed (CESNET2, EF) Raman amplifiers (amplification in long NIL) CW pumped TDM pumped Tunable CD compensators (long NIL, 40G): Already deployed (CESNET2, EF) TFBG, GTE*, VIPA* based Used extensively with 40G Advanced Modulation Formats for GN2 JRA4 Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexers (ROADMs) Variable Mux/Demuxes (VMUX) Wavelength selective switches (WSS) * Optical channel monitors (OCM) * in experimental regime, working samples Open Transmission and Switching Systems (CL Family) Family of Open Photonics Devices I
14 May th CEF Networks Workshop, Praha, Czech Republic 6 Advanced devices Photonic fibre switches: Already deployed (CESNET2, EF) 8x8, 16x16 (4x4 possible but ‚too small‘) mechanical (MEMS, broadband – O, C, L bands and sometimes visible light) or non mechanical (PLC – typical C band) with or without power monitoring Photonic fibre switches with multicast option: Already deployed (CESNET2, EF, StarLight) 4x4, 8x8*, 2x16, 16x16* mechanical (MEMS, broadband) or non mechanical (PLC) with or without power monitoring All optical wavelength converters * SOA MZI based HNLF based * in experimental regime, working samples Open Transmission and Switching Systems (CL Family) Family of Open Photonics Devices II
14 May th CEF Networks Workshop, Praha, Czech Republic 7 Concepts used for building of networks: Operational National Research and Educational Network (NREN) - CESNET2 Experimental Facility (EF) – CzechLight, part of Global Lambda Integrated Facility (GLIF), see Dark Fibre (DF) + Customer Empowered Fibre (CEF) Networks Nothing in Line Approach (NIL) Cross Border Fibres (CBF) Family of Open Photonic Devices – CzechLight Family Open Transmission and Switching Systems (CL Family) Concepts used for networks
14 May th CEF Networks Workshop, Praha, Czech Republic 8 Family of open photonic devices (CL family) enabling early adoption of advanced and new photonic technologies. Research and experimentation on dark fibre level, fast testing and prototyping, support of experimental applications requested by users or field experiments on dark fibre lines. Proved to be useful for CESNET2, CESNET EF, CBF lighting, GLIF applications development, remote monitoring and control, low latency and deterministic multicast. Freedom of design, ability to meet user needs, easy to modify if change necessary, lower cost, saving energy and space. ‚Openness‘ can: solve interoperability issues of the physical layer, decrease expenses and reduce delivery time. One example - equalizing power levels between two DWDM systems during GLIF 2007 demos. Open Transmission and Switching Systems (CL Family) Advantages of these concepts
14 May th CEF Networks Workshop, Praha, Czech Republic 9 UCSD Calit2 PNWGP CW 6506 GLIF Mog HD RX 7609 CW 6506 HD RXHD TX CW e1200 HD RX StarLight CzechLight Brno C6506 Praha E300 CAVEwave (2155) C-Wave (2155) C-Wave (2155) (440)(441) CESNET (trunk 440,441) (2155) EVL e600 CESNET CLM (441) I1 O1 O2 O3 O4 (445) (2155) IP: MAC: 10:10:10:10:10:10 IP: MAC: 10:10:10:10:10:10 IP: MAC: 10:10:10:10:10:10 ‚TX only‘ RX only Tx Rx 6/2 6/66/106/14 GLIF 2008 CLM Demonstration in Cinegrid demos Combination of 10G international lambdas, DWDM Open and ‚big‘ vendor transmission systems Open Transmission and Switching Systems (CL Family)
14 May th CEF Networks Workshop, Praha, Czech Republic 10 Last mile protection during underground building works Two geographically disjointed last miles in Praha PoP Praha CLS 16x16 (IL = 2 dB, MEMS) Last miles meeting point – two Y splitters 50/50 Open Transmission and Switching Systems (CL Family) CLS in the protection application CLS 16x16 OADM DWDM PoP Praha Last miles meeting point PoP Ústi n. Labem
14 May th CEF Networks Workshop, Praha, Czech Republic 11 We can observe not all open photonic devices have been deployed Perhaps cost savings on energy consumption, housing space etc. is not so critical (yet)? Bandwidth hungry applications are not so widespread (yet)? But some of such devices can offer very useful features Photonic multicast for video transmission (HD, 4k, 8k or even superior?) For high speeds (10G, 40G or even 100G) CLM used in StarLight, Chicago, without problems Open photonic systems Can enable early adoption of the new photonic technology in the production Enable and support experimental applications requested by users or field experiments on dark fibres Cooperation with FTTx vendors and operators Open Transmission and Switching Systems (CL Family) Conclusions I
14 May th CEF Networks Workshop, Praha, Czech Republic 12 So what equipment have been deployed? CLA (EDFA) CLM CLS CLC (especially for 40G GN2 JRA4 tests but tested in CESNET2 and EF) CLx can be managed remotely, SW upgrades done remotely too. CLM and CLS devices include web-based GUI and SW time scheduler. CLx are manufactured and can be purchased - the vendor is a global company. Not black boxes manufactured in a garage. Support, guarantee. Open Transmission and Switching Systems (CL Family) Conclusions II
14 May th CEF Networks Workshop, Praha, Czech Republic 13 CESNET is ready to support pilot deployments of open photonic devices from CL Family. Designs and concepts. Theory or paper works. CESNET can provide details of already deployed projects. Practical aspects and hands-on experience. The vendor for other works. Installation, maintenance. Open Transmission and Switching Systems (CL Family) Conclusions III
14 May th CEF Networks Workshop, Praha, Czech Republic 14 [1] Vojtěch, J. „CzechLight and CzechLight Amplifiers “, In: 17th TF-NGN Zurich, [2] Petr Holub, Josef Vojtěch, Jan Radil, et. al., „Pure Optical (Photonic) Multicast“, GLIF 2007 Demo, Praha, [3] Jan Radil, Stanislav Šíma, „ Customized Approaches to Fibre-based E2E Services“, TERENA 1st E2E Workshop, Amsterdam, [4] Stanislav Šíma, et. al., „ LTTx: Lightpaths to the application, From GOLEs to dispersed end users “, GLIF 2008 Workshop, Seattle, [5] Josef Vojtěch, Jan Radil, „Transparent all optical switching devices in CESNET“, 25th APAN meeting, Honolulu, [6] Josef Vojtěch, Stanislav Šíma, Jan Radil, Lada Altmannová, „Dark Fibre Facilities for Research and Experimentation“, 5th TRIDENTCOM, Washington, Open Transmission and Switching Systems (CL Family) References
14 May th CEF Networks Workshop, Praha, Czech Republic 15 Lada Altmanová, Jan Gruntorád, Miroslav Karásek, Michal Krsek, Martin Míchal, Jan Nejman, Václav Novák, Stanislav Šíma Open Transmission and Switching Systems (CL Family) Acknowledgement
14 May th CEF Networks Workshop, Praha, Czech Republic 16 Open Transmission and Switching Systems (CL Family) INTEROP 2009 demonstration with CLM Source ‚TX side‘ 4 laser diodes CzechLight Multicast Switch I1 I2 I3 I4 O1 O2 O3 O4 Camera ‚RX side‘ Management Time scheduling
14 May th CEF Networks Workshop, Praha, Czech Republic 17 Open Transmission and Switching Systems (CL Family) Thank you for your attention.