Workshop contents Introduction QCF qualifications QCF units Data and qual info sources Funding formula reminder LR and ER unit funding Non-listed unit funding ILR credit fields ILR proportion field FLT Progression Pathways Latest news Introduction “The QCF: a new framework for recognising and accrediting qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The framework is at the heart of a major reform of the vocational qualifications system designed to make the whole system simpler to understand and use and more inclusive. The intention is to make both the system and the qualifications offered far more relevant to the needs of employers and more flexible and accessible for learners.” QCA, 04/06/09
QCF Qualifications Level 1-12 credits Award credits Cert 37+ credits Diploma E Edexcel WorkSkills – L2 L’ AimTitleCredits Diploma Cert Award3 Example Qual Credits are generally a reference to duration of study, with 1 credit being associated with 10 guided learning hours The relationship between credit and hours is less clear in workplace delivery
Qualification Units Credits E.g. WorkSkills Award requires 3 credits, which could be delivered as two units (one worth 1 credit and the other worth 2 credits) Units Units must be able to be individually assessed Other things to note The Rules of Combination (RoC) specify the credits that need to be achieved (via units) for the qualification Credit Accumulation and Transfer (CAT) made possible Specified number of credits from lower levels can contribute to higher levels Credits can only be award through completion of the whole unit
Data and info sources The LAD NDAQ NDAQ Qual details (that are not in the LAD) Summary of purpose Progression suggestions Potential job occupations Credits from other levels Assessment methods Any extra requirements Any exemptions Performance measures Rules of combination All these details for all the related units
Funding formula Standard Learner Numbers (SLN) X National Funding Rate (NFR) Provider Factor (PF) Additional Learning Support (ALS) Funding X + = The learner-responsive funding formula introduced in 08/09 is applied to QCF qualifications and units in the normal fashion Example funding for an QCF Award in WorkSkills 25 SLN GLH / 450 = SLN X £2,920 NFR PF £0 ALS £182 X + = Example for a QCF unit 30 glh in A32 / 450 = SLN X £2,920 NFR PF £0 ALS £219 X + =
Adult LR Unit Trials “test whether unit funding can incentivise the completion of full quals” “limited to QCF units and to test Credit Success Rate” “Trial restricted to specific sectors and units” 444 eligible units are on LSC website spreadsheet All 444 have their own learning aim with listed SLNs Train to Gain units Funding for QCF units/thin qualifications (list of 138) Train to Gain formula (ER) Standard Learner Numbers (SLN) X National Funding Rate Programme weighting Area Cost Uplift Funding X x = Concurrent unit and non-unit delivery not permitted Employer-Responsive funding operates a little differently Fifteen providers had used one or more of these units as at 01/02/09 – live from 01/01/09 Nine providers (4%) by 31/03/09
Not listed-units Whilst in theory these codes replaced the ZUNA* NQF unit learning aims, they can only be used for units of quals on the QCF and are not eligible for adult (19+) starts on or after 1 st Jan ’09. Only those trial units listed on the LAD are eligible from January 2009 onwards E.g. Award in WorkSkills unit learning aim: ZUQA214A Unit of QCF qual Level Sector Subject Area Programme Weighting There are generic learning aims for QCF units not listed on the LAD, as outlined in Annex H of the ILR Spec These codes can be used for year olds via Learner- responsive funding, but it remains unclear whether long-term the LSC would want to support this For ZUQA* learning aims the SLN GLH (funding) is based on provider glh (ILR field A32)
ILR Credit Fields A59 = Planned Credit Value A60 = Credits achieved “Together these two fields will form the basis of a future (post 08/09) Credit Success Rate” Two new fields introduced in 2008/09 for QCF quals and units “Planned Credit, is completed at the start and cannot be amended” “Credits achieved should only be completed at the end” Examples: Learner achieves 3 credit Award in Workskills: A59 = 003 A60 = 003 Learner enrols with 1 credit and the achieves remaining 2 credits in Award in WorkSkills: A59 = 002 A60 = 002 Learner on 15 credit pathway changes to 13 credit pathway and achieves: A59 = 015 A60 = 013
ILR Proportion field A51a = Proportion of funding remaining Examples: Introduced in 08/09 as two digits and if full funding then = 00 Changed for 09/10 to three digits and if full funding then = 100 It is vital to use this field where prior learning, credit transfer or exemption would otherwise lead to double funding. “value in A51a should be calculated using remaining planned credit divided by total credit value of qualification” Learner enrols on a 30 credit certificate but is exempt from 5 credits 25 / 30 = ‘083’ in the A51a If more than 50% of the credits have been achieved by recognition of prior learning (RPL) then these credits should discounted by 50% So if a learner did a 30 credit qualification with 20 credits via RPL the A51a would be: (20 / 2) ‘067’ =
FLT Progression pathways ILR nightmare?: Programme aim and learning aims: A04 = 35 or 30 A09 = ZPROG001 or learning aim A15 = Pathway (11, 12, 13 or 14) A26 = Framework code from LAD A34 & A35 for both A59 and A60 = for learning aim Foundation Learning Tier is all below level 2 (excl. SfL) 1.Skilled work or apprentice 2.First full level 2 in QCF 3.Independent living 4.Foundation diploma or GCSE There are four FLT pathways Progression Pathway Catalogue determines the qualification framework (strict criteria) Entry to Employment The plan is to replace E2E with Progression Pathways for 2010/11 – so weekly funding will become listed rates……
Latest news When a replacement QCF qual is created – the NQF one will be switched off. Final list of ineligible NQF qualifications for 09/10 shortly Interim (until 31 st August 2010) definitions of ‘fullness’: Level 2 (13+ credits…ish) Level 3 (25 – 70 credits…ish) Sector Skills Councils (SSCs), Standard Setting Bodies (SSBs) and Sector Bodies (SBs) will actually identify and confirm what is and what is not full
And finally…. Oh, and the unofficial funding guide is proving popular with a wide range of FE staff This presentation and other resources are available online Complete and leave your card for access
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